
In the coldest winter, Huang Bo Jia Ling led the stars "Embrace You Through the Cold Winter"

author:China Jilin Net

Directed by Xue Xiaolu, starring Huang Bo and Jia Ling, starring Zhu Yilong, Xu Fan, Gao Yalin, Wu Yanshu, Xu Shaoxiong, Zhou Dongyu special friendship, Liu Haoran, Qiao Xin, Wang Yinan friendship starring "Embracing You Through the Cold Winter" will be released on December 24. On November 9, the film released the "Warm New Year's Eve" version of the trailer, with poetic and warm shots, focusing on the real and natural life of ordinary Wuhan citizens, supplemented by a warm background, telling them about their life full of true feelings under the epidemic.

The "Warm New Year's Eve" trailer copy is split and interpreted with delicate and affectionate brushstrokes: comparing "through" with "the peers of the fog and the city, the back seat has your scenery, the breath on the other end of the phone", and interprets "cold winter" as "the wind that cannot be prevented, the people who cannot return home, the snow in the heart, the agreement of love without hesitation". "Even if you don't see, even if you are separated, even if you wave goodbye, even if you walk alone", you must "embrace you through the cold winter", and sublimate the simple action of "hugging" into a firm commitment to walking side by side, a sincere and sincere affection, so that netizens directly call "nest heart" and "touched".

A simple sentence of words, a scene of the most simple life of ordinary people at that time, all reflect the "romantic philosophy" and "true feelings on earth" of the little people, and the temperature reaches the depths of the soul. A cry of "Someone didn't, come out and quarrel" on the balcony of the community immediately pulled the audience back to the time when the city was locked down in the cold winter of that year. Courier brother Ah Yong (Huang Bo) has a concerned family, but chooses to bid farewell to his relatives and transport passengers and supplies as a volunteer, "don't talk about money at this time" highlights the sincerity and chivalry of ordinary people; Takeaway rider Wu Ge (Jia Ling) at the overcrowded train station window, trying to inquire about the possibility of his stranded daughter returning to her hometown; Travel agency owner Liu Yalan (Xu Fan) has suffered a serious business, and a quarrel broke out with her husband Li Hongyu (Gao Yalin) at home... When the whole city is shut down and the haze is shrouded, love and thoughts are more eager than ever, and ordinary people turn themselves into each other's most solid dependence: Wu Ge uses his mobile phone to cheer each other up with piano teacher Ye Ziyang (Zhu Yilong), pass on thoughts, and stage "romance without meeting"; The restaurant owner Pei Ye (Xu Shaoxiong) can't face to face to tell his thoughts about retired doctor Xie Yongqin (Wu Yanshu), so he swears with a ring downstairs, making a touching agreement that "as soon as the epidemic is over, we will get married"; Intern nurse Xia Xiao (Zhou Dongyu) has a face full of mask marks, but still happily puts lipstick on herself and Wu Ge, and meets the challenge together with the most beautiful posture; Young couple Zhang Zhe (played by Liu Haoran) and Jun Jun (played by Qiao Xin) take their children to look at the scenery, full of hope for new life. The new year is approaching, ordinary people have crossed the suffering together, personally interpreted the true feelings of the world, and now they are still hand in hand to embrace the future.

"Embracing You Through the Cold Winter" leads everyone to relive the strength and kindness of the enthusiastic citizens in the cold winter with a vivid and three-dimensional image of a small character. Lead actor Zhu Yilong was particularly impressed by a news at that time: "I remember that everyone in the community could not meet at that time, so they went to the balcony and began to sing and encourage each other", this warmth of ordinary people supporting each other and encouraging each other has moved him to this day. The lead actor Liu Haoran recalled his life during the epidemic and was also very emotional: "I stayed at home with my family for two full months, and my friends and I worked together to find masks and donate money from all over the world to help as much as possible." The people in the film are the true portrayal of countless simple ordinary people in that winter, they gave each other the "warmest hug" with true feelings, in today's ups and downs of the epidemic, this movie brings "warmth" and strength, I believe that the Chinese people will unite again, through the haze of winter, embrace the brilliant tomorrow.

At the end of the trailer, Ah Yong extends his arms to his lover and children from a distance, giving them a deep hug and conveying his thoughts and love. Just like the title, the movie "Embracing You Through the Cold Winter" is full of warmth, healing and touching from the focus theme to the story content, and this is also a heart that all the creators want to convey to the public: I hope that through such a work, the warmest human true feelings will be transmitted, the chill of this winter will be dispelled, and everyone can give the people who want to see the most a warm hug at the end of the year, bid farewell to the fatigue and hardship of the year, and thank each other for their support and companionship. At the same time, I also harvested the touch and strength in the film, and greeted the new 2022 with love and warmth.

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