
Introduction of representative figures of traditional Chinese paintings in previous dynasties: Li Gonglin, a painter of the Northern Song Dynasty

author:Chen Feng was kind
Introduction of representative figures of traditional Chinese paintings in previous dynasties: Li Gonglin, a painter of the Northern Song Dynasty

The term Chinese painting originated in the Han Dynasty and mainly refers to scroll paintings painted on silk, rice paper, and draperies. Traditional Chinese painting is a traditional form of Chinese painting, which is painted on silk or paper with a brush dipped in water, ink and color. Tools and materials include brushes, ink, Chinese painting pigments, rice paper, silk, etc., the subject matter can be divided into characters, landscapes, flowers and birds, etc., and the techniques can be divided into figurative and freehand. Then the following xiaobian will bring you a detailed introduction of the representative figures of traditional Chinese paintings in previous dynasties, let's take a look at it!

  Li Gonglin (1049-1106), a famous painter of the Northern Song Dynasty. When the word Bo shi, the number of dragon sleep dwellers. He grew up in Longmian Mountain, Tongcheng County, a native of Shuzhou (present-day Tongcheng). Shenzong Xining entered the army for three years, joined the army in The Chronicle of Sizhou, and was recommended by Lu Tenant to be the governor of Zhongshu Menxia Province and the Imperial History Inspection Law. Because there is a dragon sleep mountain in Tongcheng, Li Gonglin once lived at the bottom of the mountain for a long time, so he also called himself a dragon sleep resident or a long sleep mountain person. Shenzong Xining entered the army for three years, joined the army in The Chronicle of Sizhou, and was recommended by Lu Tenant to be the governor of Zhongshu Menxia Province and the Imperial History Inspection Law.

  Good ancient and erudite, good at poetry, good at identifying ancient artifacts. Especially famous for his paintings, all the figures, shidao, kurama, landscapes, flowers and birds, all of them are exquisite, and Shi Tui is "the first person in Song painting". Li Gonglin returned to Longmian Mountain Villa because of the wind paralysis, and composed his own "Mountain Villa Map", which is a treasure in the world. His surviving works include "Five Horse Diagrams", "Statues of Vimal Residents", "Free Drawings" and so on.


  Li Gonglin (1049-1106), courtesy name Boshi, was a native of Shuzhou (present-day Tongcheng). Born into a famous family, the family has a lot of ancient artifacts and famous paintings, has a lot of knowledge since childhood, good ancient goodness, many strange characters, since the Xia Shang Zhong Ding Zun Yi can be tested to determine the world, distinguish the knowledge. Longer than poetry, the line of writing has a Jin style. He was close friends with Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Mi Fu, and Huang Tingjian, and was a guest of the seat of Wang Jie.

  In the third year of Xi Ning (1070), he was appointed as a deleted official in Zhongshu Menxia Province, and later became a posthumous official. Ju jingshi did not visit the door of the magnates for ten years, and took pleasure in visiting the shady forest of the famous garden. Yuan Fu died of illness in the third year (1100) and told the old man that he lived in the Dragon Sleep Mountain and was called the Dragon Sleep Resident. Throughout his life, he has worked hard and painted countless paintings, such as figures, historical facts, interpretations, scholars, landscapes, kurama horses, animals, flowers and birds, and is omnipotent and exquisite.

  The characters and Taoist interpretations are deeply interested in Wu Daozi's will, and the pen is like a cloud flowing water, the shape is correct, and the demeanor is flying; The scenery and water are beautiful, and the biography of Wang Wei is positive; Coloring landscapes to chase Li Sixun heart method; Draw horses over Han Gan. It can gather the strengths of all the families, get its great achievements, teach the law naturally, boldly innovate, become a family of its own, and be respected by future generations as the first big stroke and the hundred generations of masters. His surviving works include the volume "Five Horse Diagrams", which is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei; The volume of "Linwei YanMu And herding map" and the "Wei Mo Yan Teaching Map" are hidden in the Palace Museum; "Chibi Tu" and "Shuchuan Sheng Overview Map" flowed to the United States; The scroll of the Lotus Society (Facsimile of the Southern Song Dynasty) is in the Nanjing Museum.

  Li Gonglin was an influential celebrity during the Northern Song Dynasty, and his white painting was the first in the world. The seventh volume of the Xuanhe Pictorial Notation praises his work: "(Longmian) Yougong figures can distinguish their appearances, so that people can see that they are the Gallery Temple, the Pavilion, the Mountain Forest, the Grass Field, the Lu Yan, the Zang Di, the Zhan you, and the Soap Li." As for the attitude of action, the pitching and pitching, the size of good and evil, and the difference between the talent of the husband, the east, the west, the south, and the north, the dignity and the lowliness, and the saltiness, it is not the same as the worldly painters. Noble and ugly to fat red skinny black points. About Gonglin takes the intention as the first, the arrangement of the edge decoration as the second, its dyeing is exquisite, the layman may be learnable, and the rate is slightly simple, but it is not close in the end. ”

  Su Dongpo said that "his gods intersect with all things, wisdom and all kinds of work" At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Sun Chengze commented on Li Gonglin: "Since the dragon's sleep, there has been no match, and I am afraid that in the past life, Gu (Kaizhi) and Lu (Tanwei) have not reached it." And Deng Chun said in his "Painting Succession": "Wu Daoxuan painted only one person in ancient times, so as to give it a view, bo shi is out, and Daoxuan (Wu Daozi) is alone." Therefore, Li Gonglin's "white paintings that sweep away the powder, light ink, and elegant and super-elegant are called "the world's best art" by posterity."

  In Chinese painting techniques, line drawing is one of the most distinctive techniques, and the white drawing method of purely using lines and thick ink colors to depict physical objects can be said to be the highest and purest stage of the development of line drawing techniques. And Li Gonglin is on the cusp of this artistic wave, he made the white painting technique a model for posterity to learn to paint, "like the head of the dragon" has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.

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