
Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

author:Detaven Film and Television Observation

In the first half of the year, two domestic dramas with very different themes asked the same question, and the hangzhuang immigrants in the opening chapter of "Mountains and Seas" complained about the difficult immigration conditions, "What is the future?" The future is just not coming yet." At the beginning of "8090", when Guo Sanshuang, played by Bai Jingting, sells health care products to the elderly, he shouts "What is the future?" To live is to have a future."

Poverty alleviation and pension, two different themes explore the same theme, living in the present at the same time, people are also moving towards the future, then how should people go to their own future? We have come to the future of building a well-off society in an all-round way in "Mountains and Seas", and the issue of old-age care is the future that needs to be discussed by all sectors of society at present.

However, the pension problem has rarely become the theme of domestic film and television creation, more often, it is only as a story thread interspersed in the creation of multi-line life dramas, showing a corner of life and forming a contradictory side. In such a creative environment, the emergence of "8090" is extremely precious. Recently, we interviewed Zhang Zhuo, Vice President of Great Aim Beijing And Chief Producer of 8090, to try to study this precious sample.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions


"8090": Thinking about the youthful presentation of pension themes

The TV series "8090" is being broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV. It tells the story of two post-90s young people who undertook and rebuilt the "Sunshine Home" nursing home, and a group of 80-year-old people living in the nursing home.

The combination of post-90s and 80-year-old, "little adult" and "old child" role combinations, popular actors and old drama bones, intuitively shows the drama's efforts to package the pension issue more "young", so that the "pension", which is conventionally relatively aging, can embrace the audience of all ages and enter the public.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

Zhang Zhuo, the chief producer, said that in order to make the pension theme accepted by different age groups, especially young audiences, "8090" has made many thoughts and arrangements.

For example, for the post-80s and post-90s audiences, the two young protagonists in the play are played by Bai Jingting and Wu Qian, the two actors have a strong degree of recognition in this generation of young audiences, and the two main actors are post-90s, similar to the age of most young audiences, and the play strengthens the interaction between them and the elderly characters, narrowing the distance between the series and the young audience.

In the broadcast stage, the drama side also linked up with the two artists to carry out a series of young and interesting event planning, such as combining the characteristics of grandparents to do a series of events: grandparents could not hear the start of the broadcast, Bai Jingting Ni Dahong Grandpa Ci Sun Xiao, Bai Jingting hoped not to be called grandson, to create a momentum for the start of the broadcast.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

In the face of the younger generations, post-00s and post-10s who have not yet entered the society, the drama side is also tending to create and publicize ideas, "We will thin the concept of nursing homes into the concept of a hundred-year-old kindergarten, and shape the two post-90s protagonists into this bloody setting that constantly challenges themselves to cultivate themselves and constantly upgrades the customs clearance in the centenarian kindergarten to attract more young audiences." “

For the post-70s, post-60s and post-50s audiences with higher age groups, they are either giving their parents a pension or are about to enter the pension stage, which is a direct stakeholder in the issue of pension. However, they are not the natural audience of tv dramas on the theme of old-age care, TV dramas are used by the audience as cultural consumer goods, and the audience as consumers, their consumption expectations are different. Middle-aged and elderly audiences seeking entertainment and leisure may rarely expect to see the pension problem in the play. In order to break the heaviness of this reality, Zhang Zhuo's team consciously shaped the concept of relaxed and happy old-age care and eliminated the old-age anxiety at this age.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

Facts have proved that such creative ideas and packaging methods are successful, in the public opinion data monitored by DeTaven, "healing", "sunshine", "warmth" and "touching" have become the key words for the audience to evaluate the play, and the creative intention of the main creative team has been perfectly transmitted to the audience, and the audience has also gained a sense of healing and happiness through watching the play.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions


"The production of film and television dramas needs to be considered and close to the laws of the market, but it cannot be completely swayed by the laws of the market."

The characters in the "8090" drama are not perfect but real, sophisticated and pure, even if they experience wind and rain, they also make people believe that they can embrace the sunshine.

For example, When Guo Sanshuang, played by Bai Jingting, appeared as a health product salesman, he used various means to mix into the nursing home for performance, and boasted that protein powder was a miracle medicine that cured all diseases. The career of Ye Xiaomei's comic creation, played by Wu Qian, was frustrated, and under the arrangement of her grandmother, Dean Lin Sufen, she passively participated in the affairs of the nursing home. When the male and female masters of domestic dramas continue to roll inwards and move towards the direction of the tall setting, Guo San Shuang and Ye Xiaomei can only be regarded as small people, or ordinary people with small character characteristics.

The old people in the play also do not have perfect personalities, Ni Dahong's xiaojiujiu who plays Jiangdong with twilight love lives in a nursing home, Wu Mian's work and moral flawless Dean Lin is not allowed to enter the door on the issue of his granddaughter's education, and Shi Changsheng, played by Yang Xinming, loves to be greedy and cheap and even a little paranoid... But when such a group of people gather in the House of Sunshine, a wonderful chemical reaction occurs, the problems of life are solved in the wisdom of everyone, and everyone is getting better.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

"'8090' pursues vivid and real, so the best and most sincere way is to show life itself, ordinary people in ordinary life, then the display of ordinary people's lives is a very important part of it." Zhang Zhuo unlocked the code set by the characters in the play for us, and only by focusing on most of life and paying attention to ordinary people can we truly show life. Not selling anxiety, just settling down to live, and telling the story of a group of ordinary people may be the key to the utopia of the 100-year-old kindergarten of "Sunshine House" becoming the role of the play and the audience of all ages.

Looking at Zhang Zhuo's previous works, you will find that such a creative style can be traced.

Zhang Zhuo's "In the Name of Family", of which Zhang Zhuo is the chief producer, sells in Qingmei Bamboo Horse, and the audience is also touched by the discussion of the relationship with the original family and the pulse of family affection while bumping the sugar;

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

The TV series "Next Stop Happiness" produced by her supervision, the biggest selling point is in love under the year, and the audience who is sucked into the drama by the selling point will find that under the selling point and Su Sense, there is a life precipitation that explores women's issues and family relationships. It can be said that the works of Zhang Zhuo's team have the ability to respond quickly to social issues and creative hotspots, and have a warm and healing life atmosphere.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

Zhang Zhuo analyzed that this creative style of the creative team probably stems from everyone's desire to love and be loved and warm in their hearts. The needs and yearnings of creators and audiences for this sincere feeling are common, which has not changed from ancient times to the present, and it is the utopia of all people.

Behind the ability to respond quickly to social issues, it has experienced a solid creative accumulation.

Zhang Zhuo said that at the beginning of the preparation of "8090", the team conducted a field visit that lasted three years, followed by two years of polishing the script. "Although it seems to the outside world that it only took us less than a year to shoot and broadcast, the actual preparation cycle took 5 years. If we have to say fast, we may have an advantage in production, because we have a lot of very tacit production teams, so from pre-shooting to post-production, everyone performs their duties, orderly, and the efficiency is relatively high.

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

Assuming social responsibility is an important driving force for Zhang Zhuo to choose the theme of old-age care.

The age group of domestic drama audiences, or the audience portraits with content consumption ability, are younger, and the theme of pension does not have natural communication advantages. The rare pension theme dramas in the circle of big IP and sweet pets are the market choices at the current stage of development, and Zhang Zhuo's team has done a good job of packaging pension issues in a young form, but still bears a great creative risk.

"The production of film and television dramas needs to be considered and close to the laws of the market, but it cannot be completely swayed by the laws of the market." Zhang Zhuo believes that "high-quality film and television drama works should still try to assume more functions, such as education and publicity functions." Blindly output only in accordance with market standards, the audience's aesthetic will become more and more single, film and television works and audience aesthetics should educate each other and make progress together. Moreover, China has entered the stage of population aging, which is the national condition, but there are very few film and television works on the market with the theme of the elderly and the elderly. The elderly are an important part of this social population, and they have also contributed light and heat to the national society, so they also need to be cared for. This is also the original intention of the creation of "8090".

Many times, practitioners and audiences may be like the two generations in "8090", which are not perfect, but to give each other a space to get along, to give the film and television industry a pure sunshine home, both sides will grow, and the film and television market will mature.

Back to the opening question, what is the future?

From the perspective of "8090", the future of the film and television industry may be to step out of the comfort zone, assume social responsibility, and constantly explore the future of diversified themes.

Written by: Mu Yao

Editor-in-charge: Su Qin

Interview with Zhang Zhuo, producer of "8090" |: Film and television creation should try to assume more social functions

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