
Li Mengyang was difficult to mengyang

Li Mengyang was difficult to mengyang


Du Shihan mingshi, not Du Shi of Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty

Mencius Wu Shuji, Mengzi of Mengke

Li Mengyang (李孟阳), courtesy name Tianci, was a native of Qingyang (present-day Gansu), who later migrated to Fugou, Henan. During the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty, he was the head of the household department and served as the deputy envoy of Jiangxi Tixue. He and He Jingming and others put forward the slogan of "Wen bi Qin Han, poetry must flourish Tang", advocating a "retro" literary movement, the most famous in the "first seven sons". His poems are deliberately antique, a few are written profoundly and majestically, and the poems can still give status to folk songs, and he has written "Empty Collection".

During the Zhengde period, Li Mengyang was serving as a deputy envoy in Jiangxi, and one day he saw a ragged xiucai with the same name as him, and he was very unhappy, so he made a series of poor talents. Lianyun:

Without thinking, Na Xiucai did not hesitate to say in a loud voice:

Poor Xiu cai exported into pairs, and Li Mengyang secretly admired it.

【Small analysis】

Disgusted with people poor, taboo with the same name, out of the league to make things difficult, intended to punish, mention the deputy envoy Mengyang Lord, it is not too much. The upper link is really tricky enough, the two "Du Shi" directly said, there are 108,000 miles away, one in Han, one in Tang, one is a celebrity, one is a department of works, Ming is talking about the past, dark is talking about the present, look at your Xiucai that shabby look, actually the same as my big name;

Although Xiucai is poor, he has literary talent, blurting into a union, how can I not, two "Mencius" in the union, the same name is not one person, the former is the Song Dynasty scholar Yang Zizhi's wife Wu Shuji, once wrote "Yangchun White Snow", known as Mencius, the latter is the pre-Qin Zouguo Mengke, with Confucius the same name, honored as Mencius, one is a towel, one is a sumei, one is a female lyricist, one is a thinker, there is a world of difference. The name talks about two "Mencius", in fact, you and I are big names, since Wu Shuji can be called together with the famous Confucian everyone Meng Ke, can't you and I be called "Mengyang" together in today's world, the implication is that you are better than Meng Ke, and the deputy envoy of the mention has to be dumb, and Lord Mengyang has no choice but to dispel the idea of punishing poor Xiucai.

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