
The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

author:History of madness

The Sui Dynasty was a relatively short-lived dynasty, and after Yang Jian pacified the world and established a unified dynasty, the entire Jiangshan was soon corrupted by the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, and even Yang Guang himself was killed. The person who dealt Yang Guang a fatal blow was the Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua, who not only murdered Yang Guang but also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death. So, why did Yu Wenhua become Yang Guang's gravedigger? Judging from personal experience, Yu Wenhua and the occupation of heaven and place had the necessary conditions for plotting to kill the Sui Emperor, and he led people to kill Yang Guang, which was just a matter of course.

The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

Yu Wenhua himself was a fierce and sinister man, and his father, Yuwen Shu, served as a great general in the dynasty and had high power and status. Therefore, in the process of growing up, Yu Wenhua often used his father's power to act arbitrarily in Chang'an City. According to the laws of the Sui Dynasty, Yu Wenhua and yu wenhua should be arrested and severely punished, but the officials and servants in charge of this matter did not dare to use the law to restrain him, and could only turn a blind eye. The people of the city also dared to be angry and did not dare to speak out, and ridiculed him as a "light and thin prince". Having said that, the bad comments of the common people did not prevent Yu Wenhua and his promotion.

The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

When he grew up, Yu Wenhua, like the children of other eunuchs, was sent to the imperial palace by his elders to serve as an official. Yu Wenhua was assigned to the court as an escort officer, and often met with Yang Guang and entered and exited his inner palace. The two were themselves a hill of raccoons, and they got along very well, and soon Yu Wenhua became a high-ranking official in the East Palace. Since then, Yu Wenhua has become more wanton and has accepted bribes many times. After someone reported Yu Wenhua and reported it, the imperial court dismissed him from office in accordance with the relevant laws. But his position is like a weed, the spring breeze blows again, and it can be restored after a while.

The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

Therefore, some people believe that the imperial court only followed a set of superficial procedures for Yu Wenhua and dismissed officials, but in fact did not kick him out of the circle of Prince Yang Guang's confidant. This kind of thing happens in any dynasty, and officials who have the ability to gain the appreciation and trust of the highest decision-makers will not be substantively punished even if they make a mistake. For example, during the Qing Dynasty, he was an extremely greedy person, and during his tenure, he tried to find ways to benefit himself, and even the princes and nobles did not pay attention to it. Qianlong should have known about these things, but he only knocked a few times occasionally, and did not kill Hezhen.

The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

After Yang Guang became emperor, he betrothed his eldest daughter, Princess Xu of Nanyang, to Yu Wenhua and his younger brother. As a result, Yu Wenhua and his family became veritable relatives of the emperor and became more arrogant and arrogant. When dealing with other court officials, Yu Wenhua and many times spoke out, not giving others any face at all. Perhaps because he was too favored, Yu culture became more and more inflated, and later when he and Yang Guang went out to Yulin County, he secretly did business with the Turks. This kind of behavior violated the sui dynasty's prohibition, and Yang Guang was extremely angry when he learned of this, and immediately sent someone to arrest Yu Wenhua and sentence him to death.

The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

Because of Princess Nanyang's bitter pleading, Yang Guang reluctantly resisted the killing intention, pardoned Yu Wenhua and his capital crime, and gave it to Yuwen Shu as a slave. Yuwen Shu is Yu Wenhua's father, and he will not deliberately embarrass his own son at all. Therefore, Yang Guang's punishment was only a symbolic command. Having said that, Ke Yu Culture and this is why he hates Yang Guang, and he pretends not to care on the surface, but in fact he has always been hiding evil intentions. In the next few years, the whole of China was in chaos, and there were wars everywhere in the country. In 616 AD, Yu Wenhua waited for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

That year, Yang Guang took a dragon boat to cruise The capital of Jiangdu, but was captured by Li Mi, the leader of Wagang, and there was no way to bring people back to the capital. Yang Guang himself was unwilling to go back, planning to make Danyang the new capital, and then take his subordinates to Jiangdong and become a hedonistic emperor, ignoring the wars in other places. At that time, the people who followed Yang Guang's side were all from Guanzhong in the northwest, and they especially missed their hometown and relatives outside for many years. Everyone saw that Yang Guang was so absurd that he had the idea of rebelling against the emperor and returning to the west. Soon after, Yu Wenhua and his men murdered Yang Guang and also occupied his empress.

The Sui Dynasty traitor Yu Wenhua and the murder of Yang Guang also occupied his empress, leaving a famous saying before his death

Immediately afterward, Yu Wenhua and most of the Sui Dynasty's clans and foreign relatives were eliminated, leaving Yang Guang's nephew Wang Hao of Qin as the new emperor, and then proclaiming himself the Grand Chancellor. At that time, Yu Wenhua and his practices were similar to those of Cao Cao, which was quite a bit of the meaning of blackmailing the Heavenly Son to order the princes. He returned to Guanzhong with hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers. As a result, they suffered several defeats in succession, and their soldiers fled one after another, leaving less than 20,000 people in the end. Yu Wenhua left a famous saying for eternity before his death: "If you die in life, won't you be an emperor for a day?" Regardless of the actual situation, he pretended to establish a Xu state and passed the emperor's addiction before dying.

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