
Hemingway: The reality and cruelty of life is nothing more than that

author:Kairo literature

Before reading Hemingway's quotations, people living in this era should feel the cruelty in real life, especially those who work hard in society, especially those who live at the lowest level, the more they can feel the cruelty in life.

For example, the cruelty at work, many people go home to get married, take a few days off, the company will deduct wages, there is no human touch, even if you have been working in this company for many years, and the boss is very familiar, going home to get married is a happy event, but the company's system should be observed, or observed.

Hemingway: The reality and cruelty of life is nothing more than that

Get married, encounter bad weather, can't return to the company on time, the road is covered with snow, the snow closes the mountain, and you have to delay at home for several days, but the company will not listen to your special situation, only think of it as an excuse. The salary will still be deducted. After a month, the salary is not much, so with such a deduction, sometimes the rent and life can not take care of themselves, but also rely on their parents.

The most cruel thing in reality is that people are ghosts who will come to compete with you, some people even make friends with you on the surface, but behind your back, they hurt you everywhere, and even squeeze you down at all costs.

Lu Xundu once said, "I'd rather fight with the enemy than be plotted against my peers." "Many people who are facing the enemy are not afraid, but they are afraid of the conspiracy of the same people, afraid of being betrayed by their friends, afraid that the people they trust will in turn become more terrible than the enemies.

Hemingway: The reality and cruelty of life is nothing more than that

Speaking of which, if you are not very satisfied with the above answers and analysis, we may wish to read a quote from Hemingway together, which tells the reality and cruelty of life. The text is as follows:

Life is similar to bullfighting. Either you defeat the cow, or the cow kills you. —Hemingway #Hemingway Quotes #

After reading Hemingway's quotes, it can be said that this is really the case in reality, either we defeat the cow or wait to be killed by the cow. If we are afraid of such competition and do not want to compete, our end is to be picked to death by cattle. Many times, we are forced to compete with people we don't want to look at.

Life is full of competition everywhere, every position, there is competitiveness, really is "natural selection, survival of the fittest!" "If you don't know how to work hard, if you don't know how to move forward, you will only be eliminated by the times, eliminated by the team, and become a person who is backward and will be beaten."

Today, I have the honor to read a quote like Hemingway's with you, and we may wish to use this quotation to analyze it, discuss it, and reflect on it.

Some people are born with a house, a car, and money!

And some people are destined to fight for a house for half a lifetime, or a lifetime, as soon as they are born. Many families are generations of people struggling to build a house, which feels cruel to think about. Living, most of the time is spent on the house, and there is no other time to do anything else.

Such a life is how boring and boring, but this is the real life of many people, and I have to admit it. If you don't want to fight for the house, you will be looked down upon and ridiculed. This is the way of the world, and you can only live relatively easily and comfortably if you live regardless of the words and opinions of others.

Hemingway: The reality and cruelty of life is nothing more than that

Once you care, you will live a very hard and tired life for a lifetime, and even many people live to live, and they live to become what others want to see in their eyes, and they live to the way they don't like it. To live, to live well, you need to fight with people everywhere, and if you don't argue, you will be squeezed out and become a loser.

We must become a brave person, in this era, not afraid of competition, dare to shine the sword, in order to survive in the competition, continue to grow themselves, experience themselves. Once you lose your courage and are afraid, you will only live weaker and weaker, be looked down upon, be bullied, and be squeezed. In this era, do not be afraid of temporary failure, because failure is a common thing in life, and only those who absorb experience in failure and can continue to move forward can adapt to such an era. A person who fails once and fails forever is the real failure.

Hemingway: The reality and cruelty of life is nothing more than that

Hemingway: The reality and cruelty of life, there is no better!

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