
Liu Jian's case: Dr. Liu, my daughter's adenoids are fine

author:Uncle Liu Jian

"Thank you, Dr. Liu, my daughter is no longer snoring, nor is she breathing with her mouth open," accompanied by a voice, and the mother of a small child walked into my examination room with a small patient. I asked about the symptoms in detail and the parents said that all the symptoms of the child were gone. Thinking back to the situation two months ago, this anxious mother from Yan'an brought her beloved daughter to the doctor, the local hospital told her that the child can only treat adenoid hypertrophy through surgery, so she came to see Chinese medicine half-heartedly, always asking me repeatedly, in the end, can oral Chinese medicine cure adenoidal hypertrophy? In order to help more parents who are plagued by adenoidal hypertrophy, I will fully present the case of the child here, hoping to help you.

The child Gao Moumou, female, 4 years old and 7 months old, was first diagnosed on June 6, 2018, and the parents complained about "snoring for 1 year", accompanied by open mouth breathing, accompanied by runny nose. Physical examination: pharyngeal hyperemia, bilateral tonsillar II° enlargement, cardiopulmonary and abdominal abnormalities, red tongue, thick tongue, pulse floating number. Weight 17kg.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula: Xuan Ginseng 10g Platycodon 6g Fried Peach Kernel 4g Safflower 4g Angelica 6g Raw Ground Yellow 6g Sichuan Root 6g Red Peony 6g Vinegar Triring 6g Soap Horn Thorn 6g Xu Changqing 10g (Back Down) Stone Calamus 6g Lu lutong 6g Blanching bone crushed Pu 15g GunShanjia 4g (divided into two doses) A total of 18 doses Decoction 200ml per day Orally in two divided doses

Note: Because the child's family lives in Yan'an, 18 doses are prescribed each time, and the child is instructed to stop taking 6 doses for 1 day, and each 18 doses are stopped for 1 week.

On July 11, 2018, the second diagnosis, the child's snoring improved significantly compared with before, occasional cough, open mouth breathing disappeared, physical examination: pharynx slightly hyperemia, bilateral tonsilS I ° swelling, cardiac and lung abdominal abnormalities, light tongue, thin white moss, pulse sinking.

Traditional Chinese medicine formula: Taizi ginseng 10g Poria 10g Fried White Technique 10g Tangerine Peel 10g Qing BanXia 4g Xuan Ginseng 10g Orange Stem 6g Raw Oyster 10g (first fried) Zhejiang Shellfish 10g Soap Horn Thorn 6g Vinegar Triangle 6g Stone Calamus 6g Lulutong 6g Xu Changqing 10g (after the bottom) Gun Shan Jia 4g (divided into two doses) A total of 18 doses Decoction 200ml a day Orally in two doses

Note: Because the child's local nasopharyngeal lateral tablets are not marked with A/N ratio, the A/N ratio is shown in the A/N ratio of 0.85 for this nasopharyngeal lateral tablet examination.

Liu Jian's case: Dr. Liu, my daughter's adenoids are fine

August 16, 2018 Third diagnosis, the child has no snoring, no open mouth breathing, no nasal congestion and runny nose, no cough, physical examination: slightly hyperemia of the pharynx, bilateral tonsils I ° enlargement, cardiopulmonary and abdominal abnormalities, light tongue, thin white moss, pulse sedimentation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula: Taizi Ginseng 8g Poria 8g Stir-fried Baishu 8g Tangerine Peel 8g Qing BanXia 4g Xuan Ginseng 6g Platycodon 4g Raw Oysters 10g (first fried) Zhejiang Shellfish 6g Fried Chicken Inner Gold 6g Vinegar Sanling 4g Stone Calamus 6g Lu Lutong 6g Xu Changqing 10g (after the bottom) Gun Shan Jia 4g (divided into two doses) A total of 18 doses Decoction 200ml a day One dose orally in two divided doses.

Note: Review of nasopharyngeal lateral tablets shows an A/N ratio of 0.7.

Liu Jian's case: Dr. Liu, my daughter's adenoids are fine

The whole treatment of the child is smooth, and if the child is not abnormal, there is no need for follow-up consultation, and the vegetarian food is avoided.

Efficacy is the last word, I currently diagnose and treat more than a thousand cases of adenoidal hypertrophy, the efficacy is outstanding, before and after the comparison of nasopharyngeal lateral tablets for the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine internal administration has left a strong evidence. I also hope that this article can inspire you to explore new ways for pediatric internal medicine to treat pediatric adenoid hypertrophy.

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