
The wizard who was buried by Liu Biao, Cao Cao was even happier to get him than to capture Jingzhou, and eventually used it too much

author:Literary and historical brick family

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The Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty were a super chaotic world, and along with the turmoil and turmoil, there were endless strange people and strangers, who were like shooting stars, drawing dazzling brilliance in the sky of history. Among these strange people and strangers, the number one strategist under Liu Biao of Jingzhou Mu, Who had been greatly praised by Cao Cao, was a typical representative.

The wizard who was buried by Liu Biao, Cao Cao was even happier to get him than to capture Jingzhou, and eventually used it too much

Stills of Kuyue

Ku Yue (蒯越), also spelled Heterodox, was a native of Zhonglu County, Xiangyang County, late Han Dynasty, and a descendant of the late Qin and early Han dynasty debaters. According to the canonical history, Kuyue was tall, mighty, and good at planning ("Yue, after Pu Tong, was also deeply resourceful, and Kui jie had a majestic posture. See "Fu Zi" in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. VI), along with his clan brother Qu Liang and clan brother Qu Qi (Zhuge Liang's brother-in-law), they were all known for their outstanding talents, and were often compared to Zhang Liang's general figures by the Jingzhou scholars.

During the reign of the great general He Jin, the talents of the world were used for his use, and Ku Yue was recruited as The Eastern Cao Tuan because of his strategic talents, and was in charge of the removal of the 2,000 stone chief officials and the management of military officials. It was during this period that Ku Yue became acquainted with Cao Cao, then a lieutenant of the military academy, and became friends because of his like-mindedness. After seeing that the contradiction between He Jin and the eunuch clique was becoming increasingly fierce, Ku Yue and his colleagues Yuan Shao, Chen Lin and others persuaded him to act early and get rid of all the eunuchs, but the latter hesitated and could not make up his mind.

The wizard who was buried by Liu Biao, Cao Cao was even happier to get him than to capture Jingzhou, and eventually used it too much

He Jin did not listen to Ku Yue's advice, and as a result, he committed suicide

Seeing that He Jin was an indecisive man, He Yue concluded that he was by no means a man of great achievements and would be eliminated by the eunuchs sooner or later. Therefore, with the psychology of avoiding disasters and surviving, Ku Yue asked himself to leave the imperial court and was transferred to Ruyang as a county commander. Sure enough, not long after Ku Yue left Luoyang, the eunuch leader Zhang Rang killed He Jin, while Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu brothers raised troops to kill the eunuchs, resulting in chaos in luoyang, and as a result, the Liangzhou warlord Dong Zhuo sat on the "fisherman's profit".

Moreover, after Dong Zhuo took power, all kinds of perverse acts caused indignation inside and outside the government and the public. In the first year of Chuping (190), the governors of the Kwantung prefectures formed the Alliance of Dong Dong, and publicly promoted Yuan Shao, who was then the Taishou of Bohai, as the leader of the alliance, and marched to Luoyang in three ways. Soon, Wang Rui, the assassin of Jingzhou, was attacked by Sun Jian because he refused to join the alliance, and was forced to commit suicide by swallowing jin after being defeated. After Wang Rui's death, Dong Zhuo, in order to control Jingzhou, recommended Liu Biao, who was from the Northern Army, to be the assassin.

The wizard who was buried by Liu Biao, Cao Cao was even happier to get him than to capture Jingzhou, and eventually used it too much

National thief Dong Zhuo

At the beginning of Liu Biao's tenure as an assassin, he was faced with an extremely severe situation. First of all, the great warlord Yuan Shutun trooped in Luyang and firmly controlled Nanyang County, while Haoqiang Sudai, Bei Yu and others supported the army in various places and did not obey Liu Biao's orders at all; secondly, Liu Biaokong had the title of Assassin History, but there was not a single soldier under him, so that on the way to office, he had to hide his name and sneak into the small city of Yicheng on a single horse to take office (the prefecture was in Xiangyang, but it was occupied by the Haoqiang army), which showed his embarrassment.

Fortunately, Liu Biao performed very well in the "scourge of the party" of that year, so his personal image was very good, his reputation was very high, and he was even supported by the Jingzhou scholars, plus he knew how to attract talents, so he soon recruited the famous scholars Qu Liang, Ku Yue, Cai Mao and others to his subordinates, and worked with them to plan and formulate a plan to pacify Jingzhou. Among them, especially Ku Yue's credit is the greatest.

The wizard who was buried by Liu Biao, Cao Cao was even happier to get him than to capture Jingzhou, and eventually used it too much

Jingzhou Mu Liu table

Originally, Liu Biao was most worried about the strong thief of Jingzhou, and the people were unwilling to be attached, and it was difficult to collect enough soldiers and horses to quell the chaos. In this regard, Ku Yue believed that a strategy of "divide and rule" should be adopted, eliminating the disobedient sect thief forces, attracting the forces that could be used, and then holding Jiangling in the south and Xiangyang in the north, so that the eight counties of Jingzhou could be smoothly pacified and resisted Yuan Shu's attack.

Vernacular Zizhi Tongjian [a full set of 10 books] ¥208 to buy

Liu Biao followed the plan, sent people to booby-trap 55 Zong thieves and attack their troops, and then sent Ku Yue and Pang Ji into Xiangyang, successfully recruiting the Jiangxia thieves Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng who were guarding the city. After that, the county guards and county governors were afraid of Liu Biao's prestige and submitted to him one after another. As a result, Liu Biao, with the help of Ku Yue, smoothly controlled the 7 counties of Jingzhou except Nanyang County. In order to repay Qu Yue, Liu Biao appointed him as the Taishou of Zhangling and the Marquis of Fanting (for details, see the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. VI" with a note on "Strategy").

The wizard who was buried by Liu Biao, Cao Cao was even happier to get him than to capture Jingzhou, and eventually used it too much

Map of the division of the group at the end of the Han Dynasty

Liu Biao was a prince with no great ambitions, and he was suspicious and suspicious by nature, coupled with the favor of his wife Cai Shi in his later years, which led to the phenomenon of the Cai family's power sitting on the throne and bullying heroes, which caused the resentment of Ku Yue and others. As Cao Cao continued to annex zhongyuan Qunxiong and grow in power, Ku Yue and others secretly became "pro-Cao factions", hoping that Cao Cao would rule Jingzhou in the future. Therefore, as soon as Liu Biao died, Ku Yue and others persuaded Liu Qi to surrender to Cao Cao, so that the latter could occupy Jingzhou without bloodshed, and it was in Jian'an for thirteen years (208).

The wizard who was buried by Liu Biao, Cao Cao was even happier to get him than to capture Jingzhou, and eventually used it too much

Cao Cao admired Ku Yue but did not reuse him

After Cao Cao captured Jingzhou, he greatly praised Ku Yue's practices and worshipped him as Guanglu Xun (光禄勋), ranked among the Nine Qings. Afterwards, Cao Cao said in a letter to the great army master Xun Yu: "I don't like Jingzhou, but I am happy to have a different ear." (See Fu Zi in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. VI), which shows the high status of KuYue in his mind. However, Ku Yue was only ostensibly revered by Cao Cao, but in fact had no real power, and was not further reused since then, as if he had been "idle". In the nineteenth year of Jian'an (214), Ku Yue died of illness and his life expectancy is unknown.

Historical sources: "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Zizhi Tongjian".

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