
Who is Jesus?

author:Wang Jianghuo

This article will be from the perspective of advanced cognitive methods, through facts and logical reasoning, to restore a realistic version of Jesus.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus (c. 4 BC – c. 30 AD) was born in Bethlehem. The year of Jesus' birth is disputed, and there are different accounts of his birth process. According to Luke, Mary received news from the angel Gabriel as a young woman, and as a virgin, she was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Later, the Roman Fuehrer Augustus ordered a census, so she and her husband Joseph left the city of Nazareth in Galilee, passing through the city of Bethlehem, where Joseph's ancestor David lived, where they had no choice but to stay outside the lodge because there was no longer any availability in the country inn, where Mary gave birth to Jesus.

Jesus' childhood was spent in poverty. Jesus was born and returned to the city of Nazareth with his parents, and this is truly an inconspicuous village. Recently, archaeologists have discovered the site of a Nazarene family in jesus' day, arguing that Nazareth was apparently "a small village inhabited by 50 poor Jewish families." Jesus' father, Joseph, worked with tools such as hands, axes, chisels, and saws to support his family, which means that Jesus grew up in such a poor working family.

According to the Bible, Christ began preaching at the age of thirty and was sentenced to crucifixion by the Roman governor Pilate at the age of thirty-three. Three days later he died and rose again, appeared to his disciples forty days before ascending to the throne, and before leaving he prophesied that he would come in glory on the day of the world's exhaustion of judgment, establish a glorious kingdom of heaven, and bring final victory to goodness.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus' birth, preaching, and death are all mystical, but the legends of his birth and death are questionable. The idea of virgin conception can only be a rumor, the least credible, because it is not realistically possible, and Maria also has a husband. In addition, the idea of Jesus' resurrection after death is even more rumored. The only credible one is his sermon, and his word is mystical Christianity, but the most important foundation of this doctrine, which is based entirely on faith, is based on the principle that "believers have, unbelievers have none." From this, we can also understand the mysterious legends about his origin and death, because you believe it, so you feel that these things are true.

Nevertheless, I have great admiration for Jesus, mainly for his ability to speak and his strong spiritual willpower. Most people will probably find such a person in the world who seems to have some mysterious but indescribable qualities that make him particularly striking, and wherever he goes, his popularity is very high, and Jesus Christ two thousand years ago was such a person. Jesus' preaching has almost no empirical evidence, let alone real "miracles", the only proof is himself, he has never written a book, he is not a political figure, nor is he a rich family, the farthest range of activity is a hundred miles away from his own family, but he attracted everyone because of his bold and inspiring words and deeds. Because of this, he was also hated by the Roman authorities and the jewish top brass. Although he was an outsider with neither economic power nor political power, in just three years, Jesus single-handedly changed the world and influenced the next two thousand years.

For Jesus, even from the perspective of the real world, many people gave him a high evaluation. Some consider him a great moral teacher, others think he is a great religious leader, and some think he is "God." This article also argues that Jesus contributed even to the real world of humanity, especially the idea of equality he advocated. In fact, the "equal rights" claimed by humanity today are largely the result of Jesus' admonitions. Non-Christian historian Will Durant, of Jesus, says that "throughout his life he practiced and promoted 'equal rights.'" The memorable words in President Johnson's Declaration of Independence are from the Bible — regardless of gender, race, or social status, everyone is infinitely important and equal in God's eyes. This famous manifesto reads, "All men are created equal, and the Creator has endowed them with a number of inalienable rights." ”

However, some people questioned his moral standards, believing that there were many lies in his preaching, such as that he was born of a virgin pregnancy, that he was the Son of God, and so on. I still don't dare to agree with this. This article argues that if Jesus was a man who advocated realistic rationalism, then his preaching naturally had an element of lies, but his preaching was based on the religious assumptions of irrationalism. Under normal circumstances, if a person is an irrational religious person, even if he is a religious founder, it is difficult to think about these problems through the perspective of reality and other cognitive methods, and he is likely to be immersed in this fantasy religious conception and cannot extricate himself, at this time he will feel that all his ideas are reasonable, and he will fully believe in his role in the conception. This is an inevitable effect based on the vision of the concept, and we cannot say that he is lying, at least we cannot say that he has the subjective intention to lie, because he has really thought that what he said is true. According to historian Philip Schaff, there is no evidence of Jesus lying in church and secular history. However, subjectively there is no intention, so objectively what? In addition, there may be a question that Jesus did not mean to lie, he just had paranoia?

In summary, if we remove the various mysterious auras that surround Jesus, we will find that Jesus should mainly be a very contagious orator. Of course, even so, he could not have achieved such a far-reaching and huge success, and his success also lay in the fact that he encountered a great opportunity. This opportunity is that the Jews, who have long suffered from foreign oppression and discrimination, a homelessness, and poverty, have been in a state of longing for a long period of oppression, which has made them particularly yearn for equality and beauty in their minds, and gradually develop a strong desire to escape from reality and establish a glorious kingdom of heaven, which is even stronger, especially in the lower Jewish classes, although this desire is not realistic, but at least it gives them psychological comfort in religious fantasies. In this case, Jesus' exaggerating preaching satisfies precisely this inner need of theirs. Thus, under the strong influence of Jesus' preaching, the number of believers will naturally "snowball" more and more, which will lead to the result that he has achieved great success in only three years, and the religious belief is established. As for the aura of great moral teachers, great religious leaders, "gods" and so on that hung over him, they were mainly derivatives based on this belief.

September 8 is the birthday of Mary, the biological mother of Jesus, and I would like to commemorate it! (The Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Church all commemorate the birthday of our Lady on September 8.)

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