
The woman claimed to have gone to heaven on the verge of death, had a fight with Jesus and returned

author:Xu Dewen Science Channel
The woman claimed to have gone to heaven on the verge of death, had a fight with Jesus and returned

Many people have had the experience of dying because of serious illness or accidents, generally speaking, the body floats up, leaves their own body, hovers on the ceiling or something, and sometimes they see doctors rescuing themselves, relatives crying next to them; or see a white light, hear beautiful music, smell the sweet smell; or pass through a dark passage, the surrounding is eerily quiet, and so on.

But a woman's near-death experience is clearly further, dying a little deeper. She claimed to have gone to heaven, met Jesus, had a fight with Him, and then was released!

The woman claimed to have gone to heaven on the verge of death, had a fight with Jesus and returned

According to the British "Daily Express" on August 31, a woman named Kathy recently shared a near-death experience she had experienced, which occurred more than 40 years ago in the summer of 1976, when Casey suffered from a mysterious disease, not known whether it was because of cholera, food poisoning or other reasons, she experienced severe abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, and severe stomach and limb cramps.

When the ambulance arrived, she was carried from her wheelchair into the ambulance, fell into a coma, delirious, and then what she called the afterlife experience took place. Casey claimed to have seen a strong glow, and then a man appeared, but she only saw his robe, ankles, and soles of his feet, though she believed the man existed somehow.

The woman claimed to have gone to heaven on the verge of death, had a fight with Jesus and returned

Unlike ordinary people who have long been in tears when they see the glory of God, creeping under their feet to worship religiously, and finally following with sincere trepidation, Cathy and Jesus had a fierce dialogue. She told Jesus that she still had a child to raise, that she could not go with him yet, and that she needed to accompany her own child.

I don't know whether her arguments played a role, softened Jesus' heart, and let her go; or whether Jesus did not expect that someone would argue with him, and for a moment did not know how to deal with it, and inadvertently let her come back. In short, after having died deeply and met the Lord, Casey returned to the human world and lived until now.

According to Casey, at first she had suspected that what had happened to her was not real, but after constant reflection, she no longer doubted the authenticity of the matter, she thought it was a gift from God to her, it was some kind of responsibility, and she also calmed down, accepted all this, and started a new life.

Of course, this mysterious experience is indeed fascinating, but to medical experts, Casey's experience is entirely a natural phenomenon, not a supernatural one.

The woman claimed to have gone to heaven on the verge of death, had a fight with Jesus and returned

Near-death experiences are phenomena that people experience when they are close to death, and there are generally five stages: peace, separation of consciousness from the body, entry into darkness, seeing the light, and entering the light. During this time, the soul will leave the body, see heaven or hell, see dead relatives, see God and God and the like, and some people will flash back to the experience of a lifetime. In near-death experiences, some people experience extreme fear, others are peaceful and quiet, feeling warm and loving; some people will have a sense of complete brokenness, some people will see bright light, and some people will see the phenomenon of superego time and space-transcendence.

According to a poll conducted by Gallup in the 1980s, about 15 percent of people in the United States have had near-death experiences. In other parts of the world, near-death experiences are roughly the same, no matter where people are in, what kind of cultural environment they live in, except for god, gods and other characters who will change according to different cultural backgrounds, other experiences are quite consistent.

So are these phenomena real? And how did it happen?

The woman claimed to have gone to heaven on the verge of death, had a fight with Jesus and returned

Modern science cannot fully explain the phenomenon of near-death.

Some believe that this is an illusion caused by a lack of oxygen in the brain, when a person dies, the heart stops pumping blood to the brain, resulting in loss of consciousness, which is similar to the experience of a fighter pilot when a fighter jet accelerates violently and the brain lacks an adequate blood supply. This experience usually results in experiences of entering a tunnel, spotting bright light, moving freely in a float, recalling previous experiences, remembering family and friends, and so on.

Others believe that near-death experiences are related to abnormal activity of the temporal lobes of the brain. Neurologists Olaf Blank and Sebastian Digoz of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology believe that damage to the right hemisphere of the human right hemisphere will affect the right temporal apex junction area, resulting in extracorporeal experiences, feeling changes in time, and the experience of flight; damage to the left hemisphere of the human left hemisphere will affect the left temporal apical leaf junction area, resulting in emotional experiences, seeing the glowing body, hearing sound or music, reviewing previous lives, etc.

Of course, there are other various interpretations, including psychological, religious, and spiritual transcendental. With the development of modern medicine and cardiac resuscitation technology, more and more people are rescued from the state of near-death, and there are more and more cases of near-death experience, so there are more and more articles, books, papers, and reports that study near-death experience, and there may be more and more profound research and understanding of near-life experience in the future, and even let us thoroughly understand the internal connection and mechanism of life, consciousness and death, so as to master our own destiny.

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