
From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

author:Wood feather entertainment fungus

The theme song examination of the third season of Youth has ended, and many fans are also wondering what can make Luo Yizhou win the C position.

Today, Mu Yu Entertainment Bacteria will analyze with you what can make Luo Yizhou rush to the C position, and the charm of the 101 series draft at the beginning of the C.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

Instead of saying that, ask him why he is better than the other 8 members?

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

So let's talk about it in two parts, one is macro and the other is micro.

Microscopic: Luo Yizhou graduated from the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts, and the root miao is red: the first impression of the contestant reveals different characteristics from other contestants, the positive energy and muscle memory in the bones have been formed, and they still do not change the true color of the soldier after graduation.

The initial rating of the individual test showed a super high standard, which made people look forward to his subsequent performances.

Macro: He is from Yaoke Media, Zhang Meng's company. In 2019, Yaoke Media sent Dai Jingyao to participate in the creation camp 2019, and won the first performance of the praise king with its own charm; it did not debut in the finals.

Zhang Meng participated in the sister who rode the wind and waves last year and brushed a wave of existence.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

Then, among the 9 people in class A, Yu Jingtian, who was scheduled to be in the C position, danced the women's group dance out of his own style Duan Xingxing; the occasional big dance dan Jiang Jingzuo; the juvenile big dance dan Liu Guanyou; the famous dance director of the teenager Liu Jun, the popular Sun Yihang; Sun Yinghao, who was remembered at a glance; Cui Yunfeng, the big vocal of the Panda Hall; Yang Zhixiang, whose voice was extremely explosive; and Qing 1's Yi Nanping Lian Huaiwei.

It can be said that everyone has their own good at, and the stage charm recognized by the players and students, everyone is excellent, and can also support the C position.

And Luo Yizhou is different from them, it is precisely his little participation experience and stage blankness that gives this show more suspense.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft
From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

There is also a more important point, the theme song C of the creation camp 2021 is Liu Yu, who has also studied Chinese dance for many years and has the persistence of carving traditional culture in the blood. (Here I recommend you to watch Liu Yu's dance when Guofengmei was a teenager.) )

I can tell you that his debut position is stable, not just because of the data. Most importantly, from the kiwi configuration, the final group requires a very traditional style player. (Hope you don't punch your face in the end!) )

Luo Yizhou, who graduated from military art, just met this condition. To quote a sentence from Liu Yu in the creation camp to describe Luo Yizhou: My style is irreplaceable.

I said before that kiwi fruit is the first C and the final C. The C position of the 2021 CCTV party is Yu Jingtian, and everyone thinks that his C position is stable. This is based on the regularity of the first 3 kiwi drafts.

Idol trainee theme song C bit: Cai Xukun, NPC C bit: Cai Xu kun; Youth has your first season theme song C bit: Li Wenhan, UNINE C bit: Li Wenhan; Youth has your second season theme song C bit: Liu Yuxin, The Nine C bit: Liu Yuxin.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

In the 4th year of the 101 series draft, the C position was guessed, what else is the meaning? Therefore, Luo Yizhou's first C makes people want to watch this show even more: why did Luo Yizhou defeat Yu Jingtian? The show adds to the watchability.

Some fans of mid-range players work harder to pitch their bean. This is the result that Kiwi and the golden fathers want to see.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

In addition, I can tell you that there is no vocal in the top 9 fundraising now.

According to the amount of shots and data, Xu Ziwei of Wei Hongyu and Ai Hui (yes, it is the company of Li Maru and Zamdo next door, and The company of LangJie 2 Alain who has signed and BY2 is also the ikebeth of this company). Two people out of at least one. (Hope you don't punch me in the face either!) )

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft
From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

Wei Hongyu's black material was flying all over the sky, and the kiwi fruit should be trying to hold it. (Cf. The Nine parable)

Xu Ziwei's strength can indeed be benchmarked against professional singers.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

Luo Yizhou's vocal is also at the upper middle level. Selfishly hope that Xu Zi is not a group, and his style is more diverse.

Combined with the 101 series of the first C law: one is the strongest, and not biased, the stage appeal and expression is the strongest, and the probability will debut. If Luo Yizhou's data is again resistant to the point, the current fundraising is the 7th, rushing to the top 4, and the debut is really stable.

The following text and pictures do not refer to specifically.

Every time there is a draft, many fans will be upset, and even angry, why their idols have not been given the corresponding position. The draft itself is not purely about strength, but more about the efforts of fans.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

And those who debut, they do not necessarily have the strength to ride the dust among the players, but their fan strength, the strongest data, and their strength is just worthy of their data, the strength is at least in the upper middle circle.

Of course, I don't have to let fans stay up late to shoot. How many people can succeed purely by relying on fans and relying purely on their own strength?

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

The marketing behind it, the level of the company, and the quality of the players themselves in a certain sense determine whether this person can debut.

If a player's strength is not good, the personality is not good, there is no background and no marketing, what is the platform to catch? The platform is not a philanthropist, no fans, no data, no background, no strength, what is fishing?

Fans of the players do not have to blame themselves excessively, and even do not have to run to the weibo of some debut members to say what occupies a position.

Not everything in the world is black and white. The beauty of the 101 series draft is that the audience will always find the unknown. It will make the audience find that the utilitarianization of the show is not so strong.

Sister 2 and Brother Chaser bar are the same. Tan Kenji's strength is worthy of his data and audience popularity, and even exposure.

Here to say that during the broadcast of the brother chasing the light bar, Tan Kenji has a drama called Love Centimeter, who plays the male number two Guan Zhenlei (the younger brother of the female protagonist), who is an old man. This role is too deeply rooted in people's hearts, which leads me to watch the brother chase out of the play.

From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft
From Luo Yizhou's first C, I saw the charm of the 101 series draft

Xiao Shunyao's initial stage home and country feelings are also worthy of such a star program.

Conclusion: I hope that everyone's efforts will not be disappointed, and I hope that all artists will strive to improve their moral cultivation and be worthy of the expectations of fans and the public who follow them.

Ps: At present, Qing 3 and Tron 4 have beautiful waste in the middle and upper circle (non-debut position), not specifically, guess who it is. What's even more speechless is that some people are just waste, not beautiful. I hope that such a person will not debut and leave the position to someone who really needs a stage.

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