
#TV series Houlang#TV series "Houlang" tells the story of a group of post-90s young people struggling in different fields. This group of young people has dreams, pursuits, and, of course, on the road to endeavor

author:Entertainment Commentary

#电视剧后浪 #

The TV series "Back Wave" tells the story of a group of post-90s young people who struggle in different fields.

This group of young people have dreams, pursuits, of course, there are difficulties and challenges on the road to endeavor, full of positive energy, "Back Wave" should be regarded as a very good youth inspirational drama, but also a full-fledged Chinese medicine inheritance drama.

The overall feeling is that Wu Gang's acting skills are good, and Zhao Lusi is also acting better.

The TV series "Houlang" is Luo Yizhou's first drama, and I feel that Luo Yizhou still has a little acting strength.

For the screenwriter of the TV series, Liuliu, I personally think that although Liuliu's character and remarks are criticized, the screenwriter's ability is still resistant.

#TV series Houlang#TV series "Houlang" tells the story of a group of post-90s young people struggling in different fields. This group of young people has dreams, pursuits, and, of course, on the road to endeavor
#TV series Houlang#TV series "Houlang" tells the story of a group of post-90s young people struggling in different fields. This group of young people has dreams, pursuits, and, of course, on the road to endeavor
#TV series Houlang#TV series "Houlang" tells the story of a group of post-90s young people struggling in different fields. This group of young people has dreams, pursuits, and, of course, on the road to endeavor

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