
The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

author:Bright Net

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 16 Title: Their names are engraved on the monument of mankind's struggle against poverty

Xinhua News Agency reporters Hou Xuejing, Wang Bo and Yang Jing

This year, 17 October marks the 29th International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. In 2014, China established October 17 as the National Poverty Alleviation Day. From the end of 2012, the prelude to poverty alleviation in the new era was launched, and by the end of 2020, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, all 98.99 million rural poor people under the current standards were lifted out of poverty, creating a monument to the struggle against poverty in mankind.

On this monument, the names of such a group of people are engraved - Zhang Guimei, Huang Wenxiu, Li Baoguo... These "July 1st Medal" recipients, "National Poverty Alleviation Model" honorary title winners and "People's Model" national honorary title winners, for the happy life of the broad masses of the people, stepped forward, pioneering and innovative, overcome difficulties, and dedicated their blood and life to the cause of poverty alleviation.

The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

Zhang Guimei, winner of the "July 1st Medal" and the honorary title of "National Model for Poverty Alleviation". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li He

Life is like a torch, lighting up dreams and fulfilling missions

"Run a free girls' high school so that girls in the mountains can read." Watching the girls in the mountainous areas drop out of school due to poverty, Zhang Guimei, winner of the "Order of the Republic" and the honorary title of "National Model for Poverty Alleviation", had a dream.

On September 1 this year, Yunnan Lijiang Huaping Girls' Senior High School celebrated its 13th birthday. Founded by Zhang Guimei and the country's first all-free girls' high school, more than 1,800 girls have fulfilled their college dreams.

Zhang Guimei, who has been swallowing pills and is injured and sick, encourages the children: "Where the motherland needs it, go to which place!" ”

"An educated woman can block the intergenerational transmission of poverty and change the fate of three generations." Working for decades, Zhang Guimei lives in a student dormitory.

"Let the students have lights in the distance, roads under their feet, lights in front of their eyes, and in the ravines, they can also see the wonderful world outside and see a better future." With this belief, she held her sick body to light up the dreams of thousands of mountain girls and illuminate their future.

The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

Huang Wenxiu, winner of the "July 1st Medal". Xinhua News Agency

Huang Wenxiu, the recipient of the "July 1st Medal", came from a poor family and completed his studies with the help of the national student assistance policy. After graduating from graduate school, she voluntarily gave up her job opportunities in big cities and returned to her hometown to serve as the first secretary of Baixiao Village, Xinhua Town, Leye County, Baise City, Guangxi Province.

"Baise is the main battlefield for poverty alleviation, what reason do I have not to come?" Our party is a party that earnestly seeks development and happiness for the masses, and I am a member of the Communist Party, and this is my mission. In the face of many people's questions, she replied.

In the two months of staying in the village, she traveled to 195 poor households in the village, carefully drawing a "map of people's feelings"; in one year in the village, the driving mileage was about 25,000 kilometers. She proudly said it was the "long march in her heart."

In June 2019, due to a flash flood, Huang Wenxiu, who was only 30 years old, died in the line of duty.

"If a person wants to live meaningfully and have value in life, he cannot just live for himself, but must use his own strength to contribute to the country, the nation, and society." Huang Wenxiu wrote in his application to join the party. With her young life, she interpreted the unswerving duty and mission of communists in the new era.

Not for fame and fortune, only for the happiness of the masses

The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

Li Baoguo, winner of the national honorary title of "People's Model". Xinhua News Agency

Li Baoguo, a professor and doctoral supervisor of Hebei Agricultural University before his death, has been fighting in the front line of poverty alleviation and scientific and technological innovation for 35 years, with the intention of writing papers on the ground and letting the vast number of farmers get rid of poverty, and is known as "the new fool on the Taihang Mountain".

"I grew up in the countryside, and in the past my family was very poor, and I couldn't see that the people were poor. I am the first college student trained after the national resumption of the college entrance examination, majoring in agriculture and forestry, and I should use the knowledge I have learned to do something for farmers. He held fast to this belief until the last moment of his life.

"Only when you do not come for the sake of fame, do not go for the sake of profit, and only when you have a heart and eyes for the people can the peasants believe in you and listen to you." He always remembered that he was a member of the Communist Party and the son of a farmer, and he went deep into the orchard fields for more than 200 days every year, making 1.4 million mu of barren mountains green and 100,000 farmers get rid of poverty and become rich.

The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

"Order of July 1st" recipient Ting Battle. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi took the photo

In 1974, Inner Mongolia Xilingol League Abaga Banner Sarorat tu Yagacha. When the simple herdsmen brought their own reluctant noodles to themselves, the 19-year-old Zhiqing Ting Bartelle was both touched and heartbroken.

"The villagers should not be so bitter!" Ting Bartle's father, Ting Mao, was the founding major general of the new China, and from his father, this Mongolian youth and Communist Party member not only inherited bravery and fearlessness, but also had responsibility.

He has been rooted in the grassland for 47 years and devoted his best years to the construction of frontier pastoral areas. He set up a poverty alleviation company, lost money to him, and distributed all the money to the herders; he adhered to the concept of balanced grass and livestock and green development, called on herders to fence and rotate grazing, "reduce sheep and increase cattle", let the grassland gradually recover "vitality", and lead the herdsmen to turn "sand nests" into "happy nests".

Perseverance, dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day

The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

"July 1st Medal" recipient Shi Guangyin. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li He

Build green locks and yellow dragons, open ditches in the cliffs... They declare war on fate, compete with nature, and use their hands to change the poor mountains and rivers.

In 1984, Changshi Guangyin, a farm farmer in Nanhaizi, HaiziLiang Township, Dingbian County, Shaanxi Province, smashed the "iron rice bowl" and contracted to control the barren sand. In order to fight the sand, he sold his property, was in debt, and lost his beloved son... For decades, he has led the villagers to build a "green Great Wall" that is more than 100 miles long.

"If you live one day, you have to plant a tree for a day." The 69-year-old sand hero and recipient of the "July 1st Medal" still watches over the Maowusu Desert.

The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

Wang Youde, winner of the national honorary title of "People's Model". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li He

Wang Youde, former party secretary and director of the Ningxia Lingwu Baiqitan National Nature Reserve Management Bureau, also declared war on fengsha with the determination of "life is endless, sand control is not endless".

"Planting one more tree is my value; governing a barren mountain is my value; and letting the local people find a way to get rich is my value!" He said.

After years of hard work, Wang Youde and his staff and workers have created 600,000 mu of windproof and sand fixing forests and controlled nearly one million mu of shifting sand, effectively preventing the southward and westward expansion of the Maowusu Desert and achieving the great feat of people entering the sand and retreating.

The names of the meritorious figures of the Republic |, inscribed on the monument of the human struggle against poverty

Huang Dafa, recipient of the "July 1st Medal". Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi took the photo

The only source of water is outside the MieYama.

"One or two hundred laborers can chisel through three mountains?" 31 years ago, in the face of the doubts of the villagers, Huang Dafa, secretary of the party branch of the original Caowangba Village in Pingzheng Gelao Nationality Township, Bozhou District, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, made a harsh remark: "The water cannot pass, take your life to pave." ”

With hoes, steel brazes, hammers and hands, a 9,400-meter "extraterrestrial canal" was chiseled!

Water is drawn, roads are paved, and the hat of poverty is taken off! At the age of more than eighty, Huang Dafa, the recipient of the "July 1st Medal", is still fighting in the front line of rural revitalization. The old man said, "A Communist Party member is to work for a lifetime, not for half a lifetime." ”

"In order to have the courage to sacrifice more, dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day." The land of Shenzhou, precisely because of these tenacious strivers, there is no shortage of people on the road to a well-off society in an all-round way. The power of example is infinite, and on the new journey, countless latecomers will continue to struggle and write a magnificent chapter of rural revitalization.

Source: Xinhua Net

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