
Leading cadres talk about Chairman Mao's meals: Eating with him, we often don't have enough to eat

author:Picking up the moon history

Now that life is good, many people like to do special things on their birthdays, how luxurious and how to come. However, looking forward for decades, many ordinary people are in a state of insufficient food, and it is even more coveted to be able to eat a "luxurious meal".

As the supreme leader of the country, Chairman Mao should be better at eating and wearing than ordinary people, but it is well known that Chairman Mao was frugal all his life and seriously despised extravagance. Even the birthday recipe is very simple, and he often says to the people around him: "Celebrating a birthday does not make people live a long life, so there is no need to celebrate." ”

Leading cadres talk about Chairman Mao's meals: Eating with him, we often don't have enough to eat

Wang Jinren, a chef who has worked next to Chairman Mao for 6 years, is helpless: "Everyone knows that I have worked with Chairman Mao for 6 years, and everyone thinks that I am good at cooking. But only I know that after learning so many things, the years when I was in charge of the spoon in Zhongnanhai were all wasted, because the chairman liked to eat home-cooked meals such as dry roasted winter shoots and radish silk crucian carp soup. ”

The chairman advocated "doing your own work and eating enough food", so at the beginning, the courtyard in Zhongnanhai was full of flowers and grasses, and the chairman called out to the staff around him: "It is useless to plant so many flowers!" Throw away how good it is to plant vegetables, so that you can eat whatever you want, and you don't need to go out and buy it. ”

In fact, according to Mao Zedong's position, no one would say anything about what kind of mountain treasures and seafood he wanted to eat, and the common people hoped that Chairman Mao could eat the best food. But his taste is "unique", that is, he likes to eat these dishes that are not very expensive.

Leading cadres talk about Chairman Mao's meals: Eating with him, we often don't have enough to eat

Once, chairman Mao wanted to eat braised pork, so he arranged for Li Yinqiao to prepare a braised pork for himself. But this scene was just seen by Jiang Qing, who felt that braised pork was "very earthy" and felt that there were too many delicious meals, and Chairman Mao still liked to eat braised meat, in fact, he could not change the nature of the peasants.

In fact, there are many "peasant natures" that Chairman Mao cannot change, such as liking to chew tea leaves, burping without paying attention to his own image after eating, and so on.

Chairman Mao is a "peasant" in his bones, and the root of the revolution he mobilized lies in the hope that the peasant friends all over the world can live happily, and if the peasants cannot live a good life, then his revolution will be meaningless.

Leading cadres talk about Chairman Mao's meals: Eating with him, we often don't have enough to eat

For example, in the matter of eating, the chairman asked all cadres: "Everyone serves the masses of the people, if the cadres do not know how to save, then after the first level follows suit, everyone eats and drinks, what kind of impact will it have on the development of the country?" ”

Perhaps Chairman Mao himself did not like to eat home-cooked food, or perhaps the taste of mountains and treasures and seafood attracted his taste buds more. However, it is not easy for him to be able to do the same for decades and abstain from self-denial for the people.

Leading cadres talk about Chairman Mao's meals: Eating with him, we often don't have enough to eat

In addition, the leading cadres also reflected: "Eating with the chairman will not be enough to eat at all." ”

The reason is that Chairman Mao ate very quickly, the chairman stopped chopsticks and left the table, and the leaders present did not know whether to continue to eat, if they did not eat, they would not be able to eat enough, and if they continued to eat, there was some impoliteness.

The reason why the chairman eats quickly is mainly related to the labor of the war years, once the war is fought, there is no sufficient time to eat, and the food served can only be swallowed, and it can be eaten, whether it is good or not, whether it is digested or not.

Therefore, the chairman has three characteristics of eating: fast, not wasteful, and reading the newspaper while eating when no one is there.

Leading cadres talk about Chairman Mao's meals: Eating with him, we often don't have enough to eat

If any small grain of rice falls on the table, the chairman will also pick it up and put it in his mouth, because he knows that every grain of rice is not easy to come by, and the happy life of peacetime is even more difficult to come by.

The chairman loves the people like a son, even if he has enough conditions to eat better food, he still chooses to experience the life that the people are experiencing like the people. He always believes that only by doing a good job of setting an example, there will be more people like himself, more people taking the lead in doing things, a virtuous circle will be formed, and the people's life will get better and better!

We can have such a life today, thanks to Chairman Mao and the efforts of thousands of revolutionaries and leaders who sacrificed their lives for righteousness! With them, we are today!