
"Writer of the Day" Lorinin ‖ Can't Read Without Borrowing and Not Buying (Essay)

author:Writer's World
"Writer of the Day" Lorinin ‖ Can't Read Without Borrowing and Not Buying (Essay)

Non-borrowing can not be read and non-buy can not be read


"Writer of the Day" Lorinin ‖ Can't Read Without Borrowing and Not Buying (Essay)

Readers love to quote the famous saying "books cannot be read without borrowing", I have no opinion on this, nor can I put forward any views, but I think that people who want to read books are better to buy a little book, because Yuan Ming also wrote such a poem: "Shuyuan is worried about the market, and the family dreams of buying books." It can be seen that he does not absolutely buy books, and even dreams of buying books. Many university writers have the habit of searching for books and buying books, and Mr. Xia Junzun said in an article that one or two percent of his living expenses are consumed on books. Mr. Xia does not advocate borrowing books, and feels that the borrowed books are not enough to enjoy. The books you buy back can not only be read at any time, but you can also read them all the time to satisfy your possessiveness of books. When he was working in the bookstore, he worked with books all day and kept buying books. Mr. Zhu Ziqing loves to read and buy books, and he also wrote an essay on buying books, the title of which is "Buying Books". Mr. Chen Yinke has searched for books all his life, carrying several books everywhere he goes, like a mobile library, and is also called a professor among professors. Sun Li reads a lot, buys more books, and buys books with a special attention, in addition to the content, the appearance of the book should be neat and beautiful. In addition to his works, in addition to novels and essays, there are also some books with relatively large influence and related to reading, such as "Cultivating the Book of Reading", "Records of Books and Clothes", "Wild Game Reading" and so on.

In fact, I have also been affected by the "book can not be read without borrowing", in the upper grade of primary school, I have done a library card in the county library, and the books I have borrowed include "Song of Youth", "Lin Hai Snow Field", "Sunny Day", "Golden Light Avenue" and so on. When I was in middle school, I also borrowed a set of "Water Margin" (two volumes) with a classmate, peeked at it during class time, put it in the cupboard of the desk after school, did not want to lose it, had to give this classmate two dollars as compensation - that was the only time I borrowed books from a person, and the result was that I was like that, and I felt uncomfortable.

After graduating from middle school, I went up to the mountains and the countryside with the vast number of "intellectual youths" and went to the vast world of the countryside to receive re-education from the poor and lower-middle peasants. In the countryside, there was no opportunity or place to borrow books, and my "borrowing and reading" was interrupted. Later, when I joined the army, I was able to borrow books again in the library of the army, but none of the books I borrowed could read them. What I have read in its entirety seems to be only three biographies of "foreigners", namely: "Lincoln Biography", "Wheelchair President Roosevelt", and "Margaret Thatcher". Two U.S. presidents, and later a female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, both impressed me. I was able to read these three books in their entirety, not because I had any political ambitions, but because they were just being introduced, and they were fresh, exciting, and attractive to young soldiers.

With the continuous deepening of reform, opening up and economic construction, and the gradual acceleration of the pace of people's lives, we have no time or energy to borrow books. My "borrowing books and reading", originally read not like the look, this is even more unable to borrow books and read, want to read, basically rely on the bookstore to buy, the "book can not be read without borrowing", there is no experience.

The phrase "books cannot be read without borrowing" has been recognized by many people, probably because there is a time limit on borrowing books, and it is impossible to borrow for a long time, and others will be unhappy after borrowing for a long time. There is a sense of persecution for the borrowed books, which not only forces you to read, but also forces you to read them quickly, and you have to return them on time after reading. And the books you buy, there is no harm to worry about, there is no sense of urgency, you can read at any time, you can also drag on for a long time without reading. However, if you do not read it for a long time, it is easy to have a negative and sluggish mood for the book, and you do not know when you will be in the mood to read it. This may also be a major reason why books cannot be read without borrowing. More importantly, Yuan Ming believes that people who have the conditions to buy books and also buy a lot of books, such as some princes and nobles, the children of such people's families, should be the most deserving of reading, but they can't use their hearts on reading, and the books in their homes are also mostly shelved. And many children of poor families, who borrow books and read, can read the names of the merits. From this point of view, "books cannot be read unless they are borrowed", which has a certain reason.

Despite this, I still don't advocate borrowing books casually. When I borrow books from people, I am always worried about getting the books dirty, folding the pages, and worrying about losing the books. This mentality is impossible to concentrate on reading books, so I have never borrowed books from others. I also don't like people borrowing books from me. Others borrow books from me, most of them have no return, and I am embarrassed to run to others to seek revenge, so it is better not to borrow.

Reading depends on self-awareness. People who love to read will naturally try their best to find books to read, including buying books with frugality; if you don't want to read or don't want to read, if you give him the book, he won't read, let alone "borrow books and read". How to read a book is difficult to set a standard. For example, Mr. Chen Yinke, a university scholar, and Sun Li, a great writer, not only bought a lot of books, but also read a lot of books; while Mr. Qian Zhongshu, who is also a university scholar, and Wang Zengqi, a great writer, are said to have very few books, but they also read a lot of books.

Whether reading is not borrowed or not bought, I think it is good according to personal preferences, do not easily draw conclusions about it.

I don't read much, but I have bought a little book, because I don't want to borrow books, I always feel that there is pressure to borrow books, I can't read calmly, I am not enjoyable enough, so if I want to read, I can only buy - the books I bought can not only read calmly, but also satisfy my own possessiveness of books.

In the final analysis, reading comes with interest. I don't buy books for collection, I don't pay much attention to editions like bibliophiles, I buy some of the most ordinary editions, as long as I am interested in myself.

Buy a general version of the book, but also have a little attention, in addition to looking at who the author is, but also to see which publisher is, the binding and printing of the book, can not be too bad, the book can not have too many typos and omissions. I originally bought a book, no matter where it came from, it didn't matter if it was my favorite. As a result, it was found that some published books were not seriously proofread, and there were many typos and omissions; when it came to pirated books, binding and printing became even more problematic.

I tend to read literature and social sciences, so I mainly buy books in this regard. After having a little experience in buying books, try to choose books published by larger and more reputable publishers, and the quality of the content of the books published by such a publishing house will be guaranteed. Of course, it is not possible to generalize, and some small publishing houses also have good reputations.

I usually buy books at physical bookstores, sometimes by mail or online. Buying books in physical bookstores, the advantage is that you can choose slowly, optimistic and then buy. Mail order and online shopping, the advantage is fast, many new books can be bought online before they arrive at the physical bookstore (now no mail order), and the price of books can be discounted. But when you buy books online, you can't carefully read the "appearance" of the book and the situation in the book, and you have to want whatever the book is.

No matter how you buy books, it's an exciting thing. The mood of searching for books and waiting for books is indescribable. Books are always unsatisfactory after they arrive, so they hope to buy again, and they have new desires when they buy them, and this repetition is one of the most important reasons why book lovers keep buying books.

Reading makes people think, but also can make people think wildly, think more, will also lead to unnecessary trouble, let people experience many tribulations, endure many tests, "book burning pit Confucianism", "word prison", "more knowledge the more reactionary", it has caused harm to readers, but reading in China, there is a very deep tradition, no matter how many tribulations readers experience, how many tests they have endured, reading has never been interrupted, the tradition of reading has been continued. Throughout the dynasties, many books and texts have been handed down. Classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics, the Hundred Sons, the Twenty-Four Histories, the Chu Ci Han Fu Tang Poetry Song Ci Yuan Qu Ming and Qing Sketches, dazzling, overwhelming.

People always have to think, and in addition to ordinary thinking, people who read books must also explore the truth. In history, books are banned, books are forbidden, why are they forbidden repeatedly, because for people with thoughts, it is easy to restrain their behavior, and it is difficult to imprison their thoughts. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, around reading, there was also a prosperous situation of "a hundred schools of thought contending and a hundred flowers blooming". Since human beings have books, reading books, thinking and exploring the truth have never stopped. This is also the most fundamental reason for the continuous development and progress of human civilization.

Reading is a very personal thing. The necessary guidance is necessary, but you can't force people to read, whether it is a "hanging beam" or a "thorn stock", it is all a matter of people, and if you don't want to read, you take a stick to drive him away, it is not the way.

Reading is also a very hard and lonely thing. If you still have the lights in your head, don't go to school; if you still think about getting rich, don't go to school; if you still want to doze off when you touch books, don't go to books. Enduring loneliness and eating bitterness is the true color of a reader.

Reading is even more stingy. Occasionally borrowing books and reading, can be understood, but always want to borrow books from others and read, this mentality is not good, want to read and do not want to buy books, how can you read steadily? Moreover, when have you ever seen people who borrow books take the initiative to return books (borrowing books in the library is an exception, but it is not what I want to say here), and even those who borrow money to take the initiative to repay money are not common, otherwise Ye Dehui would not have said that "books and wives are not loaned".

There are too many books in the world, how to choose, how to read, is a very nerve-wracking thing, you can not always because reading is a good thing, just grab what to read, so choose a book and read, it has become a compulsory homework for readers.

The air of reading should be free, whether it is borrowing books or buying books, it is important to be able to read in a down-to-earth manner, as long as there is experience and harvest, whether the book is borrowed or bought, it becomes less important.

About the Author

Luo Lining, a native of Tiandong County, Guangxi, joined the army in 1976, worked in various government departments, loved to write something, and his works were scattered in local newspapers and online platforms.

"Writers of the Day" WeChat public account ID: jinrizuojia001

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