
104 years old! He is the holder of longevity records during the Three Kingdoms period, look at the Three Kingdoms longevity top 8

author:We are talking about the Three Kingdoms

The issue of the average life expectancy of ancient people is often a topical topic. Professor Yi Zhongtian once said that the average life expectancy during the Three Kingdoms period was 26 years. According to a news published on the website of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, scholars believe that through the comprehensive reference of bones and literature, the average life expectancy of men during the Three Kingdoms and Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties was 39 years; The average life expectancy for women is 46 years.

As we all know, during the Three Kingdoms period, wars were frequent, and the people's living standards plummeted. Despite this, the concept of health care was popularized during the Wei and Jin dynasties, so the life expectancy of people in the upper echelons of society had a tendency to increase. In addition, some scholars believe that the integration of Turkic and South Vietnamese ancestry may also have a small physiological impact on the growth of human lifespan.

The author of the Three Kingdoms has noticed that during the Three Kingdoms period, we can find it from the information with reference value or high credibility. There are already more people over 80 years old, several over 90 years old, and 1 centenarian.

Today, we will list a list and profile of the top 8 ages of the three countries through the data.

Note: For more convenience and understanding, the age in this article adopts the concept of "real age", not the "virtual age" used by the ancients.

8th Place: Gao Rou (89 years old)

Gao Rou was a wei and Jin dynasty official during the Three Kingdoms period, born in the third year of Xiping (174) of the Eastern Han Dynasty and died in the fourth year of Jingyuan (263).

104 years old! He is the holder of longevity records during the Three Kingdoms period, look at the Three Kingdoms longevity top 8

Cao Cao

He was the cousin of Yuan Shao's nephew Gao Gan, but when there was a contradiction in the relationship between Gao Gan and Cao Cao, he was favored by Cao Cao, and began a life of "working" for Cao Cao. Gao Rou "joined the work" 20 years later and was promoted by Cao Pi to a court lieutenant among the Nine Secretaries. During the Cao Rui period, Gao Rou mainly took advice and advice as his main work, and circulated several good articles on "advising and assisting the Lord". In the first six years, Gao Rou was given the title of Sikong, and in the first nine years, he was named Situ. Because Gao Rou supported Sima Yi during the gaopingling rebellion, he was given the title of Marquis of Banzai after the incident. Ganlu was made a lieutenant in the first year of the reign until The death of Gao Rouxue in the fourth year of Jingyuan at the age of 89.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Rou's grandson Gao Hun inherited Gao Rou's title.

7th Prize: Shi Xie (aged 89)

Shi Xie was a warlord who divided the states during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty. He was born in the second year of Yonghe (137) of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and died in the fifth year (226) of The Eastern Wu Dynasty at the age of 89.

Shi Xie's ancestors migrated to Jiaozhou at home to escape the turmoil in the last years of Wang Mang's reign, and after six generations of hard work, Shi Xie was given the title of Nichinan Taishou during the Han Huan Emperor's reign, and Zhongping was given the title of Jiaotong Taishou in the fourth year. Shi Xie took the opportunity to kill Jiaozhou Andi Shi, and basically controlled most of Jiaozhou through family power. Later, Shi Xie began to govern Jiaozhou, and many merits were supported by the people at that time. Because Shi Xie did not cut off the tribute to the imperial court (Emperor Xian of Xudu), he was also made a general of Anyuan and the marquis of Longduting. In the fifteenth year of Jian'an, Shi Xie was attached to Sun Quan and was given the title of General of the Left. In the last year of Jian'an, Shi Xie sent his son to Sun Quan as a proton, and the two forces were in a honeymoon period. Shi Xie supported the State of Wu between Wu and Shu and became an important partner of Sun Quan. In the fifth year of Huang Wu (226), Shi Xie died at the age of eighty-nine.

In addition, the scope of Shi Xie's control is due to parts of present-day Vietnam, so the name of Shi Xie can also be seen in Vietnamese historical materials, and the Vietnamese people respectEd Si Xie as "Shi Wang", they believe that Shi Wang brought advanced culture to the locals.

Note: Because it is impossible to distinguish which is greater, Shi Xie and Gao Rou, as for how to rank, it depends on the officials to express their opinions.

6th Place: Meng Guang (89 years old+)

Meng Guang was the great si nong of the Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, and the history books record that he was "more than ninety years old". In the most secure understanding, his real age must have reached 89 years old, but this Yu, Yu is not more or less, so our conservative understanding is that he is 89 years old +.

Meng Guang took refuge in the Bashu region due to Dong Zhuo's rebellion, and Liu Yan's father and son attached great importance to him. After Liu Bei pacified Yizhou, he appointed Meng Guang as a huilang. After Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, he was given the title of Tun Riding Lieutenant, Changle Shaofu, and Dasi Nong. Since the ninth year of Yanxi (246), Meng Guang often accused shi shi of evil, and even kept his mouth shut, offending Fei Yi and other shu Han officials.

Soon after, Meng Guang was deposed for his affairs and died at the age of 89 and above (Hou Guang was dismissed from office at the age of ninety).

5th place: Liu Yi (90 years old)

Liu Yu was a minister from the Three Kingdoms period to the Western Jin Dynasty, and he was also a relative of the Han Dynasty, and a descendant of Liu Shou, the fifth son of Emperor Zhang of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was born in jian'an in the twenty-fifth year (220) and died in the fourth year of Yongjia (310).

Liu Yu entered Luoyang as a planner and began his career, he was successively transferred to Henan Yin Cheng, moved to Shang Shulang, Ting Wei and so on. Later, because he was responsible for Sima Zhao's military work, he was given the title of Xunyangzi. Later, when Zhong Hui Deng Ai was on a crusade against the Shu Kingdom, someone asked Liu Huan what would happen in this battle, and Liu Yu said that the two would definitely win, but neither of them could return. After the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, although Liu Yu was very bumpy at the beginning, he was still valued in the end. Yongjia died four years later at the age of 90.

4th place: Sima Fu (92 years old)

Sima Fu was born in the third year of Guanghe (180) and died in the eighth year of the Tai Dynasty (272). He was Sima Fang's third son and Sima Yi's younger brother.

104 years old! He is the holder of longevity records during the Three Kingdoms period, look at the Three Kingdoms longevity top 8

Sima Fu

In the turmoil at the end of the Han Dynasty, Sima Fu loved to read when he was young, and even when his family moved to escape the war, he did not forget to study. Sima Fu worked under Cao Zhi, and later he devoted himself to assisting Cao Pi. During the Cao Pi period, Sima Fu often offered advice. During the Cao Rui period, he began to take charge of the national finance. At the time of Cao Shuang and Sima Yi's mutual "game", Sima Fu basically remained neutral. After Sima Fu participated in the Gaopingling Rebellion, he was promoted to Sikong, later to Taiwei, and in the second year of Zhengyuan, he was promoted to Taifu. Although he had political discord with Sima Zhao, sima yan, he still received honors after the establishment of the Jin Dynasty.

In the eighth year of the Tai Dynasty, Sima Fu died at the age of ninety-two. Sima Yan held a three-day mourning for him in the East Hall of the Taiji Hall.

3rd place: Lü Dai (95 years old)

Lü Dai was born in the fourth year of Yanxi (161) and died in the first year of the Taiping of Eastern Wu (256).

Five years after Jian'an, Sun Ce died, Sun Quan optical cable world talent, Lu Dai admired the name, first took up the county, and later was appreciated by Sun Quan and retained for heavy use. Later, Lü Dai pacified the thieves, assisted the Jingzhou military, pacified Jiaozhou, suppressed the rebellion, and took charge of the clerical work in Jingzhou. After Sun Liang ascended the throne, he was given the title of Grand Sima (大司馬). After Lü Dai's death, his son Lü Kai succeeded him to the title.

2nd Prize: Lai Min (96 years old)

Lai Min was born in the eighth year of Yanxi (165) and died in the fourth year of Jing Yao (261) at the age of 96. During Dong Zhuo's rebellion, Lai Min and his sister avoided chaos in Jingzhou, and his brother-in-law was Huang Wan, a chancellor of the dynasty, and because Huang Huan was Liu Yan's mother's nephew (and Liu Yan's cousin), Lai Min and his sister came to Yizhou.

104 years old! He is the holder of longevity records during the Three Kingdoms period, look at the Three Kingdoms longevity top 8

Zhuge Liang

Lai Min read a wide range of books, especially in history, and his hobby was to correct ancient texts. After Liu Bei pacified Yizhou, Lai Min acted as a lieutenant of the school. Liu Bei called the empress dowager the Crown Prince's family order to teach Liu Chan. Liu Chan succeeded to the throne and later became the General of the Tiger Ben Zhonglang. During Zhuge Liang's first Northern Expedition, he invited Lai Min to serve as a military sacrifice wine, but Lai Min spoke wildly and was finally dismissed by Zhuge Liang. After Zhuge Liang's death, Lai Min returned to Chengdu to serve as the Great Changqiu, but was dismissed from office. Later, Dr. Guanglu was also dismissed for making a mistake. And every time he was degraded, it was because he spoke without a cover. Lai Min was a Confucian scholar, and he was an old vassal of the Jingchu clan or Liu Chan, so he later made Lai Min a general of the Zhishen, and within a few years, Lai Min died at the age of 96.

1st Prize: Zhang Zhen (104 years old)

To say that this well-documented and reliable first longevity of the Three Kingdoms, he and the above-mentioned people have an essential difference, he is not an official, not a social class. On the contrary, he has always been clothed. He was hailed as "one of the longest-lived people with a reliable record from the late Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period." ”

Zhang Hao was born in the first year of Yonghe (136) and died in the first year of zhengshi (240). He is a deer man.

When he was young, Yuan Shao invited him to be an official several times, but none of them answered the order. During the Jian'an period, he had moved to Shangdang, when Yuan Shao's nephew Gao Gan tried to woo Zhang Zhen but was still refused. Zhang Hao's hobby is to lecture around, and the place where it is recorded is Changshan. When Cao Cao was a chancellor, he also recruited him, but still did not succeed. During the reign of Cao Rui and Taihe, the imperial court wanted to recruit learned hermits who had eliminated disasters and difficulties, and the county repeatedly recommended Zhang Hao, but Zhang Hao refused each time on the grounds of old age and illness. In the first year of the first year, Zhang Hao died at the age of 104. Soon after, Wang Lang's son Wang Su arrived in Ren Guangping to express his respect for Zhang Guo and to take special care of his family.

brief summary

After reading this top 8, everyone should understand why the eighty-one-year-old Zhang Zhao did not make the list, let alone the seventy-two-year-old Sima Yi. But everyone must still have doubts about three people, that is, Zuo Ci, Ding Feng and Liao Hua.

Zuo Ci

First of all, Zuo Ci is indeed recorded in the Book of later Han, and even if some people question the historical materials of the Book of Later Han, they are also recorded in Cao Zhi's "Theory of Debate". As for his age, there is no exact figure in the official historical records, so we cannot call it "reliably documented". There is no reliable record, whether he lived to be 1 year old or 133 years old, which is not considered in this article.


For Liao Hua, the impression of longevity should be fixed from the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Although "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a fabrication of his early life, there is nothing wrong with his label of relative longevity. The author has already published his judgment and opinion on Liao Hua's age on the Internet two years ago (May 5, 2017), roughly speaking, after Liu Bei joined Liu Biao in the sixth year of Jian'an (201), he began to attract Jingzhou Haojie. This was the most likely time for Liao Hua to join Liu Bei's camp at the earliest, and if he had been 20 years old at the time, he would have been only 83 years old when the Shu kingdom fell.

On the other hand, from the later records of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he was Guan Yu's master book, and Liu Bei seemed to be very familiar with him after Liao Hua's death. Liao Hua's age will not be too young.

Ding Feng

Ding Feng's age speculation is a difficult problem, and on June 1, 2017, the author also published my own speculation online. At that time, the article was about 800 words of speculation, and it was referred to and carried out from the following points in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

1: When Ding Feng was young, he was a general of Gan Ning, Lu Xun and Pan Zhang.

2: Before Ling Tong and Pan Zhang, Gan Ning died after Guan Yu was killed and before the Battle of Yiling (late December 220 AD to july 221 AD), after his death the soldiers and horses were merged by Pan Zhang.

3: Sun Quan was the first to grant Ganning soldiers and horses to calculate, there are historical records that in 208 granted Ganning soldiers and horses.

4: It is said that Ding Fengxiao is good at fighting, so where does he fight Xiao Yong? According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Gan Ningwei participated in the wars: the Battle of Nanjun (209 AD), the Battle of Fusu (213 AD), the Confrontation with Guan Yu (214 AD), and the Battle of Anhui City (215 AD).

5: Ding Feng died in 271 AD.


Through the details of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the maximum and minimum values are used to go to the two extremes, and the shortest life and the ultimate life of Ding Feng are summarized as 66 to 91 years old. The reasonable age ranges from 71 to 86 years.

Zuo Ci could not deduce more accurate numbers, and Liao Hua's record was too vague. Although Ding Feng has a lot of details, as long as he is not 9 years old, he can go into battle to kill the enemy and is rated as Xiao Yong or 30 years old and is still called young, which is not in the list of the Top 8 longevity of the Three Kingdoms we are talking about today. Of course, 9-year-olds should enter the list of the youngest battlefield enemies in the Three Kingdoms.

Text: Talking about the author of the Three Kingdoms XXY

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