
Fresh lotus flour is nutritious and can be made at home, brewing a bowl every day to drink

author:Eating is the happiest

Make a little lotus flour at home and soak it in hot water when you want to drink it. It looks very convenient, but most people have given up because of production troubles, in fact, it is not so difficult to really operate. In the face of the supplements that can be eaten, these small things are nothing, and in the end, they can enjoy themselves. Xiaobian will tell you today, what is the step of my homemade lotus powder, for your reference, take a small bench and a small book to watch it.

Fresh lotus flour is nutritious and can be made at home, brewing a bowl every day to drink

First of all, the purchased lotus root is cleaned, the surface of the sludge is removed, and then peeled and placed in water for a period of time (absolutely can not be directly exposed to the air, the surface of the lotus root will oxidize and become very black, affecting the color and taste of the finished product). Once soaked, cut the lotus root into small pieces, place it in a blender and break it all. The more power the blender, the better the effect, because it will be thinner, so the taste will be higher. If you think that the lotus root residue can be used to make other dishes, you don't want to make it too fine, it is also possible, but the amount of juice will also be reduced.

Fresh lotus flour is nutritious and can be made at home, brewing a bowl every day to drink

Take a piece of gauze, pack the lotus root mud, squeeze out the lotus root juice inside, and the remaining lotus root residue will be rinsed with clean water and continue to squeeze out the juice. As for the lotus root residue, if it is too fine to be used for cooking, it can be fed to poultry or thrown away, and the essence is left anyway.

Let the lotus root water sit for six hours, and after the precipitation is ready, pour out the excess water and take a shovel to dig out the lotus powder at the bottom of the basin. Lay the lotus powder flat on the curtain, find a place with the sun, and leave it in the sun for two days. During the period, you can turn it over a few times, there are some clumps of particles, to be crushed, so that the sun can be dried quickly and evenly.

Fresh lotus flour is nutritious and can be made at home, brewing a bowl every day to drink

After drying, the lotus flour can be put away and stored in an airtight container to avoid moisture. Here's how to brew lotus powder. Take a small bowl, add two spoonfuls of prepared lotus flour, add two spoonfuls of cold white, and stir to form a paste. Then add a bowl of hot boiling water and continue stirring non-stop, with a transparent shape. At this time, add some dried goods (honey beans, raisins, oats, almonds, etc.) and you can directly dig and eat.

Fresh lotus flour is nutritious and can be made at home, brewing a bowl every day to drink


1, after peeling the lotus root, do not expose it to the air, to avoid the phenomenon of oxidation, it will become black, quite ugly, completely tasteless.

2. If you don't have the right tools at home to cut the lotus root into long strips, then you can use a rolling pin to flatten the lotus root and then press out the lotus pulp.

3, when drying lotus flour, do not put it in a dark position, try to choose a place with sunlight, if it encounters a cloudy day, dry it in the oven.