
Boston Terrier Habits The life habits of the Boston Terrier

author:Pet Network

Boston Terrier habits, for the owner of the Boston dog at home must pay attention to, especially Boston with a baby, because boston is very small in size, it is easy to be dangerous when giving birth to a dog baby, so it is taken out by caesarean section, which the owner of the dog must have some understanding, and other specific introductions We look at the following bar.

Boston Terrier Habits The life habits of the Boston Terrier

The origin of the Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier, then known as the American Bull Terrier. In 1870, the Boston-centered bullfighting campaign produced the Boston Terrier Breed (a breed of pugs crossed with small bulldogs). The early Boston Terrier was a breed of dog produced by the mating of bulldogs and bull-headed terriers, and later after the selection of co-breeding and French bulldog breeding, many improvements were made. In 1891, when the American Minotaur Club in Boston filed an application for breed recognition, it was not approved because the name of the Minotaur Terrier sounded harsh, and in the same year, the American canineist James M. Watson believed the bull terrier was incorrectly named and renamed it "Boston Terrier". It was not until 1983 that it was finally recognized by the Boston Club of the United States.

Boston Terrier habits, generally before raising dogs, you must understand the dog's living habits, so as to better take care of the dog. The Boston Terrier is a pet that is very suitable for urban breeding and is now favored by many people. What is the habit of the Boston Terrier, let's learn it together.

There were no restrictions on the color and markings of the early Boston Terrier, but by 1900 the color and decor markings were written into the dog's standards and became a necessary and typical feature of the breed. The Boston Terrier has worn away its ancestors' ruthless fighting dog qualities and become friendly companions for humans, although some male dogs show aggression when their territory is threatened. It can be divided into three categories according to body weight. The Boston Terrier has a broad head and is at risk of getting stuck in the birth canal when puppies are born, so caesarean sections are generally performed.

Boston Terrier Habits The life habits of the Boston Terrier

The life habits of the Boston Terrier

Gentle and patient, able to get along well with other pets, dogs, and children. Boston learns things more quickly. It is very sensitive to the sound of the owner's voice. Boston loves to play games, they need to exercise but if they are moderate, too long walks are unnecessary.

Boston Terrier Habits The life habits of the Boston Terrier

Body type characteristics

【Habits】 This dog breed belongs to the lively dog breed, intelligent, playful, emotional dog breed. The traditional good aggression no longer exists. Suitable as a cute family pet dog. Loved to walk around the house and had a lot of personality.

【Body size】 Body height: 30-50 cm; Weight: not more than 11 kg; Lightweight: 7 kg; Middleweight: 7-9 kg; Weight class: 9-11 kg.

【Body】 Muscular, firm, thick and broad chest. The back is short and the waist is somewhat sloping.

【Head】 The head cover has an angular, flat top of the head, short nose and mouth. The size of the head must be commensurate with the body.

【Ears】 Thin and erect, growing at both ends of the skull.

【Eyes】 The eyes are round and the spacing is large.

【Nose】 Black wide nose

【Lower lip】 The upper lip is large and sagging, and the mouth is tightly closed, completely covering the teeth. The jaw is broad and square.

【Limbs】 The thighs are muscular, the forelimbs are straight, and the hind limbs are strong.

【Palm】 Words and deeds, firm, the tip of the toes is obviously raised.

【Tail】 Short and straight, somewhat crooked. The caudal root is low and usually droopy.

【Shawl】 Short and thin, smooth and shiny, the appearance of a small jacket-like markings are more popular.

【Coat color】 1, gray with white markings; 2, gray should be clear throughout the body; 3. Black with white markings. But gray with white markings is better.