
Zhang Lei is new! The new secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee was the secretary of the "China's First Economically Strong County" Municipal Party Committee

author:Shenyang News Channel
Zhang Lei is new! The new secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee was the secretary of the "China's First Economically Strong County" Municipal Party Committee
Zhang Lei is new! The new secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee was the secretary of the "China's First Economically Strong County" Municipal Party Committee

On November 29, Shenyang Held a Meeting of Leading Cadres to announce the central government's decision on the adjustment of the main leaders of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee. Chen Qiufa, secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, attended the meeting and made a speech. Lu Zhiyuan, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Organization Department, read out the decision of the central and provincial party committees. Zhang Lei, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee and secretary of the Municipal CPC Committee, delivered a speech; Jiang Youwei, deputy secretary of the Municipal CPC Committee and mayor, presided over the meeting; Pan Liguo, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress; and Han Dongtai, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended

Recently, the central government approved: Comrade Zhang Lei was appointed secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee. The provincial party committee decided: Comrade Zhang Lei is appointed as a member of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and a member of the Standing Committee.

Zhang Lei is new! The new secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee was the secretary of the "China's First Economically Strong County" Municipal Party Committee

In his speech, Chen Qiufa pointed out that the current readjustment of the principal leadership of the Shenyang Municipal CPC Committee is an important policy decision made by the party Central Committee from the overall situation of Liaoning's work, focusing on strengthening the building of the leading bodies of Liaoning Province and Shenyang City, and after overall consideration and careful study, which fully embodies the concern, importance, and vigorous support of the cpc Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core for the work of Liaoning Province and Shenyang City, embodies the cordial concern and earnest expectations for the leading bodies of Liaoning Province and Shenyang City, and embodies the trust and love for Liaoning cadres.

Chen Qiufa pointed out that in recent years, Shenyang Has deeply studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Liaoning and at the symposium on the in-depth promotion of the revitalization of Northeast China, done a solid job in stabilizing growth, promoting reform, adjusting the structure, benefiting the people's livelihood, and preventing risks, unswervingly promoted the comprehensive and strict management of the party, really grasped the work, assumed responsibility, and promoted the important progress of Shenyang's economic and social work.

Chen Qiufa stressed: As a provincial capital city, Shenyang has an important position and played a prominent role in the revitalization and development of the province. It is necessary to seize the opportunity, work hard, do a good job in all work, and make greater contributions to the comprehensive revitalization and all-round revitalization of Liaoning. First, it is necessary to effectively unify thoughts and actions with the central decisions, take a clear stand on politics, firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", consciously maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideological and political actions, implement the central decision-making arrangements and the specific arrangements of the provincial party committee to the letter, and ensure the smooth flow of the central government decrees with practical actions. The second is to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Liaoning and at the symposium on the in-depth promotion of the revitalization of Northeast China, take the lead in implementing the "1 + 8" series of documents of the provincial party committee and the provincial government in accordance with the requirements of the tenth plenary session of the twelfth session of the provincial party committee, solidly carry out the "emancipation of the mind to promote high-quality development discussion", make up for the "four shortcomings", and do a solid job in the "six key tasks" to ensure practical results. The third is to set higher goals, further clarify the mission statement, timetable and implementation responsibility system, plan new ideas, implement new measures, and promote new development. Adhere to high-quality development, continue to improve the business environment, deepen the reform of key areas and key links, continue to increase the intensity of opening up, further improve the level of urban management, focus on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthen the construction of safe Shenyang, and strive to be a good leader and set an example in the revitalization and development of the province. Fourth, it is necessary to conscientiously implement the responsibility of managing the party and administering the party, put political construction in the first place, adhere to the correct orientation of selecting and employing people, strengthen the building of grass-roots organizations, vigorously promote the change in the work style of cadres, strengthen the building of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle, and promote the comprehensive development from strict party management to in-depth development.

Zhang Lei is new! The new secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee was the secretary of the "China's First Economically Strong County" Municipal Party Committee

Zhang Lei said that the central government decided that I should be appointed secretary of the Shenyang Municipal CPC Committee, and I resolutely supported and resolutely obeyed, and sincerely thanked the organization for its trust. It is a great honor and pride to be able to work together with the vast number of cadres in Shenyang and to struggle with the people of Shenyang. I will doubly cherish the trust and trust of the central and provincial party committees, and the love and expectations of the cadres and masses of the whole city, draw a blueprint to the end, roll up my sleeves and work hard, actively promote the construction of the national central city, and promote Shenyang to be a good leader and set an example in the revitalization of Liaoning. It is necessary to accurately correct political direction, continuously strengthen the "four consciousnesses", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Liaoning and at the symposium on the in-depth promotion of the revitalization of Northeast China, and ensure that the deployment requirements of the central and provincial party committees take root in Shenyang. It is necessary to devote ourselves to high-quality development, firmly practice the new development concept, strive to make greater breakthroughs in key areas and key links such as reform, innovation, and opening up, vigorously consolidate the achievements in the construction of ecological civilization, and continuously create a new situation of comprehensive revitalization with new weather and new responsibilities. It is necessary to continue to optimize the business environment, further update the concept, the unity of knowledge and action, carry out in-depth special rectification, actively build a new type of government-business relationship of "pro" and "qing", and strive to build a first-class city with a business environment. It is necessary to focus on ensuring the improvement of people's livelihood, seeking more strategies to enrich the people, doing more things that benefit the people, promoting the coordinated development of social undertakings, firmly grasping the bottom line of people's livelihood, continuously optimizing the supply of public services, and making every effort to maintain the harmony and stability of the overall social situation. It is necessary to persist in administering the party in an all-round and strict manner, strictly implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, solidly promote the inspection and rectification work of the central authorities, resolutely eliminate the bad influence of Bo Xilai and Wang Min, implement the standards for good cadres in the new period, persistently promote the change in cadre work style, continuously consolidate the overwhelming momentum of the anti-corruption struggle, and create a good political ecology with a clean and healthy atmosphere.

Zhang Lei is new! The new secretary of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee was the secretary of the "China's First Economically Strong County" Municipal Party Committee

Jiang Youwei said in his chairmanship that he fully supports and resolutely obeys the decision of the central and provincial party committees and expresses his sincere welcome to Comrade Zhang Lei for coming to Shenyang to work. We must deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, especially the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Liaoning and at the forum on the in-depth promotion of the revitalization of Northeast China, firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", quickly unify our thoughts and actions with the spirit of the decisions of the central and provincial party committees, and further emancipate the mind, invigorate the spirit, raise the morale, and work hard under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee with Comrade Zhang Lei as the leader. Actively explore new paths for high-quality development, cultivate development advantages, enhance development momentum, enhance development energy levels, strive to create a national central city, promote the comprehensive revitalization and all-round revitalization of Shenyang with new weather and new responsibilities, and be a good leader and set an example in promoting the revitalization of Liaoning.

Members of the leading bodies of the Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government, and the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the principal leaders of the Municipal Court and the Procuratorate, other leading cadres at the deputy municipal level, veteran comrades at the municipal level and retired in the past two years, deputy secretaries-general of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, members of the leading body of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, principal responsible comrades of various ministries and commissions of the Municipal CPC Committee, units directly under the municipal government, municipal mass organizations, and municipal public institutions, principal responsible comrades of the party and government of various districts, counties (cities), and principal responsible comrades of municipal colleges and universities, enterprises, and some units directly under the provincial government in Shenzhong. In addition to the above-mentioned personnel, members of the municipal party committee and alternate members attended the meeting.

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