
Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

author:Beijing News

Produced by Beijing News

Directed by Guan Hu and with Liang Jing as producer and actor, the film "Eight Hundred" has exceeded 800 million yuan at the box office since its official release on August 21. At the screening meeting held on the evening of August 14, Liang Jing talked about the consideration of the release schedule of "Eight Hundred" with great pride - "I hope that we will be in the front and can rekindle confidence in Chinese films." But turning her head to hear another producer, Wang Zhonglei, recall director Guan Hu's persistence from the preparation of the film to the release of the film, her tears could not stop falling.

One moment it is objective and rational, the next moment it is weak and emotional, only because of heartache and admiration for her husband's efforts.

Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

Liang Jing

After participating in the Beijing screening of "Eight Hundred", Liang Jing accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Beijing News. In her opinion, most people have two sides. "In fact, everyone has a different gender in their hearts. I have a more objective and strong side of men, and a weak side of women. When faced with big things, the objective side will jump out. I feel like I'm a man on the inside, but a woman on the outside. Guan Hu is actually a woman on the inside and a man on the outside. ”

Liang Jing, who grew up in an actor's family, has worked as a host, jewelry designer, actor, and producer, with more diverse experience and identity. However, the label of "Director Guan Hu's Wife" is too dazzling, often overlooking that she is also an actress who has won the Golden Horse Award (the movie "Killing"), and is also a producer of popular web dramas such as the movie "Eight Hundred" and "Dragon Ridge Labyrinth".

And Liang Jing does not mind this "neglect", she and Guan Hu have been married for 15 years, and the transformation behind the scenes and the operation of the "7 Impressions" company are all to help Guan Hu.

I'm an "actor" —

Acting is not afraid of getting old, and only when you are mature can you act more freely

Wang Qianyuan, who won the Best Actor Award at the Tokyo Film Festival, called Liang Jing after watching "Eight Hundred" and said that she should continue acting.

Wang Qianyuan had not seen Liang Jing's plays much before, but from several scenes in "Eight Hundred" and the rival scenes of the two people's one-sentence lines in "My Motherland and Me", she had already felt her acting skills and invited her to act together in the future, but liang Jing declined.

In "Eight Hundred", Liang Jing plays the wife of a university professor (Hou Yong). The short four scenes outline the appearance of a housewife in the Shanghai Concession of the Republic of China who is confined to the daily life of the chicken and garlic, pays more attention to the interests of the small family, but has not lost her conscience.

This role is actually the director Guan Hu took the initiative to liang Jing.

Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

As an actor in "Eight Hundred", Liang Jing played the role of the professor's wife in the film.

"I talked to him, and some of the characters thought I was quite suitable, why didn't you let me play? He was very objective and hit me very hard. ”

Guan Hu told Liang Jing that if an actor really loves movies, he should not be busy with other things, but should concentrate on acting in movies. If you can't do it with only movies in your mind and blood, do something else well. Liang Jing agrees with Guan Hu's view that the concentration of a person's work determines his height.

"There are a few good actors around me who are very focused on acting, and when filming, they will delete And uninstall WeChat, feeling that it is a waste of time and energy, and then download it again after the performance." I don't think these words that Tiger (Guan Hu) said to me didn't ruin my confidence as an actor, but made me understand things more clearly. So I would agree without complaint. ”

Liang Jing's love for movies is related to her original family. Her parents are both actors, and her father, Liang Zhipeng, is the actor of "Tank" Liu Xuncang in the 1960 black-and-white film "Lin Hai Xueyuan". Liang Jing grew up as a senior cultural and industrial regimental commander of the Fuzhou Military Region, and Sun Haiying and Zhu Shimao were both trainees recruited by her father, and now when they meet, they still call her father "Captain Liang." In addition, Liang Jing's father is also a member of the Filmmakers Association, so she can see a variety of films from an early age, including imported films. By ear, the film is already "in the blood" for her.

Although not very prolific, the roles she has created in the past, no matter how many scenes, have left a deep impression on the audience - the enthusiastic and sharp-tongued Mauna in the TV series "I Want to Fall in Love", the independent and true temperament of Nayi in the TV series "Husband and Wife Those Things", and even the lampshade daughter-in-law who helps watch the pancake stall in "Old Cannon"...

Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

In "Think Well, I Want to Fall in Love", I cooperate with Na Ying (middle) and Jiang Wenli (right).

She never cared about the beauty and ugliness of the role, Mauna and Nayi were certainly beautiful, but the midwife in the movie "Killing" had black skin and rude speech, and the boss lady Wu Hongying of "Cook Drama Leper" was even more ugly and deformed, and she had no worries about acting, and won the honor of best supporting actress at the Golden Horse Award for the former. Liang Jing said: "I score the drama first, and if I am beautiful in the life drama, I will try to be beautiful." In the case of film, I have always felt that it is art, and it should be based on the pursuit of art. ”

Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview
Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview
Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

In Guan Hu's recent works, Liang Jingdu has participated in the performance (from top to bottom: "Old Cannon", "Killing", "Cook Drama Leper").

Therefore, she does not have any baggage for playing ugly for movie characters; she does not feel sorry for Wang Qianyuan's "pity". "Since I was an actor, I said that I am an actor who is not afraid of getting old, and I can still act when I am old. Maybe I'll come back in a circle and be more mature enough to act, be more comfortable and confident, have more time and energy to grasp a complete role, and be able to act more well. ”

I'm a "producer" —

Dare to fight with the director and use reason to resolve "tension"

However, at this stage, being a good producer and putting the company on track is what Liang Jing cares about most.

In terms of intervention time, the movie "Eight Hundred" is liang Jing's first film and television work as a producer. At the end of 2016, she saw that Guan Hu not only had to work hard for "Eight Hundred", which had entered the preparatory period, but also had to handle many other affairs, so she had the idea of becoming a producer. "Only if I help him with all my heart can I help." It just so happened that there were not many opportunities to act for me during that time, so I came. ”

Liang Jing had also discussed with Guan Hu whether to work together before, but did not implement it.

Although they are husband and wife, she feels that there is still a certain distance between her and Guan Hu in her work, especially at the director's level. Until the end of 2016, Guan Hu really needed help, and he also saw Liang Jing gradually mature, so he hit it off.

Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

At the shooting scene of "Eight Hundred", Liang Jing (first from the left) and Guan Hu (second from the left) and a number of main creators.

From the front of the stage to the backstage, Liang Jing did not have much discomfort, but was attracted by the challenges involved. "Being an actor is like opening a window and doing your own thing well. Being a producer is like opening several windows, and if you can do a good job of connecting each link, the sense of achievement will be greater. ”

They all say that producers and directors are "natural enemies", and Liang Jing feels that this is a matter of methods and methods.

Guan Hu is a director with a certain producer's mindset, and he clearly knows which scenes can be completed and which will lead to overdue. It's just that once he enters the emotional creation, he will forget about this, and he needs the producer to remind him in time and even change the flowers. In Liang Jing's view, as a producer, you must first understand the content, know what the director wants to do, and at the same time dare to argue and reason with the director, and only "listen to the drink" (a common phrase in Beijing and Tianjin, meaning "no initiative, listen to the command of others") The producer must not be able to control the budget.

However, a producer who does not listen to the drink will inevitably have differences with the director, will this affect the couple's private relationship? Liang Jing smiled and admitted, "It will be."

On August 8 this year, she accompanied Guan Hu on the Dandong set for his birthday, and said a paragraph with great emotion: "After accompanying you for 20 August 8th, I still know you very well." I've seen a big boy become a big man with responsibility, and you've seen me go from a little daughter-in-law to a female producer with a straight face. This led to a bit of a 'strain' in our married life at one point. Liang Jing explained that the "nervousness" here is to add double quotation marks, that is, the two will argue whether they should do this project together. Or do you listen to me or do I listen to you?

"But in the end, it was resolved with tacit understanding and rationality."

Behind the scenes of the transformation, Liang Jing not only assumed the responsibility of the producer of "Eight Hundred", but also corporatized the original Guan Hu Studio (7 Impression Culture Media Co., Ltd.), and specially attended Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business for this purpose.

Guan Hu Studio's operation after transforming into a company was quite successful. Under the background of the cold winter of film and television, before the release of the movie "Eight Hundred", 7 Impressions has successively produced IP adaptations such as "Ghost Blowing Lights" and "Antiques Bureau Central Bureau 2", which have made a name for themselves in the drama production industry. Why did you decide to take over the web drama in the first place? Liang Jing said that her idea of 7 impressions stemmed from Guan Hu's creative ability in both movies and dramas. Guan Hu directed the blockbuster TV series "Black Hole" in his early years, as well as the TV movie "Get in the Car, Let's Go!" ", TV series "Winter Solstice", "Migrant Workers for Survival", "Foreigners". Liang Jing especially likes "Winter Solstice", believing that the play shows the general feelings of the director's poet, and "Migrant Workers of Survival" makes director Ning Hao look at Huang Bo. "I think he (Guan Hu) has a certain conversion power in terms of movies and series, and I want to use that to make this company." At that time, the video platform just needed the first-line directors to join the supporting content, and we were the first to jump out. ”

Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

For the company's future film and drama shooting plans, Liang Jing seems confident. "Guan Hu's big movies take time, not every year. Just like "Eight Hundred", it has been ten years since he took root in his heart. At present, the company is definitely mainly based on drama, and the drama is used to raise movies, so that the company can survive stably. Liang Jing revealed that in addition to the few remaining dramas that completed "Ghost Blowing Lights", there will also be original dramas on the horse. At the same time, with the help of senior industry resources, she launched the "7 Hopes Plan" to support young directors. She hopes to cultivate a number of directors with the ability to convert film and drama. Guan Hu himself is also interested in fighting the series again, "He definitely has this desire, and he hopes to drive it (young director)." ”

I'm a "wife" —

His heart was soft and delicate, and she had some large strips

Because of the work reasons often separated between the two places, every day through countless WeChat and telephone contact, before getting on the plane will report to each other "I flew", say "I love you" and "Mo Mo Da" to each other. This sounds more like a couple in love, rather than an old husband and wife who have been in love for more than ten years and have a pair of children under their knees.

Liang Jing and Guan Hu have been married for 15 years, and even if they have become "natural enemies" of producers and directors in recent years, they have not had any impact on their intimate relationship.

When it comes to the work of being a producer and the development concept of 7 Impressions, Liang Jing is rational and calm, and when it comes to topics related to Guan Hu, she will become quite emotional. In Liang Jing's eyes, Guan Hu is a domineering and talented director, but he has the softness and delicacy of a woman in his heart, and he is also a perfect man who cares for his family with heavy feelings.

Liang Jing: Guan Hu and I, one floating in the sky and one falling on the ground 丨 Interview

Guan Hu attended the premiere of "Eight Hundred" in Dandong.

On the day of the screening of "Eight Hundred", Guan Hu failed to rush back to Beijing on the set of Dandong, and communicated with the audience through cloud video connection. Liang Jing said that in fact, Guan Hu could take a day off to return to Beijing, but he felt that some of the important creators of "Eight Hundred" were now following him to make new films in Dandong, and if he came back alone, there was no point, so he chose to stay with his brothers. "He places a special emphasis on brotherhood, and his desire to 'share this glory together' is also particularly strong. At first, I really didn't think about what he was going to do when he returned to Beijing. As soon as he said this, I understood instantly. "Liang Jing feels that Guan Hu is more thorough than she thinks about it a lot of times." So sometimes I'm like a man, big bar. He often told me that you have to pay attention to this and that, reminding me of something very detailed, and his emotions are more delicate than mine. In Liang Jing's view, people most of the time have two sides, and there is a different gender in their hearts, "Friends say that Guan Hu's heart lives in a girl."

Two people with complementary personalities also communicate tacitly, usually Guan Hu convinces Liang Jing on the overall situation, and Liang Jing convinces Guan Hu in small things.

Although Guan Hu's heart is soft and delicate, his willpower is strong enough to make Liang Jing admire. For example, for many years, he insisted on getting up every morning and running five kilometers without interruption. He always said that the director fought for physical strength in the end. If you don't have enough physical strength, your brain power will not be able to keep up, and many ideas cannot be realized, so he has always insisted on exercising. At the same time, he also asked his team not to get sick every time they worked, and to take care of themselves. Another example is smoking cigars, which has always been a big hobby of Guan Hu, and he can smoke seven or eight cigarettes a day when filming "Eight Hundred". Later, the film encountered some twists and turns, he announced that he would quit his favorite cigar, and he really quit the next day, until August 14, "Eight Hundred" was released, a total of 436 days.

As for family affairs, Guan Hu has full authority over to Liang Jing. In the past four or five years, Liang Jing's focus has been biased towards work, and she has always felt guilty about her children. On the contrary, during the epidemic period, she and Guan Hu had more time to return to the family, and the family of four lived a healthy and regular life - every morning Guan Hu ran back, would make a pot of tea and sit in the courtyard to read, eat together at noon, sometimes accompany the children in the afternoon, sometimes write or watch movies, watch the mood in the evening to drink some wine, or call friends to come to the small gathering; and Liang Jing's daily life is to accompany the children to play ball, ride bicycles, fight Lego, tutor online homework, and occasionally dock work. If it is a history-related homework, Liang Jing usually asks the children to consult their fathers because he is good at history. "But dad doesn't know how to tell his children, and the two children will come to me and ask me, what does dad mean?" I'll help him interpret it again. We are like this every day, he belongs to the sky, I may be more landed, there are still many tacit understandings in life. ”

Beijing News reporter Yang Lianjie

Edited by Wu Dongni Proofreader Zhao Lin

Source: Beijing News

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