
What do couples need?

author:Happiness is not a disease

#夫妻之间需要的是什么 #

When you read this article carefully, is there a rift in the relationship between your husband and wife?

The generation of cracks is not overnight, but the resentment accumulated over a long time, so how to avoid the generation of resentment?

Do you want to spend your life with your lover?

I've put together a few important reasons that affect couples' feelings.

Reducing these obstacles will certainly bring couples to harmony.

What do couples need?

1. Fairness

Husband and wife are fair, with the development of society, the sentence that men make money, the topic of women supporting the family has long passed, now men are making money and supporting the family, and women are making money while raising the family, trivial things in the family, just like laundry and cooking are also done by both sides, if you can't cook, then please learn to brush the dishes. The discipline of children is also done by both parties, there is no designation of which things should be done by men and which things should be done by women, only when both parties do these things together and maintain the family together can the fairness in the relationship be completed. Fairness is very important, once there is an injustice, it will accumulate resentment, and over time affect the feelings of husband and wife.

What do couples need?

2. Trust

The trust between husband and wife is not established overnight, if the two parties do not trust each other, then such a husband and wife feelings will certainly not go long, even if the marriage can be maintained, but the feelings are absolutely not maintained. Do you have any private money? Do you have some secrets in your phone? Are you secretly chatting with the opposite sex? Although these topics feel nothing, who does not have a little private space, but often some things similar to these private spaces will breed distrust between the two sides. That is to say, there are too many secrets, to reduce the number of private secrets, it feels like everything is hidden, and gradually the husband and wife emotionally form an obstacle, affecting the feelings of the husband and wife.

What do couples need?

3. Respect

Both husband and wife should respect each other, not simply respecting both parties, but respecting the families of both parties on the basis of respect for both parties. To love him/her is to love all he/her, to love everything about him/her, the feelings of both parties are based on the family, the discord between the two families creates a gap of feelings, if you can't love everything about him/her, then you can't call it love, you can only like him/her.

What do couples need?

4. Understanding and tolerance

Husband and wife should understand each other, there are many trivial things in life, not only you can make money, so that there can be a material basis, but emotions do not necessarily have problems. Many family men say that I make money a day not for this family, I can only say that making money is for the material basis of this family, and has nothing to do with emotions. Is it really someone who gives you money and you like him/her? Is that feelings? Obviously not. So to understand that the other party to maintain the family is not to make money, on the contrary, women do not say to do housework, look at the children is for this family. After both sides understand, you will find that when you help your wife wash the dishes and serve dishes after work, your wife is full of smiles, and when your wife helps you share the pressure of your work, your breathing will certainly not be so dull.

What do couples need?

5. Tie up

Many people think that the feelings between husband and wife are like that, after having children, they will say that for the sake of children, I make it up, when I say this sentence, there is already a crisis in feelings. The child is only a child, is the product of the emotional basis, if there is no feeling, relative to the husband and wife emotional harmony of the family comparison, then this product must not be so precious, do you really love the child? If you love, don't use your children as a ribbon that binds your marital feelings. Instead, let the child become a needle in your guard of this family, standing tall.

What do couples need?

6. Sex

Sex is not an ugly topic, this is also a good medicine to increase the emotional basis of couples, most of the asexual marriages are unsatisfactory, and extramarital affairs are also the key elements that directly create the breakdown of marriage, so whether it is a man or a woman, be strict in this regard, do not be an animal that thinks about the lower body, do not push your marriage into the grave with one hand because of an unexpected stimulus. Plain is true!

What do couples need?

If you can master these 6 items perfectly, then congratulations, you will gain great wealth.

The longest companion of people's lives is your lover, young couples and old companions, in fact, when you are old, most of them are old wives who can take care of you, and when you look back, you will smile very happily.

Now the failure rate of marriage is very high, many relatives around me have embarked on this road, I hope that people who see the article can reflect on it, I hope that every couple will coexist in harmony, and the son will lose his hand and grow old with his son.

May all husband and wife work together to protect their wonderful family.

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