
"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

author:China Youth Network

You would never expect it

Imported seafood from internet celebrity brands that spend a lot of money online

It will be "transformed" and indiscriminately counted

Expired and expired food

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

At the end of September, some consumers responded

Net red seafood e-commerce "Weiku Seafood"

There is a problem of poor product quality

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...
"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

October 19,

Some media have secretly visited the Internet red seafood e-commerce "Weiku Seafood" and found that

The brand exists with expired products,

Feel free to change the production date and other behaviors.

The matter quickly attracted widespread attention.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...
"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

The reporter entered the "Weiku Seafood" Suzhou warehouse for a secret visit,

Discover the company

Sell the stinking black tiger shrimp after changing the box,

Expired Russian sweet shrimp will be relabeled for sale on production labels.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...
"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

By comparing the information on the packaging box, the reporter found the reason for the box change operation, the black tiger shrimp of the "Haida Seafood" brand is Malaysia, and there are about 6 months left before expiration; while the black tiger shrimp of the "Weiku" brand is produced in Vietnam, with a production date of April 28, 2021 and a shelf life of 24 months. After changing the packaging, the shelf life of Malaysian shrimp was extended by about a year, and the replaced Vietnamese black tiger shrimp had deteriorated due to improper preservation.

Employees say the average consumer can't see this subtle difference.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

? Video screen display,

When the spoiled Vietnamese black tiger shrimp is replaced,

The staff did not discard it at the first time,

And means continue to box,

"Put dry ice in it and it won't stink."

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...
"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

In addition to the advent goods,

Employees also change production labels for expired goods.

Employees skillfully self-edit and self-print,

Expired products become new in seconds.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...
"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

Employees privately revealed that in order to destock and ensure the rhythm of delivery, it is a common practice to compile and print self-printed production labels and then paste them on expired products.

During the reporter's 5-day secret visit, the gloves used by the staff to sort seafood have never been cleaned, and according to the technical guidelines for the prevention and control of the new crown virus in the production and operation of cold chain food, employees correctly wear masks, gloves and overalls during work.

In the 5 days of the reporter's on-site secret visit, the company did not make any requirements for this.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

After such a picking process, these zero-term expired goods are sent to customers across the country. Ironically, the advertising page reads, "Let family and friends eat seafood with confidence." ”

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

According to the official website of Weiku Seafood

Weiku Seafood was established in 2013

Provide aquatic seafood supply chain services

Warehouses are located in nearly 30 cities across the country

For more than 300 e-commerce platforms, etc

Provide services such as consignment and online store operation

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

Publicity for Weiku seafood

Own products

"Low temperature freezing, scale, standardization, safety and health"

You can see it on a platform

The sales of weiku seafood are not low

The top three items all had more than 360,000 reviews

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

In response to media exposure, on October 20, the staff of the Market Supervision Bureau of Xiangcheng District of Suzhou City responded that the parties were suspected of tampering with the production date and released to the outside world, and had initially grasped some evidence, and had sealed relevant illegal products, filed a case investigation against the parties, and launched a large-scale investigation of cold chain food-related business enterprises in the whole region.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

The reporter saw at the scene on the same day that the staff of the Suzhou Xiangcheng District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau was investigating and disposing of the scene, and the "same" black tiger shrimp in the box exposure video was moved out of the cold storage.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

The reporter casually picked up a box of black tiger shrimp that was seized and opened, and the product emitted an abnormal sour smell. Hundreds of square meters of cold storage stores a large amount of seafood. In addition to the black tiger shrimp and sweet shrimp involved, there are also "weiku seafood" products such as pike crab and shrimp, and the number of black tiger shrimp products alone is more than 100 boxes.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

The person in charge of the warehouse here of "Weiku Seafood" did not make much excuse in the face of law enforcement personnel, but said that there are still legal products in the warehouse, and he is willing to cooperate with the investigation.

Zhang Xu, captain of the law enforcement brigade of the Suzhou Xiangcheng District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, told reporters that the registered address of "Weiku Seafood" is located in Beijing, which is a cold chain warehouse and processing place, and the location is hidden, located in the deepest part of the logistics park.

"Net red" seafood was exposed: the production date was printed casually, the shrimp stinked and dried ice...

Market supervision law enforcement personnel retrieve warehouse supply and shipment records

The market supervision and management department of Xiangcheng District said that the next step will be to carry out a large-scale investigation and rectification of cold chain food-related business enterprises in the whole region, and severely crack down on food safety violations in accordance with the law.

Have you ever "stepped on a mine"?

Comprehensive self-emergency call, Modern Express, Shanghai News Broadcast, Weibo, etc

Source: Qilu Evening News

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