
Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful

author:Green vines
Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful

The China Literature and Art Foundation supports the project

The Chinese Dancers Association supports the project

Beijing Dance Academy Young Dancer Studio Support Project

Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful

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As one of the achievements of the Beijing Dance Academy Young Dancer Studio Project, the work "Meihuacheng Tingsheng Miaoyu", which is produced, written and starred by Hu Yuting, a young dancer of the Beijing Dance Academy, was successfully performed at the Beijing Dance Academy Dance Theater on October 16, 2021.

With the original intention of "reviewing the growth process, facing the beautiful future, and serving the cultivation of the party and the motherland", the work structures its own five "diaries" with the colors of "gold, wood, water, fire and earth", leading the audience step by step into her soul, her growth process and her deep gratitude to her parents, teachers, schools and the country.

With this sincere love, Hu Yuting presented us with a visual feast. The work was directed and choreographed by Zhang Yunfeng, a young choreographer of Beijing Dance Academy, and the main creative team brought together Ju Yi, Li Ruiding, Guo Feng, Zhang Kunpeng, Feng Jinshuo, Zhu Jun and other well-known artists in society, as well as outstanding graduates of Beijing Dance Academy such as Lei Qingshan, Zhang Qingwang, Wang Haoyi, and joined hands with youth dance troupe Sun Ke, Su Hailu, Wang Nianci, Li Chensai, Zhu Wenyu and creative colleges, Chinese Classical Dance Department, and graduate schools, which were unanimously praised by teachers, students and audiences.

Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful
Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful
Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful
Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful
Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful
Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful


This is a dancer observing life, understanding society, reflecting on their own themes, the stage design is fresh, concise and beautiful, the selection of materials from a unique perspective, the intention is exquisite and warm, the actors have a solid foundation, the artistic performance is wonderful, the structure is reasonable, the stage scheduling is good, the dance choreography is careful, and the balance between integrity and innovation reflects the academic performance form.

Hu Yuting set an example for young artists with her own actions. She experimented with the possibility of moving from "being arranged" to "arranging herself" and achieved her own artistic growth. Independent creativity, literary design, team formation, fundraising, starring, cooperative scheduling, inside and outside the play, in front of and behind the stage, not only to surpass herself in the performance of the skill, but also to observe the overall situation, she completed a leapfrog transformation, becoming a comprehensive dancer with organizational strength and cohesion. This is also an excellent result of the Academy after the Youth Dance Troupe took the lead in implementing the art studio mechanism.

This performance is also a successful case of cooperation between teachers and students, a case of young dancers holding each other up, a case of cooperation between the same way of the academy and the troupe, a beautiful story of mutual promotion between students above and below, and a cooperation at the plateau level.

Hu Yuting and her partners, with the heart to infect each other, with emotions to echo each other, with faith to achieve each other, I hope you will always be with each other, the heart will not be changed!

——Batu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing Dance Academy

If beauty is the state of life that artists yearn for all their lives, and it is their ideal pursuit of becoming beauty itself, then I see such an idealistic color in the young dancer Hu Yuting. Over the years, she has bloomed on the stage and dedicated herself to the audience in self-transcendence time and again, vividly interpreting the height and realm of a kind of "beauty". In fact, under the beauty she presented, I also saw a hidden, deep as the sea of power, always for her and artists like her, sending unlimited energy and passion, that is, to cherish the homeland and dance for the people! I am deeply honored to have such a dancer at the Beijing Dance Academy!

—— Guo Lei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Beijing Dance Academy

Art is the crystallization of truth, goodness and beauty, and the artist is the angel and embodiment of beauty. Hu Yuting is such a beautiful dancer. Her beauty comes not only from her extremely talented appearance, but also from her pure heart of simplicity and authenticity. At this moment, Hu Yuting presents her true self to the audience in the way of a spiritual diary, and condenses into a dancing world with a sense of truth, just as she expected: the transformation of beauty, Tingsheng Miaoyu!

——Feng Shuangbai, Chairman of the Chinese Dancers Association

Tingting's words, such as her people, are simple and elegant, not doing Zhou Zhang; Tingting's dance, on the contrary, opens and closes and retracts, swinging qi back to the intestines. She dances with her heart, condensing the "transformation of beauty"; she has feelings and hair, expressing the sincerity of beauty. Walk into Tingting's dance bar, feel a piece of ice heart in the jade pot, touch the soul of the dancer, understand the divine will of the muse, the gift of God, and feel the supreme goodness and great simplicity of human nature! Thank you Tingting!

—— Luo Bin, Secretary of the Party Group of the China Dancers Association and Vice Chairman of the Association

Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful

Party Secretary Batu presented Hu Yuting with the 2020-2021 "Young Dancer Studio" project funding certificate

On June 7, 2021, the College held the "Beijing Dance Academy 14th Five-Year High-end Performance Talent Team Construction and Youth Dance Troupe Construction Special Work Conference". From the height of the "14th Five-Year Plan" of the college, we put forward ideas for the construction of high-end performance talent team, to establish a system and mechanism for "high-end performance talents" that meet the characteristics of the dance academy, and set up a "young dancer studio", so that the training results of top talents can quickly realize the organic combination of "individual presentation" and "collective presentation", activate the growth mechanism of each top dancer, let their artistic creativity burst out, and let the talents who "want to do things, can do things, and can do things" stand out.

Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful

"Beauty into Tingsheng Miaoyu" is the first performance after the establishment of the "Young Dancer Studio" in the college, which is not only an innovative personalized creation of Hu Yuting, but also her wordless and affectionate confession to her parents, teachers and the country. In her, we see the fine tradition of the North Dancers of "Loving the Country, Loving the School, Loving Dance". On the journey of the new era, the young literary and artistic workers of the Beijing Dance Academy will also continue the spirit of Beiwu, adhere to artistic ideals, bravely climb the peak of art, and dedicate more outstanding literary and artistic works to the society and the people.

Hu Yuting Dance Theater "Beauty into. The premiere of "Tingsheng Miaoyu" was successful

Source: Centre for Teaching Practice

Text: Zhang Hao Ouyang Yiting

Photo: Li Yaxin Quan Junxi

Typesetting: Zhang Xidan, Ouyang Yiting, Zhang Yuqing

Editor-in-charge: Liu Fei

Issue 871 in total

Issue 165, 2021

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