
Tan Lihua stressed at the summing-up and commendation meeting for the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces that all criminal syndicates and evil forces should have nowhere to hide in Huize

author:Palm Qujing

On November 9, Huize County held a summary and commendation meeting for the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces, summarizing and reviewing the achievements of the three-year special struggle, praising the advanced, and deploying normalization to carry out the work of the anti-crime and anti-evil struggle.

Tan Lihua stressed at the summing-up and commendation meeting for the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces that all criminal syndicates and evil forces should have nowhere to hide in Huize

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Tan Lihua, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech. Li Rui, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, presided over the meeting.

The meeting read out the "Decision of the HUIZE COUNTY CPC Committee and the Huize County People's Government on Commending Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals in the Special Struggle to Eliminate Organized Crime and Eliminate Evil Forces." The leaders attending the meeting presented awards to the 13 advanced collectives and 88 advanced individuals who were commended.

Tan Lihua stressed at the summing-up and commendation meeting for the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces that all criminal syndicates and evil forces should have nowhere to hide in Huize

On behalf of the county party committee and the county government, Tan Lihua extended warm congratulations to the commended advanced collectives and advanced individuals, expressed lofty respect to the vast number of political and legal cadres and policemen who have been fighting in the frontline of the struggle against organized crime and evil forces for a long time, and expressed heartfelt thanks to the vast number of cadres and masses who have actively participated in the special struggle. I hope that everyone will make new contributions and strive to create more excellent results in their jobs.

Tan Lihua pointed out that in the past three years, Huize County has comprehensively implemented the general requirements of "eliminating criminal syndicates, eliminating evil forces without criminal syndicates, and eliminating evil forces without evil forces," and has won major victories in the special struggle, winning a "punishment war" for criminal syndicates and evil crimes, winning a "battle to reshape the image of the contingent," winning a "consolidation war" for grass-roots political power, winning a "war of upgrading the public security environment," winning a "rectification war" in the field of trades, and winning a "defense war" for the people's will and the people's interests. The most fundamental reason for winning the victory in this special struggle lies in the strong leadership of the central authorities, provinces, and municipalities; the most crucial lies in perfecting the coordinated and highly efficient institutional mechanisms; the most important thing is to firmly establish the sense of purpose of putting the people first; and the most important thing is that the vast number of political and legal cadres and policemen are in the forefront.

Tan Lihua stressed at the summing-up and commendation meeting for the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces that all criminal syndicates and evil forces should have nowhere to hide in Huize

Tan Lihua stressed that the anti-gang crime eradication is both a tough battle and a protracted battle, and all levels and departments of the county should deeply understand the great significance of normalizing the struggle to eliminate organized crime and eliminate evil forces, resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee and the provincial and municipal party committees, persist in ensuring that the organization and leadership are not weakened, and continue to exert efforts in overall planning; persist in comprehensive management and control, and continue to exert efforts in source control; persist in digging deep into the root causes and not slackening, and continue to exert efforts in punishing according to law; and persist in establishing rules and regulations without stopping. Continuous efforts on compaction responsibilities. All levels of the county should continue to promote the normalization of the struggle to eliminate criminal syndicates and evil forces, so that all criminal and evil forces have nowhere to hide in Huize, and provide a strong legal guarantee for promoting the high-quality leapfrog development of Huize.

Fu Bishu, Pan Basheng, Lu Bo, Zhu Xinghong, Li Kun, and Lin Long attended the meeting.

Reporter Liu Jian Chen Mingxing Photo County Public Security Bureau Fu Zhaolin

Editor: Fan Yixin

Tan Lihua stressed at the summing-up and commendation meeting for the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces that all criminal syndicates and evil forces should have nowhere to hide in Huize

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