
From gastritis to stomach cancer, just 4 steps, quit 5 bad habits, and give you a comfortable stomach! Stomach cancer prefers these 6 kinds of human gastritis to stomach cancer, 4 development steps If the following symptoms appear, you should be vigilant: stomach is not good, how to detect early, early treatment? Stay away from stomach cancer and try these 5 ways to protect your stomach

author:Micropulsion local health

In the list of the most common cancers in China, stomach cancer ranks second, and the high incidence of stomach cancer is 50 to 80 years old.

However, studies have shown that in the past 5 years, the number of gastric cancer patients aged 19 to 35 has doubled, which shows that gastric cancer has gradually become younger and younger.

So how should we prevent gastritis from gradually evolving into stomach cancer? Today XiaoMai took everyone to say...

In Western countries, stomach cancer is relatively rare, for example, the incidence of stomach cancer in the United States is only 6.7/100,000.

In contrast, China is a big country with stomach cancer, and 40% of the new cases of stomach cancer in the world are in China.

In 2014, the number of newly diagnosed gastric cancer cases nationwide was 410,400, accounting for about 11% of the total cancer incidence, with an incidence rate of 30.00/100,000.

It turns out that stomach cancer is very partial to the following 6 kinds of people...

From gastritis to stomach cancer, just 4 steps, quit 5 bad habits, and give you a comfortable stomach! Stomach cancer prefers these 6 kinds of human gastritis to stomach cancer, 4 development steps If the following symptoms appear, you should be vigilant: stomach is not good, how to detect early, early treatment? Stay away from stomach cancer and try these 5 ways to protect your stomach

1, people with poor living habits: those who drink and smoke for many years, sit and do not exercise for a long time, are the number one target of stomach cancer.

2. People who have stomach problems themselves: people who have Helicobacter pylori infection, have gastric surgery, or have gastric precancerous diseases (such as chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcers, etc.).

3. People with related diseases: for example, people with pernicious anemia themselves, because patients with pernicious anemia often have atrophic gastritis.

4. People with a family history of tumor diseases: for example, people whose parents have suffered from stomach cancer and other diseases.

5, prefer heavy taste: people who like to eat high-salt, high-sugar, pickled, smoked food.

6. Men over 40 years old: Stomach cancer patients over 40 years old account for more than 96% of the total number of stomach cancers, and the probability of stomach cancer in men is more than 2 times that of women.

Step 1: Chronic superficial gastritis

Superficial gastritis is actually inflammatory cell infiltration, histoedema and so on on the gastric mucosa. Generally speaking, as long as you get a gastroscopy, many people will get this diagnosis. This is a very common "stomach problem".

In fact, many of the chronic superficial gastritis reported in the gastroscopy are only functional dyspepsia or non-ulcer dyspepsia, not that the gastric mucosa really has chronic inflammation.

That is to say, chronic superficial gastritis is still far from stomach cancer, and there is no need to panic too much.

If you also have a family history of stomach cancer, gastric ulcers and other gastric cancer risk factors, then you need to undergo Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment, pay attention to develop good living habits.

Step 2: Chronic atrophic gastritis

Our stomach is stimulated by food every day, and sometimes infected with Helicobacter pylori, and chronic superficial gastritis is difficult to fully recover. Over time, it will slowly develop into chronic atrophic gastritis.

Chronic atrophic gastritis is closely related to age, aging of the body, and atrophy of organs.

From gastritis to stomach cancer, just 4 steps, quit 5 bad habits, and give you a comfortable stomach! Stomach cancer prefers these 6 kinds of human gastritis to stomach cancer, 4 development steps If the following symptoms appear, you should be vigilant: stomach is not good, how to detect early, early treatment? Stay away from stomach cancer and try these 5 ways to protect your stomach

Many patients believe that atrophic gastritis is a more serious stomach disease, and there will naturally be more obvious symptoms of discomfort.

In fact, this is not the case, the symptoms of atrophic gastritis are not specific, and even some patients do not have obvious feelings. Common symptoms are mainly vague pain, fullness and discomfort and indigestion, as well as belching, acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other indigestion symptoms.

The diagnosis of atrophic gastritis depends on gastroscopy, and the symptoms cannot be used to determine whether there is atrophic gastritis. That is, patients without obvious symptoms may have more severe atrophic gastritis; conversely, patients with significant discomfort symptoms may not have gastric mucosal atrophy.

Atrophic gastritis is the main precancerous lesion of gastric cancer, which develops into gastric cancer through the accumulation of multi-stage and multi-gene variations.

If atrophic gastritis is diagnosed: Treatment with Helicobacter pylori eradication is mandatory; and regular re-examination is required.

Step 3: Intestinal metaplasia of the epithelium and dysplasia

Gastritis occurs repeatedly, the gastric mucosa is repeatedly damaged and repaired, and as a result, cells that should be found in the intestine grow in the stomach, and "intestinal metaplasia" occurs.

"Intestinal metaplasia" is often considered a precancerous lesion, and the development is the early stage of gastric cancer.

Step 4: Stomach cancer

After the accumulation of the first three steps of development, stomach cancer reveals its abominable face.

As one of the most common malignancies, gastric cancer lacks specific signs and symptoms in the early stages, often leading to the loss of optimal treatment.

From gastritis to stomach cancer, just 4 steps, quit 5 bad habits, and give you a comfortable stomach! Stomach cancer prefers these 6 kinds of human gastritis to stomach cancer, 4 development steps If the following symptoms appear, you should be vigilant: stomach is not good, how to detect early, early treatment? Stay away from stomach cancer and try these 5 ways to protect your stomach

1. Abdominal discomfort that cannot be relieved. Including stomach bloating, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, accompanied by pantothenic acid, and mostly no trigger, oral drug treatment is not good, or good and bad, symptoms are progressively aggravated;

2. Weight loss, accompanied by feeling of tiredness and weakness;

3. The stool becomes significantly blacker. Because the tumor in the stomach ruptures and causes bleeding, the blood oozing from the stomach reaches the intestine and becomes black, which is then excreted with the stool.

Early stomach cancer is mostly asymptomatic, or only a few less obvious symptoms, so it is difficult to diagnose early stomach cancer.

However, it is not difficult to detect stomach cancer, because gastroscopic screening can greatly improve the chances of stomach cancer being detected early.

From gastritis to stomach cancer, just 4 steps, quit 5 bad habits, and give you a comfortable stomach! Stomach cancer prefers these 6 kinds of human gastritis to stomach cancer, 4 development steps If the following symptoms appear, you should be vigilant: stomach is not good, how to detect early, early treatment? Stay away from stomach cancer and try these 5 ways to protect your stomach

People who climb up to the 40-year-old age group who haven't had a gastroscopy should go for a check-up immediately. If you have no symptoms and no problems with the examination, you can repeat the gastroscopy once every 3 to 5 years in the future.

Patients with atrophic gastritis should have a gastroscopy reviewed every 1 to 3 years. Patients with intestinal metaplasia confirmed by pathological biopsy should have a gastroscopy in less than 6 months to 1 year, and patients with low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (i.e., mild atypical hyperplasia) confirmed by pathological biopsy should have a gastroscopy review in 3 to 6 months.

1. Quit smoking and alcohol

In gastroscopy practice, it is found that the severity of atrophic gastritis is positively correlated with smoking and drinking alcohol.

2. Balanced diet and pay attention to dietary structure

Usually eat as much as possible to chew slowly, eat less high salt and high sugar, spicy, mildew and pickled foods, eat more foods rich in protein and vitamin B, and avoid overeating.

3. Patients with stomach diseases, such as chronic gastritis and atrophic gastritis, should remember to take medicine according to the doctor's instructions

From gastritis to stomach cancer, just 4 steps, quit 5 bad habits, and give you a comfortable stomach! Stomach cancer prefers these 6 kinds of human gastritis to stomach cancer, 4 development steps If the following symptoms appear, you should be vigilant: stomach is not good, how to detect early, early treatment? Stay away from stomach cancer and try these 5 ways to protect your stomach

4. Do gastroscopy regularly

The technology of painless gastroscopy is quite mature, patients can receive gastroscopy in a painless state, you don't have to be afraid, you have to check it regularly.

5. Reduce depressed mood

In the case of people in a bad mood, bad emotions will affect the function of the autonomic nervous system, directly leading to excessive gastric acid and pepsin secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, so that the protective layer of the gastric mucosa is damaged. Therefore, a comfortable mood is also very beneficial to protect the stomach.

Do you have a small partner with gastritis around you? Hurry up and turn it on to the ta you care about!

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