
Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

author:Mimi skincare

"Mites", this topic has always had a girl ask mimi to open the paste, delayed and did not write, one is that the scope of mites is too wide, it is difficult to say that it is all difficult; second, there is really no particularly good way to cure, nor can it be cured, do not want you to be happy in vain.

Today's post to talk about mites, by the way to solve some of everyone's misunderstandings about mites, will put some pictures may be a bit heavy taste, if you feel can't stand it, everyone consciously skip ha... At the end of the article, there are still lottery benefits, haha...


Mites are usually divided into dust mites, powder mites, leather mites, chigger mites and other categories, is a kind of micro pest that is not easy to see with the naked eye, mites are widely distributed in the dark corners of the room, carpets, mattresses, pillows, sofas, air conditioners, cool mats, etc., of which the dust mites are the most widely distributed, the greatest impact, mite corpses, secretions and excrement are allergens, will make people appear allergic dermatitis, asthma, bronchitis, nephritis, allergic rhinitis and other diseases, seriously endangering human health.

Parasitic mites in the human body are mainly divided into two kinds, one is a hair follicle mite, also called human demodex mites, and the other is called sebaceous gland mites, parasitized in the sebaceous glands of the human face, which is generally referred to as mites.

Many girls see mites with teeth and claws on TV, such as this

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

In fact, this is not the mite on our face Oh, the mite on the face looks actually more cute, generally wash the face and scrape a little sebum under the high-power microscope can be seen, some are dead mites, some are also squirming, and some are pasted together, the action is strange, look at the habit also feel quite cute (don't think I have a heavy taste Ha)

Put a picture for you to see

Human demodex mites

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Fleshy, oval, the color on the painting may be quite cute, the actual observation looks a little better

Human demodex mites on the top and sebaceous demodex mites on the bottom

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

How many mites are there?

According to scientific research, some people with skin diseases have 12.8 mites per square centimeter of skin, while healthy skin without skin diseases has 0.7 mites per square centimeter, according to the average person's facial area of 350 square centimeters, healthy skin will have 245 mites crawling around every day, and acne skin may have up to 4480 mites running ☟ rampant on your face

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

It was a trance

However, these are research data, does not mean that everyone will be so, six or seven years ago, Mimi also particularly liked to tinker with these small things, used a lot of mite products (the brand is not introduced, and eggs used) almost a week I have to scrape the grease to do the next test, to see if the face mites have become more or less, there was a male friend who was also present, the person only washed his face, no skin care, we tested together, I laughed at him, you must be a bunch of bugs on your face... The results showed that there were three worms in my grease, still fat, he only had one, thin and slender, and since then I have said goodbye to the days of tinkering with mites on my face every day.

The facts tell you: the number of mites is not directly proportional to the harshness of your skin care, and the mites are also unkillable, killing one or two, life and death. Just keep your face clean and the environment clean, so you can avoid mite outbreaks that damage your skin.

The real impact on the skin condition is still mostly dust mites, and the dust mites in the air, bed covers, clothes, etc., are the real killers who affect the skin deterioration.

Mite infestation

1 Wheezing, chest tightness, etc

Mites this thing, don't look at the naked eye can not see, you shake the quilt, the air around may be full of mites, and mites can also enter the digestive tract or respiratory system of the human body through daily diet or breathing, causing intestinal mites and lung mites.

Looks like it's serious? In fact, as long as the room is often ventilated, it is fine, and the air flow helps to clean the mites in the house and reduce the incidence.

2 Skin allergies, dermatitis

Mites are one of the most common allergens, and people with allergies develop allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, or allergic dermatitis when exposed to dust mites. The various parts of the mite, its secretions, excrement, and the skin that has been molted are allergens. These substances flew into the air with the bed, the quilt, and the sweep. After people breathe inhale, there will be an uncomfortable reaction, which seriously affects life and work. Even often said to dry more quilts, drying mites, mite corpses, is also a source of allergies! The best thing to do is to shake it, shake it after drying, shake off the mite carcass, which can reduce the probability of allergies, bed sheets, sheets should be replaced frequently, and pillow cores are even more so!

Mites can cause such problems ☟

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Or a problem ☟ like that

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

And so on ☟

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

These problems can be caused by mites

But there are similar cases, and it is not just caused by mites

Be rational and don't scare yourself in a hurry

Finding the cause is the root of the rescue

3 Causes various insect diseases

This is rare, but there are still people who are infected with diseases such as qiangworm disease, epidemic haemorrhagic fever, rat spotted rash, typhoid fever, toxoplasmosis, rickettsial disease and rabies.

Mite misconceptions

1 mite bite

Mites are not actually biting people, it just feeds on human dead skin, dust mites can cause dermatitis, because the dust mite allergen contains an enzyme, some people due to congenital allergies, their immune system will produce oversensitive reactions to these enzymes, which triggers the body's discomfort symptoms, that is, allergic reactions.

2 black plastic bags can kill mites

There was once a very hot post about the sun sun not dead mites, need to be put into the black plastic bag to really kill mites, in fact, it is also a rumor, although black can strengthen the absorption of ultraviolet rays, but one is not conducive to the evaporation of water vapor in the quilt, mites prefer a humid environment, the second is that even if the mites are killed, their bodies are still one of the allergens. So the quilt spread out naturally in the sun, shake, pat, you can burn most of the mites, shake off most of the mite carcasses.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

3 Mites can be eradicated

This is like telling you that bacteria can be eradicated, it is impossible, mites are endless, where there are people and animals, there will be mites, and the air does not know how many mites and mite corpses are pervasive, just like we will all come into contact with bacteria. But for the most part, they don't harm our skin or our health. Do a good job of daily cleaning to ensure that the environment is clean, most of it can be prevented, and there is no eradication.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

How to deal with mites

Mites do cause a lot of skin problems, such as acne, rosacea, recurrent allergies, etc., but the above problems are not all caused by mites.

Sulfur soap

This is a well-recognized product to remove mites, cheap and easy to use, but the only drawback is that although sulfur can remove acne, kill mites, but also cause dryness of the skin, irritation and even cause sensitive and other problems, advantages and disadvantages, and the disadvantages are not small, if it is not checked out that mites are seriously rampant, personal is not very recommended to wash the face directly with sulfur soap, especially dry, sensitive skin, do not do this.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?


Dust mites are one of the biggest sources of skin problems, so the family environment must be good, clean, hygienic, tidy, mites like humid places the most, so regularly take out the clothes and bedding at home to dry, you can smell a lot of sunshine...

Mattress cleaning is very necessary Oh, many families have bought a mattress has not seen the eye, more than ten years have not been replaced, open a test, inside are mites of the world ...

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Cleaning tips

1 Vacuuming

Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirty things from the surface, such as hair and pet hair. Mattresses need to be vacuumed regularly to avoid dirt formation when wet.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

2 Remove colored stains

Mix the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap in a 2:1 ratio, add baking soda and mix and pour into the spray bottle. Spray on yellowish or stained areas. Squeeze a little lemon juice mixed with table salt, pour on the stain for 30-60 minutes and wipe vigorously with a rag.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Spray on yellowish or stained areas. Squeeze a little lemon juice mixed with table salt, pour on the stain for 30-60 minutes and wipe vigorously with a rag.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

3 Deodorization

If the mattress has an odor, sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda evenly on the mattress and let it sit for 2-3 hours, it will absorb the moisture on the mattress, so that the smell of the mattress becomes fresh and clean.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Then wash the baking soda with a vacuum cleaner to make sure that the baking soda in the crevices is also sucked clean.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

The above tips come from Baidu's experience

3 Use sunlight to sterilize

This is the most direct and most effective way, when the sun is shining, you can move the mattress to the balcony to dry, the sun has a bactericidal effect, after the sun, the mattress will be flipped left and right, and it can also play a protective role on the spring of the mattress, so that it is evenly stressed. Finally remember to dry while slapping the mattress, which can make the dirty things attached to the mattress shake cleaner...

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Product Recommendation

The products that really eradicate facial mites are actually not, where someone is, there will be mites, so today I recommend the product to kill dust mites, clean the environment, will reduce the probability of mite harassment, although it can not be eradicated, but can improve their own environment.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Ventry Thai latex pillows

Reference price: 255 yuan

Recommended reason: This is a latex pillow currently in use by Mimi, but also girlfriend Amway's, compared to the ordinary pillow core, latex pillow will be more breathable, can avoid the damp pillow breeding mites to a certain extent, the pillow also comes with massage particles, although there is no obvious sense of massage, but sleep is very relaxed and comfortable. Recommended to you.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

Raycop mite removal instrument

Reference price: 3099 yuan

Recommended reason: This instrument is introduced by a friend, but also a good reputation of a mite removal instrument, the price is not cheap, but the so-called vacuuming, patting, ultraviolet sterilization in one of the machine, so a look, or quite worth buying. Especially suitable for families with small animals and small babies.

Mite removal instruments are more expensive, if you do not want to buy a mite removal instrument

You can try a mite removal spray

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

UYEKI mite remover

Reference price: 154 yuan

Recommended reason: This is a mite remover in mi mi's own use, the main ingredient is still containing lipid carboxylate ingredients, which can help kill mites, but also a word-of-mouth product, Nichiya's sales champion, the design is very convenient, Mi mi itself likes to use, clothes, sheets, mattresses, children's toys, can be used, a light spray, it is very safe.

Heard that mites keep your skin getting better?

UYEKI mite remover laundry detergent

Reference price: 113 yuan

Recommended reason: UYEKI home professional mite removal laundry detergent, in addition to the cleaning effect of daily detergents, but also added a mite removal ingredient, the continuous effect of up to a month, mite removal ingredients are relatively safe and low-sensitivity, detergent allergies are also relatively rare, if there is a problem in this area of the girl does not let you try it.

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