
The Great Song Dynasty Famous General Series - Liu Kai

author:Sub-Doctoral Reading History

Liu Kui (劉锜), courtesy name Xinshu, was a native of the Deshun Army (德顺軍; present-day Jingning County, Gansu Province).

The Great Song Dynasty Famous General Series - Liu Kai

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Liu Kun was handsome in appearance, a word "handsome", and the handsome artist Song Huizong was overjoyed to see it. If this is now, you can eat by the face without scraping imitation porcelain, drawing eyebrows and wiping lips, so that female fans will fall for it. If you look at the official masters and think that Liu Kun is famous by his appearance, it is a big mistake. This handsome man Liu is a good fighter, and he is also a great tactical master.

How to do a tactical method, and see me in detail.

Liu Kai, the son of Liu Zhongwu of Luchuan Jiedushi, after the gatekeeper, learned martial arts from an early age, and was particularly skilled in archery. When he was young, he was recommended by Gao Li (this cargo ability is not bad, but it is quite knowledgeable) and entered the career.

In the first year of Jianyan (1127), Emperor Gaozong summoned Liu Kui, and as soon as they met him, he fell in love with this handsome man (29 years old, the most attractive age, he could make up pictures on his own), so that he could send him to Zhi min Prefecture (岷州, in modern Min County, Gansu), serving as the right capital of Long, and commanding troops to deal with possible attacks by Western Xia and Jin.

Liu Kun has won many battle achievements in the battle with The Western Xia (these years the Western Xia is like an experience airdrop package, and those who have fought with them in the northwest can lick it very cool), and the northwest boss Zhang Jun saw Liu Kun, the same script, the same taste, Liu Kun was successfully upgraded.

In the fourth year of Jianyan (1130), Liu Kui led the Jingyuan army to participate in the Battle of Fuping. After the defeat at the Battle of Bhu Ping, he led the remnants to retreat to the Deshun Army to garrison. Fuping failed miserably, and all participants were punished, and Liu Kun was no exception, degrading to Sichuan and thinking about the past.

In the third year of Shaoxing (1133), Liu Kun was reinstated. In the following year, he fought with the brothers Wu Jiu against the Jin soldiers at Xianrenguan (present-day northwest of Luoyang, Shaanxi). Seeing the familiar name on the war report, Emperor Gaozong ordered Liu Kun to go to Lin'an (Hangzhou, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty) to meet him, and stayed with him. Two years later, Liu became the captain of the Janissaries of Emperor Gaozong's palace. Later, he was changed to deputy commander of the Navy to strengthen the coastal defense and river defense of the Southern Song Dynasty.

In the seventh year of Shaoxing, Zhang Jun threw himself into Emperor Gaozong's favor and recommended Liu Kui to take charge of the Three Armies, the commander-in-chief of Emperor Gaozong's escort army. Subsequently, the imperial court handed over Wang Yan's "Eight Character Army" to Liu Kui (Wang Yan was at this time leading an army into Lin'an and was deprived of military power). Liu Kai began to form a separate army and led his troops into Luzhou. Soon Liu Kun moved to Zhenjiang and became the governor of the Privy Council, and Liu Kun's department (the "Eight-Character Army" founded by Wang Yan had the highest treatment affirmation) became the direct subordinate unit of the Privy Council.

In the tenth year of Shaoxing (1140), within a few days of the first Shaoxing peace between Song and Jin, Jin Wushu tore up the contract and re-invaded the Southern Song Dynasty. Liu Kui led 3,000 men to retreat to Shunchang (northwestern Fujian) in advance, preparing for a battle against the Waters to stop the Jin army. The soldiers were highly morale and shouted: "Usually people deceive me in the Eight-Character Army, and today we should make meritorious contributions to the country's thieves" (Many soldiers of the Eight-Character Army come from the two rivers and join the army with a patriotic heart, and have been looked down upon by other regular troops for many years. For details, see the great Song hero Wang Yan written by me).

Due to the accuracy of the intelligence, Liu Kui attacked the vanguard of the Jin army at night and gave Jin Wushu a dismount. When the jin army was approaching the city, Liu Kun ordered all the city gates to be opened, and the classic "empty city plan" was staged in actual combat. The Jin people besieged the city but did not dare to get close, and in terms of momentum, Liu Kun won another battle.

With the passage of time, more and more Jin soldiers besieged Shunchang, but they were lax. Liu Kun did the opposite, dispatching Yan Chong to recruit five hundred death squads, went to rob the camp at night, and won a great victory, killing tens of thousands of Jin soldiers and retreating fifteen miles. That night, Liu Kun once again thought that people did not dare to think, and sent a hundred death squads like divine soldiers descending from heaven to rush straight to the Jin camp, shouting and killing everywhere by means of thunderstorms, stirring up the Golden soldiers to be dizzy, and even killing each other, and after dawn, there were corpses everywhere, and the morale of the Jin army was low, and they retreated again. Liu Kui led his army to follow Shunshi north, hoping to recover some of the lost land. Without thinking that at this time, Song Jin would contact again and start a peace talk, and Liu Qi's army could only retreat to Taiping Prefecture (Tu County, Anhui), which was more like the encounter with the Yue family army that we are familiar with.

The Great Song Dynasty Famous General Series - Liu Kai

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The Great Song Dynasty Famous General Series - Liu Kai

The Battle of Shunchang was the most classic battle commanded by Liu Qi in his lifetime, with thousands of soldiers and horses playing several times their own Jin army, leaving a wonderful mark in the entire history of Song and Jin wars.

In the eleventh year of Shaoxing (1141), the capricious Jin Wushu once again led a large army to invade the Jianghuai region in the south, and Liu Kui led an army to meet the battle, and met the 100,000 Jin army at Gargao (Tuogao Town, Chaohu, Anhui). Liu Kun led the army to first break the iron horse of the Jin army (during this period, the once invincible "iron floating tu" and "abduction horse" in the Jin army were all skillfully controlled by the Song army), and the shadow of the "Battle of Shunchang" of the Jin soldiers did not retreat, and they actually felt timid when they saw Liu Kun's banner.

This battle led to the defeat of the Jin army and retreated to the northwest of the Purple Mountain to recuperate. The nominal commander Zhang Jun was defeated by the jin fu soldiers because of the struggle for merit and the light enemy, so that most of the Song army was attacked by the Jin fu soldiers, and the Song army was defeated all the way across the river back to the south bank of the Yangtze River. The Battle of Gargao was won first and then defeated, making Song Jin and Hui super passive.

Later, in order to show the sincerity of the peace talks, Emperor Gaozong dismissed the military power of the three generals Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun, and Yue Fei, and Liu Kun resigned and gave up commanding the army and became a local civilian official.

In the thirtieth year of Shaoxing (1160), Liu Kun regained military power and was transferred to the zhenjiang capital to control the imperial army and reorganize the army and horses for war. Perennially unappreciated, the Song army became weak again.

In the following year, Yan Liangtuo claimed that 600,000 troops were committed in the south, and none of the many generals of the Jin Army dared to fight Against Liu Kun alone.

The Jin army did not dare to attack liu kun, but instead shifted the focus of the attack to huaixi. The Huaixi lord fled without a fight, completely destroying Liu Kun's operational deployment. The Jin army then went south to fight for Guazhou Ferry, and met Liu Qi,the commander of the left army, at Soap Horn Forest. After a fierce battle between the two sides, the Song army killed the enemy generals and defeated thousands of enemies. The Song army won the "Battle of soap horn forest".

The Great Song Dynasty Famous General Series - Liu Kai

Emperor Gaozong's generals were left with only Liu Kui, so he ordered him to retreat to Jiangnan and defend Lin'an. It was only at this time that Liu Kun was seriously ill and was no longer able to command the rapidly changing battlefield.

Lacking effective resistance, the Jin army's offensive was extremely fierce, and the leaderless Song army was defeated and defeated in the Lianghuai region, and the Jin army successfully approached the Yangtze River.

At this time of crisis, Yu Yunwen, counselor of the Governor's Office, quickly gathered the defeated army on the Yangtze River and fought a decisive battle with 150,000 Jin troops at Quarry Rock with 18,000 troops, resulting in a major defeat of the Jin army, winning the famous "quarrying victory", and blocking the Jin army north of the Yangtze River. It is considered to have completed the final mission for Liu Kun.

The Great Song Dynasty Famous General Series - Liu Kai

Liu Kun, who was sick on his sickbed, heard that the Jin Dynasty and the emissaries were coming to Beijing again, and he was worried and indignant, and his heart was fiercely attacked, and his condition worsened, and he vomited blood and died at the age of sixty-four. After his death, he was given the title of "Wumu" (Yue Fei's nickname was also Wumu, so the Southern Song Dynasty had Yue Wumu and also Liu Wumu). Later Emperor Xiaozong of Song posthumously honored him as The Prince of Wu and crown prince Taibao.

The Great Song Dynasty Famous General Series - Liu Kai

When Liu Kun commanded the war, he was deep and decisive, and had a Confucian style. Especially in the Battle of Shunchang, its command art was brought to the extreme, which made the Jin Army miserable. According to legend, when the Jin Emperor Yan Liang led an army south to invade the Song Dynasty, he ordered that those who dared to mention Liu Kai's name would not be forgiven. It can be seen how much psychological shadow the Battle of Shunchang has brought to the Jin Army.

Helplessly, Emperor Gaozong and the wave after wave of capitulation factions around him only wanted to live in a corner of peace and enjoy themselves, and used time and time again to abuse Liu Qi's life's work, which may be the greatest sorrow of a generation of famous generals Liu Qi's life.

Whoops, whoops!

It is not easy to compile and organize, pay attention to Zibo, an old guy who loves history.