
Missing a pair of birds who ran away from home

author:And listen to the wind and 58491324

Last night, a pair of birds were caught in a cage and prepared to bathe them today. In the morning feeding, found that the little handsome guy bullying, bullying the little MM, I was very angry, wanted to let the little MM out to eat, the result was the little handsome guy took advantage of the loophole to slip out. I think it's okay, and the little MM is also good in the cage. In the afternoon, I found little MM playing acrobatics with a large top in the cage, and the tail feathers were trembling, and I took a closer look at the hook claws that were stuck by the iron bars of the cage, so I quickly rescued it and opened the cage door to restore her freedom. Can't sleep at night, remembering the little parrots who escaped, missing them very much...

The lifespan of different species of parrots is also different, generally small parrots are 7-20 years, the average lifespan of medium and large parrots is 30-60 years, and some medium-sized parrots can live to about 80 years old, such as sunflower cockatoos, Amazon parrots, gray parrots and so on. The longest-lived bird in the world is a parrot, it is an Amazon parrot named Jamie, born in Liverpool, England, December 3, 1870, died on November 5, 1975, at the age of 105, is the oldest birthday of birds.

I don't know how my fleeing parrots are living outside?