
Why has the female general whose appearance once made Jiang Qing jealous recently angry?

author:Political affairs of the Beijing News

Recently, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection published a circular on the inspection and rectification of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. The circular said that it is necessary to resolutely curb the problems of "sky-high" film remuneration and celebrity show off their wealth, and will guide the industry to pay close attention to formulating an industry self-discipline convention to resist "sky-high" film remuneration.

On the same day, CCTV, in broadcasting a report on "the actor's sky-high film remuneration", named two actors to take 150 million film remuneration in a TV series; later, when the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress deliberated on the draft film industry promotion law in groups, some members mentioned that the actor's sky-high film remuneration should be managed.

A few days ago, Wang Xiaotang, an 82-year-old famous film artist, criticized the actor's sky-high remuneration, and she questioned: "The highest technology award is 5 million, but the star wedding costs 100 million? ”

Why has the female general whose appearance once made Jiang Qing jealous recently angry?

"Political Affairs" (WeChat ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that Wang Xiaotang is one of the "22 major film stars" in New China, the original director of the Bayi Film Studio, a national first-class actor, a deputy to the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a member of the 8th and 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the vice chairman of the China Film Association. In the 1960s, she starred in the revolutionary film "Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City", which was widely acclaimed.

With the rank of major general, she has been called the "most beautiful general in history" of the People's Liberation Army.

"Some actors have a wedding of one hundred million, proportionally?"

In an interview a few days ago, Wang Xiaotang "shelled" the sky-high remuneration of the current film and television stars: the highest prize in China's scientific community was 5 million yuan, and Sun Jiadong (editor's note: academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the main designer of the lunar exploration project) received the highest bonus in the scientific community in 2009. "How does 5 million compare to the actors who are now paid tens of millions of films?" Some actors have a wedding of one hundred million, proportionally? ”

In this interview, Wang Xiaotang talked about his understanding of the actor's own value.

"If you serve the renminbi, you're too low." Wang Xiaotang said bluntly that money is important, and you can't live without money, "but if money becomes the only one, you will be constrained."

She said: "I think I should do this thing, I can do without money, I don't think this thing should be done, give me more money I will not do, I have my bottom line." A literary and artistic work still has to convey an idea, a kind of upward, positive, and beautiful thing to people. ”

"Political Affairs" (WeChat ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that Wang Xiaotang has talked about the understanding of value many times on different occasions.

According to the People's Liberation Army Daily, in 2011, when Wang Xiaotang attended the Ninth National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, she was the representative of her, and she once reviewed her artistic career, in which she had a profound understanding of the word "people".

"The people, for me, are simple villagers and people, and they have the grace to feed me." During the Cultural Revolution, I worked as a worker in the forest farm for 6 years, and my co-workers and some local people often said to me, 'Wang Xiaotang, you must be well, and you will show us movies in the future.' At that time, I secretly decided that I must return to the film and television post and repay the people with the best works. ”

He joined the army at the age of 18 and was awarded the third class merit at the age of 19

"Zheng Shi'er" noticed that Wang Xiaotang was not from a film acting class, but was originally a Peking Opera actor.

Wang Xiaotang was born in Kaifeng, Henan in 1934, the son of a kuomintang major general. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in 1938, Wang Xiaotang moved to Chongqing with his parents and his family, returned to Nanjing in 1948, and later moved to Hangzhou.

In the autumn of 1952, the former General Political And Cultural Troupe of the Chinese People's Liberation Army established the Peking Opera Troupe, when Wang Xiaotang had already joined the army, and after the strong recommendation of the older generation of artists Huang Zongying, Zhao Dan and his wife, and Huang Zongjiang, he broke through the rules and entered the Peking Opera Troupe of the Plaster General Political Affairs Cultural and Labor Troupe. In 1954, he was transferred to the Repertory Theatre.

After joining the Peking Opera Troupe, Wang Xiaotang trained hard. In 1953, she accompanied the Peking Opera Troupe to the Northwest Army to perform condolences, and from summer to winter, she traveled all over the Northwest Army as a announcer.

In this year, Wang Xiaotang was awarded the third class merit.

In 1954, at the age of 21, Wang Xiaotang began her "journey to the screen" as the heroine in the movie "The Mysterious Traveling Companion". In the Spring Festival of 1955, "The Mysterious Traveling Companion" was released, and Wang Xiaotang, who played the Yi girl Xiao Liying, received rave reviews and became the "national goddess" of that era.

In 1958, Wang Xiaotang was transferred to the Bayi Film Studio. In 1962, Wang Xiaotang played two roles alone, and successfully portrayed the sisters with different personalities in "Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City", and reached the peak of his acting career.

Why has the female general whose appearance once made Jiang Qing jealous recently angry?

Stills from "Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City"

He danced with Zhou Enlai and listened to Chen Yi's report

"Political Affairs" (WeChat ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that in Wang Xiaotang's youth, he had met the leaders of the older generation.

From 1953 to 1955, Wang Xiaotang spent the Spring Festival in the rehearsal hall of the former General Political Department. Wang Xiaotang recalled that on Chinese New Year's Eve nights in those years, Premier Zhou Enlai would come to visit everyone.

Wang Xiaotang said that Premier Zhou had taken the initiative to invite everyone to dance, "For others, dancing is entertainment, and for Premier Zhou, dancing is more of an opportunity to get close to everyone." Premier Zhou generally dances three steps (waltz) and four steps (fast four, slow four). This kind of dance music is relatively slow, so that he can talk to everyone, and he can learn a lot of things in one night. ”

In the Chinese New Year's Eve of 1955 and 1956, Wang Xiaotang also danced with Premier Zhou.

"Once, when Premier Zhou and I were dancing, I was asked, what films does Bayi Film Studio plan to make next year? I said one of them was called "The Robber's Daughter." Premier Zhou asked, why did you have such a puzzling name? I said the word 'robber' in quotation marks. Premier Zhou said that adding quotation marks is also a robber. ”

After the dance, Wang Xiaotang reported Premier Zhou's opinion to Chen Bo, the then director of the Bayi Factory, and then the inappropriate film name was changed after discussion.

According to a 2010 report by the People's Daily, Wang Xiaotang also met Marshal Chen Yi.

As the youngest representative of the Bayi Factory, she listened to Marshal Chen Yi's report at a Wendai meeting. "Mr. Chen's speech was very infectious, quite good." Wang Xiaotang recalled that at that time, Chen Yi said, "Some people say that there are many Chinese, like ants... We are climbing, and we must climb out of a socialism! ”

Regrettably, during this period, she had asked to join the party many times, but due to family reasons, she had not been able to do so.

Trough: Because Wang Xiaotang is beautiful, Jiang Qing angrily calls him a "female agent"

Just when his career was becoming popular, in the 60s, Wang Xiaotang encountered a low point in his life.

In 1963, Jiang Qing wanted to make a "model movie" and chose the movie "Sea Eagle", which had starred Wang Xiaotang.

According to media reports, when someone asked whether Wang Xiaotang could play again, Jiang Qing jumped like a thunderbolt: "Others say that Wang Xiaotang looks beautiful, and I am angry when I see her." She is a literary black line figure! She was a spy who had blended into the ranks of the revolution! Since then, Wang Xiaotang has suffered several years of bad luck.

In the same year, the Chinese Film Hundred Flowers Awards were selected, and Wang Xiaotang won the "Best Actress Award". However, this "Hundred Flowers Award" failed to award, leaving a flaw in the history of Chinese cinema.

In December 1969, Wang Xiaotang was "specially demobilized" to Huairou County, a suburb of Beijing, due to "stubbornness", and her husband Yan Xiaopeng and both went to Huairou Forest Farm for labor reform, where they settled for 6 years. In 1974, Wang Xiaotang's beloved son Xiaoqun fell ill with hepatitis, but could not get timely treatment, and died at the age of 17.

Nearly thirty years later, in April 2003, when Wang Xiaotang was a guest on the CCTV "Art Life" program hosted by Zhu Jun, he recalled this past: "I am this one child, if he lives until now, he should be 46 years old." People can do anything all over again, and the only thing they can't do is this. You regenerate one, and one more is not him. So no, study Week Prime Minister anymore. ”

In 1975, Wang Xiaotang returned to the Bayi Film Studio, and she showed a higher talent in her military uniform: she wrote and directed the film "Xiang", and in 2000 she wrote and directed "Fragrant Oath". "Fragrant Oath" won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Film and the Best Screenwriter Award at the Golden Rooster Awards of Chinese Films and the Huabiao Awards.

Major General, Factory Director and CPPCC Member

According to public information, Wang Xiaotang joined the party in 1986, was awarded the rank of colonel in 1988, was appointed director and party secretary of bayi factory in 1992, and was promoted to major general in July 1993.

Why has the female general whose appearance once made Jiang Qing jealous recently angry?

"Political Affairs" (WeChat ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that Wang Xiaotang once said in an interview, "I am not a good soldier, I did not think of becoming a general." ”

"I changed to a director in 1984, and after filming "Fellow Countrymen," the leader talked to me and said that now I want to implement the rank system, I want to retain some backbones, I can be awarded titles, if you become a director, you are a civilian, and as a result, I said you should still transfer me to a civilian position."

Wang Xiaotang said that at that time, she became a "joke": "There is no one like you, many people say thank you for the training of leaders, and you also say 'transfer me to a civilian position'." On the third day, the leader said that he had considered it and let me serve as the deputy director of the Bayi Factory. I think I'll be a director for two years, and two years later I'll be a director, and I'll be the director and party secretary in 1992. ”

According to an article published by the People's Daily in 2010 titled "Beauty Is Still Wang Xiaotang", Wang Xiaotang was quite difficult when she served as the director of the factory: "As the head of a factory, there must be its advantages and disadvantages, some people have convinced the public, and some enemies have been made, and even high-level small character newspapers have attacked her", "Seriously, some people will find stubble." ”

After serving as the director of the factory, Wang Xiaotang successively directed the filming of a series of war films such as "The Great Turning Point", "The Great March", "Liberation of the Great Northwest", "Southwest Lu", "Advancing into Dabie Mountain" and so on, involving more than 1 million people before and after the filming process.

"Political Affairs" noted that in addition to the two identities of factory director and major general, Wang Xiaotang is also a deputy to the 14th NATIONAL Congress of the Communist Party of China and a member of the Eighth and Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In 2001, China joined the WTO and the World Trade Organization. On the eve of China's accession to the WTO, various domestic industries are enthusiastically discussing the impact they may face in the future. Similarly, Wang Xiaotang is also thinking about the opportunities and challenges of the film industry after joining the WTO. At the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2000, Wang Xiaotang, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said in an interview with the media: "After China's accession to the WTO, the competition between Chinese and foreign films has become more intense. ”

"We must have good films, we must have characteristics, so as not to be stuck." Wang Xiaotang, then 66, said.

"Political Affairs" (WeChat ID: gcxxjgzh) Written by / Beijing News reporter Xu Tengfei Proofreader: Lu Aiying

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