
The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

author:Zhuang Zhou is equipped with porridge

After Lu Cai must be called Wei Yang. "Shang Shu Yu Gong" is called "Huaihai Weiyang Prefecture", looking at the Huai River and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, so the dish is called Weiyang, or Huaiyang. There is Xuzhou under its jurisdiction, which belongs to the Pengzu fiefdom, so the kitchen education is developed and rich in Ku people.

By the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Yangzhou had become the first of the world's prosperity, Emperor Zhuo had come again and again, and Du Mu had been drunk for ten years. Later, because of the promotion of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, Kangxi and Qianlong patronized many times, Caoyun and Salt Transport were set as the hub, and the rich and powerful came to Yangzhou, "wrapped around 100,000 yuan, riding cranes down to Yangzhou", and directly cast the Han kingdom into a golden carving jade drunken Guangling.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

Rich state of beautiful food, rich giant room music banquet, mountain and river shape victory, handsome and beautiful sister, just suitable food, beautiful utensils, beautiful scenery, beauty and wine drunk. Jiang Zuo Shi Lin Ya Ai, Shu Min Valve Reading Praise. In the front, there were Zhang Dai and Xiang Peng Dang, who set up a high meeting; later, there were Li Yu and Yuan Ming, who helped the waves, and Wei Yang cuisine was famous for its elegance.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

Weiyang cuisine is widely used, especially river fresh aquatic products. Promote the original taste, the pursuit of freshness. Seasoning is good for sugar, salty and sweet, especially Wuxi cuisine in the Weiyang cuisine.

The mellow taste is stewed, stewed, and stewed, and can be crispy and boneless, thick and not greasy, such as "Yangzhou Three Heads" (Stewed Lion Head, Boiled Silver Carp Head, Grilled Whole Pig Head), "Nanjing Three Stews" (Stewed Raw Knock, Stewed Chicken Fu, Stewed Vegetable Core). Fresh taste is often fried, fried, to make it tender and crisp, soup clear to the bottom, such as stir-fried shrimp, sauce fried winter shoots, lettuce perch soup and the like.

Weiyang chef knife work is excellent, worthy of Peng Zu Yuxu, Yangzhou three knives (kitchen knife, razor, pedicure knife), kitchen knife is the first. There is the first taste of squirrel mandarin fish in the southeast in deyuelou in Gusu City, if there is no magic peony flower knife, the outer crispy and tender, sweet and fragrant flavor can not be said.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

The knife is good, the dish type can be exquisite, and it can be tasted. Even if it is a small dish, Wei Yang also pursues exquisite elegance. The beauty of form will always be the hallmark of Bourgeois's life.

Weiyang water village fish and rice, blessed, the people are fond of fresh, so they can cook the world's freshest, such as steamed anchovy. Cao Yin has a poem to praise:

In March, there is no order of salt, and the shrimp cases of the five lakes are similar.

Ordinary house food is always on the season, most of which contain peach injection cheek red.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

According to Cao Yin, even cherry anchovies (the first anchovies from late spring to the Yangtze River, also known as head fat) could become common home food in that era! Wei Yang can really say that the world is rare! Mo said Cao Yin's words, zheng Banqiao also has poems:

Yangzhou fresh bamboo shoots take advantage of the anchovy and boil the spring breeze in early March.

The paying cook is finished, and Qingguang keeps this book.

Anchovies are no longer there because the Yangtze River is polluted. This is the most delicious thing, and the taste should be above the pufferfish. Although the puffer fish tastes beautiful, it is highly toxic, which is the warning set by nature to prevent human consumption, which is the same as the poppy is very beautiful and poisonous.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

Su Dongpo ate the puffer fish with a desperate battle, and the fans of the host family also gathered behind the door slit to hold their breath and stare, until he stroked his belly and praised "it is also worth dying", and everyone put their hearts at ease: one is happy for Po Weng to like, and the other is fortunate that he did not poison this old man after all.

Is it too expensive to taste so delicious? Of course, if you want to challenge nature, fight to the death.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

Weiyang cuisine takes Yangzhou as the source, along the river and covers Suxi, Shanghai, Ninghang, and its influence reaches Huaihai and Anhui. Historically, due to the royal favor, the huge contingent of officials acting in charge of salt transportation, together with the Red Top Merchant Group and the court subordinates, gathered in Yangzhou, and spawned new branches of salt merchant cuisine, official government cuisine and court cuisine on the main trunk of Weiyang local cuisine.

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", the rongning erfu family food is the yangzhou official cuisine; Lin Daiyu prefers to eat the congee side dish such as sauce radish head, then there is no doubt about the local cuisine.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

Compared with other cuisines, Weiyang cuisine can generally maintain the family law, and the taste is basically unchanged. The business community lamented that it was conservative, difficult to extrapolate, and did not have the courage to go to the world. These people have maggots in their heads. Let The Viyang cuisine bloom everywhere in China? Or do you open a global store like KFC's Western food? Leaving Jiangnan Water Town, Weiyang cuisine is no longer called Weiyang cuisine.

The first best taste in the southeast, Huaiyang cuisine

Any Chinese dish is not transplantable. The boxed fast food "Mapo Tofu" in Japanese supermarkets tastes sweet and sour, no spicy, and the guide to eat is to heat it in the microwave - is this Mapo tofu?

The main ingredients of Chinese cuisine are taken from the local, real-time live cooking, similar to painting, should be creative; different Western food, potatoes, chicken legs produced in the United States, olive oil Spain, tomato sauce may be Mexican, according to the standard process operation, the world is exactly the same, a taste - that is a copy of the photo.

Viyang cai can still keep the family law now, thankfully, if it really goes to the world, the embarrassing scene of Mark Twain running for parliament will appear: a large group of children with black skin, white, red, yellow, purple, and sauce rush to the podium, hug his thighs and shout daddy!

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