
Medical Parasites First Summary of General Terms Explanation 1

author:Orange days in March

Symbiosis: The biological phenomenon of two organisms living together becomes symbiosis.

Cohabitation: A relationship in which two organisms live together, one benefits and the other neither benefits nor harms.

Parasitism: A relationship in which two organisms live together, one benefits and the other suffers is called parasitism.

Parasites: In a parasitic relationship, the beneficiary is called a parasite, and if the parasite is an animal, it is called a parasite.

Host: In a parasitic relationship, the victim is called the host.

In vivo parasites: Parasites that parasitize cells, tissues, or organs in the host's body.

Extracorporeal parasites: Parasites that parasitize the surface of the host body.

Obligate parasites: Parasites that must be parasitic at every period or stage of life history.

Facultative parasites: Some parasites live mainly on their own in the outside world, but in some cases can invade the host to live a parasitic life. This parasite is called a facultative parasite.

Opportunistic pathogenic parasites: some parasites are in a tacitly infected state when immune function is normal, and when the host immunity function is low, the fecundity and pathogenicity of the insect body are enhanced, resulting in clinical symptoms of the host, and such parasites become opportunistic pathogenic parasites.

End-host: An adult parasite or host that parasitizes during the sexual reproductive stage is called a final host.

Intermediate host: A parasitic larvae or host that parasitizes during the asexual reproductive stage is called an intermediate host.

Conservation host: Some worm adults or protozoa can parasitize both humans and certain species of vertebrates at some stage. The latter can transmit parasites in their bodies to humans under certain conditions, and from an epidemiological point of view, these animals are the hosts of the carnivods.

Continuation of the host: The larvae of some parasites cannot develop into adults after invading the abnormal host, and can only maintain the larval state for a long time, and can continue to develop into adults only after they have the opportunity to invade the normal host. Such an abnormal host is a successor host for the species of parasite.

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