
Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

author:Dr. Chen Mengxue of dermatology

I dare say there's nothing more uncomfortable than a peeling redness in the face.

There are often young men and women in their 20s who come to the doctor for "facial peeling and redness", and are diagnosed by doctors as "seborrheic dermatitis", which is good after a period of external or oral medication, but after a period of time, it recurs and repeats.

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

Especially after the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020, people wear masks for longer and longer, seborrheic dermatitis recurs more and more frequently, and most of them are young people who love beauty, but this group of people is sad.

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

So what exactly is seborrheic dermatitis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic recurrent skin disease that occurs at the site of seborrhea.

It is commonly found in areas with abundant sebaceous glands such as the scalp, T-zone of the face, and the back of the chest. It is more common in adults, but it can also occur in newborns.

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

Its cause is not fully understood, but seborrhea is a precipitating factor in the disease.

On the basis of hyperseismic seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis can be secondary to fungal (Furunculopsis) and bacterial (Propionibacterium acnes) infections, complicated by acne symptoms.

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

In patients with AIDS or related diseases, the incidence of this disease is very high.

Mental factors, overwork, obesity, alcoholism, eating habits, chemical stimulation, excessive hair washing, irregular life, B vitamin deficiency, etc. may have an impact on the disease.

It can occur on the scalp, T-zone of the face, underarms, upper chest, interscapular area, ears, etc., and can occur in babies on the head, face, and groin.

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

Commonly, oily fine scales are visible on the brow and nasolabial folds, with reddish basal mounds, small red papules scattered around them, and marginal ophthalmia and conjunctival irritation may occur.

In general, seborrheic dermatitis of the head may cause hair loss and thinning, accompanied by seborrheic alopecia.

Seborrheic dermatitis should moisturize! Apply emollient oil or ointment externally to soften and shed the crust.

If the symptoms of itching are obvious, oral antihistamines can be used to relieve itching under the guidance of a doctor, such as oral solution of levocetirizine hydrochloride (dish), benzene bestilstine (initial dish) and so on.

In addition, topical antifungal drugs kill fungi, such as bibenzalazole, natefenoneconazole, ketoconazole, etc.;

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

Then combine the use of weak glucocorticoid ointment external application, such as hydrocortisone butyrate, denonide, etc., to avoid chlorine-containing hormones, there is a risk of inducing perioral dermatitis, rosacea.

It is also possible to apply combination preparations such as parizon, etc.; non-hormonal anti-inflammatory ointments such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are also the drug choice, but they should not be used for a long time, because it will also affect the skin's immune barrier.

Seborrheic dermatitis can be washed externally with the likes of Shirsheng, Celer or Kangwang, which often contain antifungal, plant components, supramolecular salicylic acid and zinc.

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

Can be used instead of shampoo, but do not use it for a long time, so as not to develop resistance and affect the hair texture.

KangWang is a compound ketoconazole, which contains the super hormone clobetasol, which requires the guidance of a doctor to use it with caution.

1, life should be regular, sleep should be sufficient, the spirit should not be too nervous

2, to eat more vegetables, eat more vitamin-rich foods, especially vitamin A foods to eat appropriately, in order to correct hair follicle sebum keratosis abnormalities, to prevent hair follicle blockage.

Some people have studied that zinc deficiency may also produce seborrheic dermatitis, and diets high in zinc can be supplemented with foods such as animal liver, nuts, etc. to correct the relative lack of zinc in the human body.

Eat less greasy foods and sweets, avoid alcohol, fast spicy foods, and keep your stools unobstructed.

3, less use of overheated water, irritating soap to wash hair, to avoid a variety of mechanical stimulation.

Peeling of the face? pink? What should I do if I have seborrheic dermatitis? 1. How does seborrheic dermatitis occur? Second, what are the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis? 3. How to standardize treatment? How to prevent it?

Through reasonable drug treatment, after seborrheic dermatitis is basically cured, if the patient cannot change many precipitating factors such as staying up late, bad mood and bad eating habits, seborrheic dermatitis will recur.

With seborrheic dermatitis, it is necessary to go to the dermatology clinic of a regular hospital for consultation, consultation and treatment, and be comprehensively judged by a professional dermatologist.

I hope that when we take off the mask for normal communication, we can get rid of the "red face" and "oil skin"!

Author: Zhang Bei, Deputy Chief Physician, Fifth People's Hospital of Hainan Province

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