
Apple trees are generally harmed by mulberry cattle the rate is generally up to 50%, heavy up to 90%, control see here

author:Farmer Doctor

Mulberry cattle, commonly known as drill wood worms, belong to the coleoptera family. It is a major pest that harms the branches of apples, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries and other fruit trees.

Apple trees are generally harmed by mulberry cattle the rate is generally up to 50%, heavy up to 90%, control see here

The hatching larvae feed in the branches of 2-4 years old and gradually penetrate into the heartwood. From the surface of the infested branch, a row of fecal holes can be seen, and there is reddish-brown insect feces outside the hole and on the ground. In some extensively managed orchards, the rate of apple trees being harmed by mulberry cattle is generally up to 50%, and the rate of heavy ones is up to 90%, and the endangered apple trees form small old trees, which seriously affects the normal growth and fruit of apple trees, and even the whole plant dies.

Apple trees are generally harmed by mulberry cattle the rate is generally up to 50%, heavy up to 90%, control see here

Morphological characteristics

Adults are black brown to black and densely covered with bluish brown or brownish yellow villi. There is a longitudinal groove in the center of the head, the stalk and stem segments of the antennae are black, the base of each segment of the whip is grayish-white, the end is black-brown, there are transverse wrinkles on the back of the anterior thorax, the base of the elytra is densely covered with black shiny granular protrusions, and the inner and outer corners of the wing ends are prickly protruding. The eggs are oblong and oval, colostrum white, and later become pale brown. The larvae are cylindrical milky white with a yellowish-brown head. The pupa spindle is spindle-shaped, initially pale yellow and then turned yellowish brown.

Apple trees are generally harmed by mulberry cattle the rate is generally up to 50%, heavy up to 90%, control see here

Regularity of occurrence

— Occurs in 1 generation per year, with larvae overwintering in the branches. After the host germinates, it begins to do harm, and it doesrmant overwinters when the leaves fall. Adult worms begin to appear in mid-June, and eggs begin to lay in early to mid-July, and adults mostly eat young branches and leaves at night, and start laying eggs in about 15 days in the morning and late, and the eggs begin to hatch into larvae after about 15 days. Adult bloom from July to August.

Apple trees are generally harmed by mulberry cattle the rate is generally up to 50%, heavy up to 90%, control see here

Prevention and control methods

1. Manual hunting

From late June to late August, the adult insects occur, and the orchards are inspected every evening to catch adult insects. Adults are inactive during the day and can vibrate the trunk to kill the insects on the ground. The second is to make a homemade tool to stab the larvae, when controlling, you can choose the lowest 1 new fecal hole, pull out the moth chips, and then insert the hole with a steel wire or metal needle to hook or stab the larvae.

Apple trees are generally harmed by mulberry cattle the rate is generally up to 50%, heavy up to 90%, control see here

2. Drug prevention and treatment

At the peak of larval occurrence, the following agents can be used for new fecal vents: 40% chlorpyrifos 1000 times, 20% butyric Budweiser 1500 times, 2.5% cypermethrin 1500 times, 80% dichlorvos emulsion 100 times, 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 500 times injected into the borer with veterinary syringes, a few days after administration, timely inspection, if there is also new feces discharged, it should be remedied in time. Each well is filled with up to 10ml of medicinal solution, and then the holes are sealed with wet mud, and the insecticidal effect is very good. At the same time, in July and August, after each rain, the adult spawning period, combined with the spray on the tree, mixed spraying 20% butyric Budweiser 2000 times or 2.5% cypermethrin 2000 times, spraying the main trunk and branches, the larvae are eliminated at the egg stage and before the hatching holes.

Apple trees are generally harmed by mulberry cattle the rate is generally up to 50%, heavy up to 90%, control see here


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