
Zou Zhonglin: A famous agricultural entomologist, a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China

author:Zou Jifu

The Zou clan has flourished and talented, and a number of very accomplished celebrities have emerged in successive generations, with outstanding merits and brilliant achievements, which have attracted the attention of the world. In every different historical period, in different fields and industries, they have made outstanding contributions to the revitalization of the Chinese nation and the progress of history, adding glory to chinese civilization. If you open a page of history, you can see their figures.

Zou Zhonglin: A famous agricultural entomologist, a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China

Zou Zhonglin, born on August 16, 1897, the twenty-third year of Qing Guangxu, is a native of Houzhaizhong Street, Hongshan Town. Agricultural entomologist, agricultural educator, is a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China. He was the first to propose the control method of cultivating and controlling borers; He has made outstanding contributions to the research and application of insect ecology.

For the first time, the control method of cultivating and controlling borers was proposed

In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), he was admitted to changzhou no. 5 middle school in Jiangsu Province. Graduated from the Republic of China in 6 years, he was admitted to the Agricultural Department of Nanjing Liangjiang Higher Normal School. During his internship in the countryside, he loved collecting specimens. In the 9th year of the Republic of China, he studied 15 kinds of plant fungal disease specimens collected in the suburbs of Nanjing, and wrote an article entitled "Chinese Mycosis Observations", which was published in the journal "Science". In December of the same year, Southeast University was established in Nanjing, and he transferred to Southeast University to teach in agricultural science. Later, he was transferred to the Insect Bureau established in the Department of Agriculture of Southeast University in Jiangsu Province, and began to conduct research on the control of borers and locusts. He often observed the spawning, hatching, growth and development of borers in the rice field, and found out the growth law of borers and the number of reproduction generations in a year, so as to take corresponding control measures, so that the borer control work in Jiangsu has made breakthrough progress.

Zou Zhonglin: A famous agricultural entomologist, a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China

In the autumn of the 18th year of the Republic of China, he was funded by the Entomological Bureau of Jiangsu Province to study in the Department of Entomology of the University of Minnesota in the United States. He received a master's degree in the Republic of China for 20 years, and then entered Cornell University for further study. After returning to China in 21 years, he served as an associate professor at the College of Agriculture of Central University and the director of technical training of the Entomological Bureau of Jiangsu Province. In the investigation of locust-infested areas in North China, he found that the East Asian flying locusts were deformed due to different population densities, mastered the ecological characteristics of locusts, and proposed effective methods to prevent locust infestations. He further studied the growth law and control methods of rice pests such as borers and white-backed planthoppers, published many insightful papers, and made great contributions to the prevention and control of rice insect pests. In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, Zou Zhonglin served as a professor at the College of Agriculture of Central University. He personally collected materials and compiled textbooks such as "Agricultural Pest Control Law", "General Entomology", "Economic Entomology", "Insect Ecology", "Chinese Fruit Tree Pests" and so on. These textbooks were later adopted by other higher agricultural colleges.

Zou Zhonglin: A famous agricultural entomologist, a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the College of Agriculture of the Central University moved to Chongqing. In the countryside of eastern Sichuan, he found that borer infestation is closely related to rice varieties and planting time, and first proposed the theory of improving rice varieties, rationally arranging cultivation time, and avoiding the peak of borer in China. In the spring of the 34th year of the Republic of China, he served as the acting dean of Northwest Agricultural College. In the summer of the 35th year of the Republic of China, the Central University moved back to Nanjing, and Zou Zhonglin served as the director of the second department, responsible for the work of the College of Agriculture, the Medical College and the Freshman College. During this period, he compiled and published the research results on locust control into an article entitled "The Occurrence and Control Results of Migrating Locusts in China in the Past Decade (1937-1947)". In 37 years of the Republic of China, the Second Department of the Central University was abolished, and he served as the dean of the College of Agriculture.

Zou Zhonglin: A famous agricultural entomologist, a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China

In 1952, the departments of colleges and universities across the country were adjusted, and Zou Zhonglin was transferred to the Department of Plant Protection and the director of the Department of Insects of Nanjing Agricultural College. Every summer, he went to the countryside to conduct field trips. The article "Theoretical Basis and Implementation Methods of Rice Three-way Borer Control in Taihu Lake Basin", written in 1956, makes a scientific summary of the control of borer infestations for more than 30 years, which is of great guiding significance. Later, he engaged in the prevention and control of insect pests such as Li Shifeng, small land tiger, earth dwelling heavenly cow, and large and small silkworms, and actively promoted the research results. During the Cultural Revolution, he was sent to jiangpu farms to work, but still used every opportunity to observe insects and collect specimens. After smashing the Jiang Qing counter-revolutionary group, he returned to school to guide students in scientific research and immersed themselves in revising "Insect Ecology". The book was published in 1980.

Zou Zhonglin: A famous agricultural entomologist, a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China

Strive for agricultural scientific research for a lifetime

He successively served as the deputy director of the Academic Committee of Nanjing Agricultural College, a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, the vice chairman of the National Agricultural Society, the director of the National Plant Protection Society, the editorial board member of the Journal of Entomology, the chairman of the Entomological Society of Jiangsu Province, and was elected as a deputy to the First, Second and Third People's Congress of Jiangsu Province, a special invited member of the Fourth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a member of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He died on July 31, 1983 at the age of 86. Before he died, he said, "After I die, pick a flower for me, put it on my chest, put a beneficial insect that preys on pests, the ladybug, and cremate it with me." The academy complied with his wishes and, at the request of his family, scattered part of his ashes in the college's experimental field.

Zou Zhonglin: A famous agricultural entomologist, a pioneer in the study of rice borer control in China

Zou Zhonglin has bowed down to agricultural education and scientific research, and has struggled all her life, which is respectable!