
Yuan Yihong: The national real estate information network, do you welcome it?

author:Leju Finance

Text/Yuan Yihong

How many properties are there in the country? Soon to know.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently issued opinions on improving the efficiency of housing online signature filing services to comprehensively collect real estate information. Establish and improve real estate data. Promote the construction of a national network. Establish a real estate market monitoring system based on the filing data of the housing network signature, provide data support and decision-making basis for the regulation and control of the real estate market, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

This is actually an information system that requires the establishment of a national real estate network. This is a great thing that all parties benefit from, and it should be built as soon as possible.

In July 2008, the National Development and Reform Commission approved the preliminary design estimate of the real estate early warning and forecasting system of the Ministry of Housing, and decided to build a real estate market basic information database, monitoring index database and information release sharing database containing 40 urban nodes. The following year, the number of information-gathering cities was increased from 40 to 90.

Different from the sampling statistics of the statistical system, the real estate early warning and forecasting system is based on the collected real estate prices, market sales and other data, mainly for the decision-making departments and competent departments to provide analysis and judgment. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as the lead department of the inter-ministerial joint meeting on real estate regulation and control, has led the construction and operation of the system.

Due to the statistical data of the statistical system and the real estate data of the real estate authorities, who will be in charge of who will operate and manage, there is a certain controversy, and the real estate early warning and forecasting system was once shelved. But in reality, they are not contradictory. Moreover, to put it bluntly, statistics are sampling and sampling, while the real estate early warning and forecasting system is directly reported directly, which is different; moreover, the statistical data is open to the public, and the data of the real estate early warning and forecasting system is not external.

Comprehensively collecting real estate information and promoting the construction of a national real estate network is a refinement of the real estate early warning and forecasting system. It will provide accurate decision-making services for real estate regulation and control in various places and the whole country.

Previously, there were also institutions building their own real estate information systems. For example, the real estate dictionary established by shell collection. By July 2019, its real estate dictionary had completed the digitization of 194 million houses in 325 cities across the country, and should now exceed 200 million units. Shell said that its real estate dictionary superimposed real estate verification system, and the real estate verification rate of its platform can reach more than 95%.

Shell single-handedly collected data on 200 million homes, which is already remarkable. But no matter how hard it tries, it will not be able to complete the collection of all listings, and its accuracy will not reach 100%.

After the digitization of paper plates, the ownership information of houses within a city has long been networked. According to the national real estate registration work schedule, the housing ownership registration information should be networked nationwide by the end of 2019. The housing information that has been registered for the record is both accurate and specific, and the real estate composed of a set of houses is the cell of the real estate market.

After the national real estate network, you can directly touch the pulse of the market, which can be said to be the real barometer of the national real estate market. Nowadays, big data is quite developed, and after clicking on any real estate project after the network, its developers, property companies, as well as historical prices, transaction dynamics, etc., can all be clearly displayed.

And I personally suggest that this networked national real estate information should be open to the public. Because this is not a secret, but should be a social resource shared by all market players. However, it is firmly not allowed to sell.

Therefore, the national real estate information after the network is in hand, and the dynamics of the real estate market operation are all under control.

In the future, whether it is a city, a province, or a national competent department, managing the real estate market, with more scientific helpers, the regulation of the real estate market will be more accurate.

Of course, it is also necessary to operate and manage this information system well. Moreover, there should be no more fighting between departments.

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