
A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home

author:Wang Tiger's Quest for Fresh Memories
A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home

Every time I go back to my hometown of Boshan, in the early morning, I love to eat a bowl of braised beef.

It is said that it is braised beef, in fact, it is beef braised tofu, served in a white porcelain bowl, hot ruddy beef soup, floating with a layer of oily oil flowers, emerald green coriander and fine white and green onion underneath, is the tender white jade tofu diced and large reddish brown beef cubes, take a spoon stir, the fat aroma of the broth, the spicy aroma of pepper, the bean flavor of tofu and the aroma of green onion coriander, just with the steaming up, people can't help but salivate.

Scoop the tofu diced beef and beef soup in a spoonful, the entrance, chew, the beef diced soft rotten glutinous needless to say, my favorite is the tofu diced, tender and fragrant, but also sucked enough of the fat aroma, become rich and plump, the most annoying is the spicy flavor of pepper, so that a bowl of rich and mellow beef soup more taste endless, Boshan people love to eat pepper flavor, make a bowl of stew a bowl of peppery fat tofu to make fish belly ginseng soup sour and spicy soup, etc. can not be separated from the pepper of the spicy flavor.

A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home
A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home
A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home

Some beef stew stalls will put a separate bowl of chopped chili peppers or chili powder out, but I don't like it, and I think that there is no pepper flavor like pepper stewed in the soup, just mixed in the soup, only spicy and not fragrant, the taste floats on the surface. Boshan has a saying called "a thousand rolls of pepper, the more rolling the more fragrant", so I still prefer this pepper flavor.

The best standard for a bowl of braised beef is two freshly steamed white-noodle flower rolls or two hot pancakes from a fresh stall, along with a bowl of bean juice to clear your mouth. And the indispensable thing on the table is a pot of home-pickled pickles, which is also the pickle that Every household in Boshan must pickle at home, and Sichuan's kimchi are somewhat similar but have many differences, according to the season of cucumber celery carrot peppers and so on. The taste is more sour, salty and more flavorful than Sichuan kimchi. Well, I'll write a separate one.

A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home
A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home
A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home

This braised beef seems simple, it seems to be just a pot of beef stewed tofu only, but in fact, it is a lot, beef, to have fat and thin, fat and fat and beef thin and tender enough, so in my experience, choose the beef brisket on the lower part of the ribs called niu yan wing is the best, this part is also called beef pit brisket, I once ate a bowl of goulash beef in Shenyang, it is this part, the meat is fat and lean, mellow and delicious.

Tofu, naturally Boshan sour pulp tofu is the best, with acid pulp point brine tofu without salt brine or gypsum point brine of astringency, bean flavor is very rich, and squeezed firm and tough, do braised beef is the best.

The stewed beef in the beef stew is generally made the first night of the day in advance, in order to be soaked in a taste, get up in the morning, make a stove, simmer it in a pot with a small fire, tofu, also cut the beef grain size pieces, there are also slices, in boiling water to remove the bean fish, and then use a pot, is also the same hot simmering stew, is the Boshan people manage this process, called qin, just like the pot tea called qin pot tea, meaning, some of the meaning of bubbles, is not too precise, the dialect is always a little difficult to explain. The qin in this braised beef, the soup head is just a slight roll, in order to be a warm heat, as the saying goes, a hot to three fresh, said is this theory.

A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home
A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home

Of course, there are also plans to save energy, the tofu diced and beef grains together in the beef soup slow simmered out, but secretly think, tofu and beef mixed stew, although the taste is more integrated, but inevitably mixed soup, a little bean smell will destroy the aroma of a pot of beef soup, and like me like to come to a bowl of pure beef braised beef, it is difficult to have fun.

And scooping braised beef is also a science, if you stew diced tofu and beef grains in a pot, there must be beef within a spoonful with tofu and soup, beef more will be sold losses, more tofu will be dissatisfied with guests, all depends on experience. Generally, in advance in the white porcelain bowl under the green onion black pepper, the guests came, the tofu diced with a hedge a shake, decanted the water, put into the bowl, and then from the slightly piped beef pot with the soup with thick meat scooped up a spoon into the bowl, slightly stirred, the aroma overflowed, brought to the table.

A mouthful of mellow braised beef, a bite of a flower roll or pancake, a bite of sour pickles, a mouthful of sour pickles, sighing, you are full.

This morning in Boshan. The stomach returns to its hometown, and the people come back.

A bowl of rich Boshan braised beef brings the stomach back home

Adhere to the original food articles, CCTV "Taste Canal" "Foodie Legend" food consultant, Sohu Foodie Self-media Alliance Executive Secretary-General, food documentary "Search Fresh" chief planner Wang Laohu and you jointly search for "fresh" on the tip of the tongue!