
Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

author:Spinach said

Who gave Turkey the courage to dare to fight with Russia, is it Liang Jingru? Of course not, the courage of the Turks comes from their history.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

In the 13th century (about 1258), with the expansion of the nomadic Mongols in northern China, most of the Turkic peoples who originally lived in Central Asia submitted to the iron hooves of the Mongols, and a small number of Turkic tribes began to migrate, one of which migrated to Asia Minor, which is now the Region of Turkey.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

At that time, Asia Minor was controlled by the Sultanate of Rome established by the Seljuk Turks, and the Turks who migrated to adapt to the local customs all converted to Islam and joined the Sultanate of Roma on their own initiative. In the face of the warriors sent to the door, the King of Rom Sultan showed great generosity, took the initiative to accept the Turks, and gave the Turks free of charge to the Sogud region in the northwest of the kingdom bordering Byzantium. The only requirement of the king was that they must defend the Sultanate of Roma against Byzantium.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

In 1290, the Turkic chief Ertuglur died, and his son Ottoman succeeded him. Osman was a very ambitious man, and during his reign he vigorously developed his military power while dealing with the King of Rom Sultan. In 1299, the Ottomans waited for the opportunity, the Sultanate of Roma fell apart under the iron hooves of the Mongols, the warlords of all sizes within the kingdom became independent, and the Ottomans seized the opportunity to declare the independence of the Turks and establish the Ottoman Principality.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

In the early days of the founding of the United States, the Ottomans did not go around fighting, but continued to develop the military. After the fall of the Rôm Sultanate in 1308, when Byzantium was already weakening as the Mongols expanded, the Ottomans once again seized the opportunity, and in 1301 the Turks defeated the Byzantine army and occupied the cities of Kagahisar and Inegrad. In 1326, Osman died on the way to the conquest, and his son Ur khan (Orhan) took the throne, during the reign of Ur khan, he also defeated the Byzantine army and occupied the northwestern Anatolia region, and the Ottoman state began to enter a period of stable development.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

In 1451, Mehmed II ascended the throne, and it should be emphasized here that in 1453 Mehmed II led an army to attack Constantinople, the last capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, which is now Istanbul. Note that Constantinople, also changed to Istanbul during this period, has remained so far. In 1453 Mehmed II announced that the Ottoman principality would be changed to the Ottoman Empire, and the capital would be moved to Istanbul.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

This also marked the official entry of the Ottoman Empire on the road to hegemony. It was also from Mehmed II that the Ottoman Empire began to enter Europe, and in the following centuries, the Ottoman Empire conquered the north and south, reaching its peak in the 17th century. At that time, the Ottoman Empire had a large number of territories in Asia, Europe and Africa, and the entire Mediterranean Sea was under Ottoman control. However, as with all empires, as kings changed, rulers were worse than generations.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

With the rise of the European powers, the Ottoman Empire began to decline, until during World War I in 1914, the Ottoman Empire joined the Allies, lost a lot of territory after the defeat, and under the leadership of Britain and France, the Ottoman Empire would be divided into more than thirty different countries. The Ottoman Emperor at that time did not have the courage to resist in the face of the unreasonable demands of Britain, France and other countries. Seeing that the country was about to fall apart, aspirants in the Ottoman empire revolted.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

On October 29, 1923, above the ruins of the Ottomans, the Republic of Turkey was established. It should be said here that Turkey only inherited one-eighth of the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and the rest of the territory was divided into different countries under the intervention of Britain and France, which is one of the reasons why Turkey and European countries are now at odds. In 1924, with the last Ottoman monarch, Abdel Mejid II, stripped of his title by the Turkish government, the Ottoman Empire was officially declared extinct. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey, in order to get rid of the Ottoman influence, did not recognize the succession to the Ottoman Empire. Instead, it insists that it is a new country.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

The funny thing is that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Turkish government changed its thinking. Turkish politicians shouted the slogan of "reviving the Ottomans" while insisting that they were the legitimate Ottoman successors. In order to show his determination to revive, when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with the Palestinian Prime Minister, he also specially arranged for 16 soldiers dressed in different periods of Ottoman samurai costumes to stand guard to express Turkey's long history.

Provoking Russia, why is Turkey so "crazy"?

Having said all this, do you think that Turkey and china are quite similar, the same are dynasties with a long history, the same has been divided by the great powers, but unlike China's efforts to become stronger, Turkey is still addicted to the glory of the past, and at every turn will take out the exploits of the old ancestors to show off, usually to see who is not happy to go up is a random spray, a proper big troll, I don't believe you see how happy the Russian ministers laugh.