
The couple found an unknown strange fish while walking by the sea, and asked for help to learn that it was a spotted starfish

A couple abroad was walking by the sea, and when they walked to the coast, they found an unknown strange fish. The strange fish was stranded on the shore and swung its body from time to time. The strange appearance was a little scary, scaring the couple from getting too close.

The couple found an unknown strange fish while walking by the sea, and asked for help to learn that it was a spotted starfish

When the man saw it, he found a stick next to it to stir the fish, the appearance of this fish is very strange, the whole body of the fish is golden yellow, and there are lines composed of particles, which makes people feel very curious. The man also took out his mobile phone to photograph this strange fish and uploaded it to the Internet to seek help from the majority of netizens.

The couple found an unknown strange fish while walking by the sea, and asked for help to learn that it was a spotted starfish

Later, it was learned that some experts said that this was a species called the spotted starfish, which has a special skill that can generate electricity to attack other fish, and most of them live in places with moderate water temperatures, such as the sandy sands on the seabed in the western Atlantic, so they are rarely seen on the beach! No wonder everyone was surprised when they saw what it looked like.

The couple found an unknown strange fish while walking by the sea, and asked for help to learn that it was a spotted starfish

The spotted starfish has a flat forehead and a black-brown body with white spots, which is all the same size and back on its head. It has three dark black stripes on its tail. Its face to the astronomical allows it to ambush prey while hiding in the sand of the coastal mass. Electric shock can be generated and sent by the electric shock officer.

The couple found an unknown strange fish while walking by the sea, and asked for help to learn that it was a spotted starfish

They live mainly on the East Coast of the United States. They bury themselves in sand and wait for prey (usually smaller fish). Their eyes are located on the top of their heads, hence the name Starfish. The scientific name is the spotted star-stingray, and the white spots are distributed on the back of the fish. Transparent eggs are laid at the bottom of the bay. When they hatch into juveniles, growing at 6 to 7 mm, they slowly grow a dark color and develop in the organs of the eye muscles. After that, they swim to the bottom and grow into adults.

The couple found an unknown strange fish while walking by the sea, and asked for help to learn that it was a spotted starfish

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