
Control of soybean pests and diseases

author:Zhongteco Network Technology

Soybeans are also known as soybeans. The flowering period is from June to July, and the fruit period is from July to September. Native to China, it is cultivated all over China and is widely cultivated all over the world. Soybean is one of the important food crops in China, with a history of 5,000 years of cultivation, and northeast China is the main producing area, which is a crop whose seeds are rich in plant protein. Soybeans are most commonly used to make various soy products, squeeze soybean oil, brew soy sauce and extract proteins.

Control of soybean pests and diseases

Soybean is one of the main crops grown in China and has made great contributions to improving the living standards and improving the quality of life of our people. However, soybean pests and diseases have always plagued the development of the soybean industry, and the following is a brief analysis of soybean planting technology and its pest control strategies.

Gray spot disease: Soybean gray spot disease is mainly harmful to the leaves at the adult stage, but can also infect seedlings, stems, pods and seeds. Semicircular or round brown spots appear on the cotyledons of seedlings born of disease grains. The spots on the leaves at the adult stage are initially faded green round spots, and gradually develop into frog eye spots with edges brown, central gray or gray brown, so they are also called frog eye disease. Irregular spots can also be formed in the later stages. When wet, the central part of the lesion on the back of the leaf is densely covered with gray mold, which is the conidia of the pathogen. In severe cases, the spots cover the leaf surface, the spots merge, and the leaves die and fall off. The stem spots are spindle-shaped or oval, pods are round or oval, and the mold layer is not easy to see because the pods are hairy. The spots on the grains are similar to the leaf spots, and most of them are round frog eyes.

Control methods: (1) in the wet and rainy areas of the seedling stage, use 50% carbendazim seed mixing, 0.3 kg per 100 kg of seeds; (2) for the susceptible varieties, grow dense bean fields, spray in the early stage of disease or pod and grain susceptibility period to control the spots on the grain. Commonly used agents are 40% carbendazim gum suspension or 50% carbendazim wettable powder, 100 grams per mu of medicine, or 50% methyl tolbuzin 100 grams, mixed with water 80 kg - 100 kg - fog. Depending on the progression of the disease, the interval is 7 days to 10 days, a total of 2 to 3 times.

Fungal diseases: there are spot blight, gray spot disease, downy mildew and rust that harm the dark leaves, among which downy mildew is everywhere; there are disease rot, sclerotia and anthrax that harm roots and stems. Disease rot is bred in disease resistance; others are controlled by rotation. For the harm of the seed grains are purple spot disease and black spot disease, the drug seed control.

Bacterial diseases: there are spot diseases and spotted rash diseases, and some can be controlled by disease resistance breeding.

Viral diseases: there are many kinds, and the Yangtze River Basin and the Huang-Huai Plain of China are widely endemic and harmful to mosaic viruses. Virus-free seeds, vector-free insect eradication and disease-resistant breeding are used for control. All three of the above diseases can be used with 80% allicin, 50% carbendazim, and 58% alpha cream. Fungicides such as zinc and Bacillus subtilis are prevented and controlled.

Soybean sporangiasis, root-knot nematode disease: the use of reasonable crop rotation and disease resistance breeding control. The main insect pests are heartworms, grassland borers, bean pod borers, bean stalk flies, bean stalk black diving flies, red spiders and aphids, etc., mainly for medicinal control. Seed selection, biological control and crop rotation control are used. Root irrigation can be performed with 10% thiazole phosphine.

Soybean red spider: Soybean red spider is mainly adult, juvenile, nymph mite in the leaf back leaf silk knot web suck sap, the victim bean leaf initially appears yellow-white spots, and gradually becomes gray-white spots and erythema. In severe cases, the leaves are shrunk, scorched and peeled off, and the severe plots are like fires. The affected bean plants grow short, the pods are small, and the bean grains become smaller.

Agricultural control: remove weeds and dead branches and leaves from the ground, roadsides and fields, and cultivate the land to eliminate the source of overwintering insects. Rational irrigation and fertilization promote the robust growth of plants and enhance the resistance to mites.

Biological control: The important natural enemies of soybean red spiders are a variety of grasshoppers, tower six-point thrips, rhabdomy thrips and some ladybugs, long bugs and spiders, etc., which prey on red spiders in the field and have a certain resistance effect on them.

Drug control: strengthen the detection of insect conditions and control the stage of occurrence of point tablets. When yellow and white spots appear in the leaves of sporadic bean plants as harmful, they are immediately sprayed for control. Insecticides can be obtained with 5% thiazone and 29% stone sulfur compound. 50 kg of liquid per acre. Pay attention to the spray head facing up, spray up and down, spray evenly.

Ground tiger: Larvae mostly bite off the seedlings from the ground, resulting in missing seedlings and ridges, after the main stem is lignified, they eat the root epidermis of the plant near the ground, causing root injury, affecting the roots of the plant to absorb water, so that the plant gradually withers and dies.

Agricultural control: (1) Choose a good stubble, the previous stubble is not easy to choose corn land, and should be rotated with wheat and rice to reverse stubble. (2) Timely autumn and winter irrigation, eliminate insect sources, and remove weeds from the field in early spring.

Booby trap control: (1) Black light to trap adult insects. (2) Sweet and sour solution to trap adult insects.

Chemical control: (1) Spray: The 1-3 year old larval stage of the ground tiger has poor resistance and is exposed to the host plant or the ground, which is the appropriate period for the control of the drug, and 50% octyl thiophos emulsion 800 times liquid, 50% borer thiophos 1000-2000 times liquid, 20% chrysanthemum emulsion 1000-1500 times liquid can be used. (2) Poisonous bait: mostly applied when starting to eat after 3 years of age, use 2.5% dimethoate powder 0.5 kg or 90% crystal dimethoate 1000 times liquid evenly mixed on chopped fresh grass, or use 90% crystal diphtheria to add 2.5-5 kg of water, evenly mixed on 50 kg of fried fragrant wheat bran or crushed cottonseed cake (oil residue), mixed with 50% octylthion emulsion emulsion 50 grams on 5 kg of cottonseed cake, made of poisonous bait in the evening in the vegetable field at a certain distance to scatter into small piles.

Soybean poison moth: Hatching larvae cluster leaves to eat the flesh of the leaf on their backs, leaving leaf veins. After that, it will be scattered as a pest, biting the leaves into missing notches and holes, and when the density of the insect mouth is large, all the leaves can be eaten, resulting in plant weakness and yield decline. After the larva matures, it forms cocoons on the back of the leaves, and the cocoon is dark brown.

Control method :(1) Light traps adult insects. (2) Spray 5.2% Avi. High chlorine for insecticide.

Soybean heart-eating worms: larvae moths feed on pods, and the larvae are covered with a white wire mesh before they enter, generally mothed from the pod joints, and the beans are bitten into grooves or broken shapes.

Control method: 0.5% methylaminoavermectin benzoate, bifenthrin (25 g / l), 25-30 ml per acre of water with a piggyback sprayer to spray the nozzle from the root of the bean upwards, so that the lower branches and top leaves are sprayed on the back. This method controls adult insects, and the effect is very good regardless of the growth of soybeans.

Soybean aphids: Soybean aphids have a tender habit. Adults and nymphs suck sap from the growth points, young leaves of the top leaves and young stems of soybean plants, and when they are severe, they are covered with stems and leaves, and young Ying are also harmed, resulting in shrinking leaves, yellowing, short plants, stunted roots, reduced the number of branches and pods, decreased 100-grain weight, reduced yield, and even the death of the whole plant.

Control method: 5% acetamidine, 20% imidacloprid, 50% octyl thiophos emulsion 1500-2000 times liquid spray.

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