
Can you still eat small dumplings cold? Cool summer, Yuyuan's time-honored dishes have new ideas

author:Thoughtful client

Xiaolongbao is a business card of Shanghai snacks and is a well-known hot dim sum steamed to order. If "cold eating crayfish" is not unusual, then "cold eating small dumplings" will surprise you?

Zhou Zhijun learned that Yuyuan Nanxiang Mantou Shop launched a creative new product "Ice Ice Fragrant Small Dumpling" this summer, and just listening to the name makes people feel cool and relieved.

It's not just small dumplings that are creative. In the summer season, in the summer menu of the Green Wave Corridor and the old hotel in Shanghai, the "blue ocean of mushrooms" deer antler mushrooms sang the protagonist, incarnating dozens of creative new dishes; Songhe Tower's "high-end version" Su-style Eight Treasure mung bean soup, Ningbo Tangtuan Shop's shaved ice wine stuffed small rounds returned again, cooling down the popularity...

Why did you think of making small dumplings to eat cold?

You Yumin, the sixth generation non-hereditary heir of Nanxiang Mantou Shop, said: "We have found that in recent years, products such as Japanese Daifuku and Ice Skin Mooncakes have been very popular with young people, and now that it is summer, we want to develop a small cage that can be eaten cold, so that people can feel cooler when eating." ”

According to You Yumin, the outer skin of this ice-flavored dumpling is made of special ice skin, which is very flexible, and the filling core also breaks the tradition: considering the diversity of customer tastes, sweet and salty flavors were produced during research and development. The sweet ice-flavored small dumplings are filled with peanut butter and bananas, and large pieces of peach gum are added to enrich the taste; the salty cores are mainly made of butter, mashed potatoes, ham, prepared in a specific proportion, salty and dense, biting open the skin of the small dumplings, and the rich butter aroma immediately sneaks into the mouth...

Can you still eat small dumplings cold? Cool summer, Yuyuan's time-honored dishes have new ideas

The way to serve the ice-filled dumplings is also very special: the traditional steamer basket has been replaced with a delicate and transparent food-grade box, which is like opening a carefully treasured wedding ring when opened, which has both a sense of ceremony and a national fashion.

The small dumplings made of ice skin naturally do not need to be steamed at high temperatures, and customers only need to scan the code with their mobile phones to place an order, and soon they can taste this new summer product.

In addition, Nanxiang Mantou Shop has also launched a small steamed bun with black truffle deer antler mushrooms and dozens of new summer dishes, including the bad brine flavor of Shanghainese, the sichuan flavor of the hydrangea pulling skin saliva chicken and the seasonal fresh matsutake emerald fresh shellfish, etc., enriching the summer table of the citizens.

Can you still eat small dumplings cold? Cool summer, Yuyuan's time-honored dishes have new ideas

At the previous Ruyi Love Cup Yuyuan Deer Antler Mushroom Creative Dish Competition, nearly ten long-established chefs from Lubo Lang, Nanxiang Mantou Shop, Songhe Tower, Chunfeng Songyue Lou, Dexing Restaurant and other nearly ten long-established chefs used the same ingredient "deer antler mushroom" to make more than 100 different dishes.

Today, award-winning dishes appear on the menus of established brands.

Can you still eat small dumplings cold? Cool summer, Yuyuan's time-honored dishes have new ideas

At noon, the lobby on the second floor of the old Shanghai Hotel was almost full. Many customers found that the menu of the old hotel had more than a dozen eye-catching new products: crispy deer antler mushrooms, home-roasted antler mushrooms, mandarin fish, fruity borscht ribs, crystal double-flavored shrimp, pea mint leaves... There are both novel and creative dishes, as well as classic old Shanghai flavors.

The summer menu of the Green Wave Gallery has also been launched: crispy white asparagus, colorful crisp bamboo shoot crab willow deer antler mushroom, rich soup of home-roasted rice cake catfish belly, as well as cute coconut egg yolk chicks, and very "high-grade" yam marble parfait... These new summer dishes, which have been "preemptive" in terms of appearance, have been welcomed by the citizens as soon as they were launched.

Can you still eat small dumplings cold? Cool summer, Yuyuan's time-honored dishes have new ideas

Customer Aunt Fang came to the Green Wave Gallery with her "girlfriend group" at noon today, in addition to the signature dish, they also specially ordered rose salt steamed river shrimp, deer antler mushroom crisp eel and other new summer products. Aunt Fang smiled and said: "In the summer, I still want to eat refreshing and healthy, just these new dishes are steamed and vegetarian, we think it is more refreshing to eat." ”

If you are tired of shopping in Yu Garden, you may wish to go to Songhe Lou Noodle Restaurant to drink a cup of "high-grade version" of Su-style mung bean soup. Compared with the traditional mung bean soup in Shanghai, the Su-style mung bean soup is rich and cool with a variety of ingredients such as gold and silver wire, red and white glutinous rice, dates and winter melon candy in the cool and slightly sweet mint water. If you want to stop and sit down, you can also go to the Ningbo Soup Dumpling Shop to eat a bowl of shaved ice wine stuffed dumplings and experience a different way to cool off.

Source: Thoughtful