
New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

author:Zhejiang Satellite TV

Hello, I am happy that I am the king!

Hello, I'm an orange!

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

The king was pleased

At about 17:00 on July 29, I stood in the corner of the passage of Xinyuan International Cinema.

I heard the host happily announce the successful conclusion of the meeting, and saw Chen Xuedong Zhong Chuxi happily taking a group photo with the leading guests, and his big head suddenly flashed back to five days ago.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

Five days ago, I was probably like you, and my understanding of the new variety show "Attention Tourists" stayed in some general labels-

The first domestic star su with group tour program? Oh, probably just travel and see the beauty, food, beauty and so on.

The first stranger social reality show in China? Ah, the social fear of refusing, think about it is super embarrassing good.

Three days later, after experiencing the review and promotion planning of the first program of the tourists, spending the rehearsal night of the film viewing party working overtime until two o'clock, and the tense three hours of the official film viewing meeting, the new recruit Wang was happy and his ideas changed.

Let time go back five days.


New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

At about 11 o'clock on July 24, just after finishing the training of new university students, we were still wearing "China Blue" red and blue battle robes, and we were led into the departmental conference room. "Attention Tourists" launch conference? How? What to do? Ten thousand question marks slammed out. With only four days left before the press conference, we really have no bottom in our hearts.

After listening to the report of the teacher in charge of each workstation, everything gradually became clear-

Zhejiang Satellite TV will hold a press conference in a movie theater for the first time, and invite 100 media friends and fans to watch the exclusive version of the first program.

Just do it, hurry up and eat lunch and practice with everyone. Watching the film will be processed, modify the script, contact the media v... As soon as the time flickered, it was dark. For the first day of employment, I imagined it would be fulfilling, but I didn't expect it to be so fulfilling. The intimacy of not being treated as an outsider makes the two "workplace whites" feel, well, it's so beautiful.

On the same day, I slipped into the pitch-black screening room. At this time, the first frame of "Attention Tourists" is still on the screen.

I squeezed expectantly on the edge of the couch, waiting eagerly to start. From the very beginning of the pilot, I was captivated by the gripping soundtrack, the high-end empty mirrors, and the delicate packaging. Looking further down, the two routes of "Beautiful China Trip" and "Crazy Love in the Caribbean" broadcast in the first phase not only have different scenery, but also have a very diverse team allocation. Chen Xuedong and Zhang Yuqi are not only bold and delicate enough, but also gentle and real enough. Speaking of ordinary people, I can't help but spoil how "dramatized" the ordinary people of this show are, and just want to say that "the director team is also too good at doing things!" ”

I really didn't expect that this show, which was positioned as "the country's first strange social psychology travel observation reality show", contained so many emotions - wanting to laugh, wanting to cry, wanting to hug someone, wanting to give someone a like, wanting to turn around and discuss with their friends gossip, and wanting to shout "can you play it again" without a face.

The day before the screening, it was an uphill battle.

On Sunday morning, I woke up lazily, but I saw that there were already nearly a hundred messages in the "execution group" - "The specific process has been updated again, please hurry up the arrangement of each station" "The final version of the media list is determined?" "The video of the opening session has an error and quickly correct it!" I quickly sat up, turned on the computer, and completed the tasks I was assigned to synchronously.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online
New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

At ten o'clock in the evening, everyone brushed together at the cinema and deployed in advance. Although the process has been modified 6.7 times, those links that cannot be executed have still been overturned and restarted. From the details to the whole, and back to the details, the video was broadcast over and over again, just to adjust to the best visual effects; the string words were changed version after version, hoping to better mobilize the atmosphere of the scene. "Come again, start over, start over" was the highest frequency word heard that night, and it wasn't until 1 a.m. that all the work came to an end.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

Finally, on July 30th, the film will begin.

According to incomplete statistics, in the first demo screening of the 90-minute exclusive edition, the first batch of tourists and audiences who created 58 hilarious scenes in the theater scene where even the aisles were crowded, and none of them found a urine spot to leave the table.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

The little brother sitting on my right was very interesting, laughing so much that he couldn't help but pat his thigh; the big sister on the left was a bit emotional, and I was caught secretly wiping tears with her small hand in Zhang Yuqituan's "Truth to Heart" game. The little king who was caught in the middle also cried and laughed together, making a silly child back in the dark.

A particularly magical point is that the first episode of the tourist show on the big screen in front of me has actually been seen several times in the pre-review film, and even I can blurt out some classic dialogue, but I can still be poked in the joke point steadily. I can really touch my conscience and say that every time I watch it more, I love this show a little more.

It doesn't allow you to laugh, but to use laughter to guide thinking. Because the social topics and human propositions hidden behind the daily life of the group tour are so trivial but real - in the strange relationship, how to grasp the sense of proportion between joking and meanness? In the face of people and things you don't like, is it appropriate to smile or speak up? ......

The star who was still shining on the screen ten minutes ago suddenly came to the front and asked you if you wanted to eat the popsicle, which was a bit magical.

The first time I saw Chen Xuedong and Zhong Chuxi, I couldn't resist the temptation to accidentally get caught in the powder.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

As the saying goes, everything can be cold, and the field cannot be cold. Originally, I was really worried about the atmosphere of the scene, but I didn't expect Dong Dong and Chu Xi to be so enthusiastic, so cute, so stalked, and worthy of the level of praise of "good-looking skin bag and interesting soul".

A flashing poster was dragged by Dong Dong, opening the conversation box one by one to introduce the members of the "Beautiful China Tour" line - "This is the fairy sister and the treasure sister, above is a mother and daughter, they are twins, and you all love the Xianxian, oh yes, we have become a couple in the group ..."

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

(No, that's the poster...) )

Chu Xi also showed her straight female nature, drinking it all while tasting Mexican special pepper beer, and her lips were almost spicy to the point of speechlessness. There is also a wonderful famous scene in the whole scene - more than 200 people on and off the stage eat popsicles together! I felt as if I was wearing a big party, not a distant star but a tourist on the show who unloaded his burdens, and not a passerby who met in Pingshui but a new friend who laughed and shared a popsicle together.

In fact, there was a third "star" at the scene of the film viewing meeting, that is, Yao Yitian, the general director of the running man known as the "most handsome variety show pd", and Yao Yitian, who had 450,000 fans, had super words and read more than 20 million on Weibo.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

He came in a hurry, because the third and fourth episodes of the program are stepping up editing, and the fourth route "Hiking in Gongga" is also in the intense recording, and you can imagine how many brain-wrenching things. He said he was nervous because it was a show with no reference at all, and it was the first time it had been reviewed in the form of a meet-and-greet.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online
New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

(Ha, secretly filmed Yao pd in the dark)

He stood in the dark corner of the last row for a full hour and a half, unlike everyone else in the scene, his eyes not locked on the screen, but observed the reviewers. "The appearance of the virtuous was indeed the one that caused the most commotion... Several people here looked at the phone, is it better to speed up the pace... Someone shook his head at the little sparrow, someone shed tears for the little sparrow, and the character seemed to stand up... "Yao pd, were you thinking about this at the time?"

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

"Look at the world, see yourself".

The first time I saw the show slogan, I was hit. This tore my memories back to my childhood summer afternoon with "The Little Prince" on my desk. This little prince with sun-colored hair, innocent and kind, has been sincere to a flower for a long time, and is also warm and arrogant, listening to the whispers of his soul with his heart. This coincides with the mood that the show is trying to convey – there are no laws in the world, and we are ups and downs in the world, struggling, but enjoying it.

"Attention Tourists" has a strong pyrotechnic atmosphere, and everyone has a way to get along with the world. Some people like to stand on the top of the mountain, high-profile, passionate, and enthusiastic, and some people like to sink into the water, silent, stoic, and not showing their horns. Everyone unloads the shackles of identity, tries to break down the barriers set up by people, and shows their true disposition, true self, and true life. I hope that after watching the show, you can get along better with the world, you can learn to reduce your burden on yourself, you can send a piece of sugar to life; I hope that one day, without laughing, you can also be very happy.

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

On August 3rd (yes, this Saturday), Orange & Happy invites you to watch the film online!

Highly recommended

New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online
New Entry Promotion Sister Flower invites you to watch the film online

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