
A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie "World Trade Center", a disaster film released on the eve of the fifth anniversary of 9/11. Many years have passed since 9/11, but its tragic scene is still vividly remembered. It is clear that the collapse of the World Trade Center is the eternal pain of arrogant Americans. Now it's been put on the screen. However, such a large-scale film with a big theme will be opposed if it is not paid attention to.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Nicolas Cage in the movie "World Trade Center"

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie "World Trade Center". Director: Oliver Stone

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie "World Trade Center". Starring: Maria Bello / Nicolas Cage / Maggie Gyllenhaal / Conler Paolo / Michael Pena.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie "World Trade Center". This film is a disaster film set in the United States "911" incident, and the story recreates the sudden disaster at that time. On a wonderful early morning on September 11, the Fire Services Department suddenly sounded an alarm bell, and after receiving the news that the World Trade Center had collapsed due to a terrorist attack, fire police officer John McLorraine (Nicholas Cage) and his colleagues immediately rushed to the scene, and they were greeted by a horrific picture, the collapsed building smoking smoke, and the injured people groaning in pain.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Poster for the movie "World Trade Center". In order to rescue the people trapped inside the World Trade Center, John rushed into the building with his teammates despite the danger of the crumbling building, but before they could make a move, they were crushed by the second collapse of the building. When John wakes up in the rubble, he finds that all of his former companions have died, and only a police officer named Will Gimino (Michael Pena) is still alive.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Poster for the movie "World Trade Center"

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

On September 11, 2001, the shocking and far-reaching "9/11 Incident" broke out. The sudden collapse of the Twin Towers seems to herald the arrival of a dark age. After this, the French studio canal film company reacted quickly, inviting 11 well-known directors and actors at home and abroad to direct each short film with a length of 11 minutes and 09 seconds and 01 frames, which was finally put together into this unique and sharp and profound short film collection.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Flight 93 is an air crash drama directed by Paul Greengras and starring Lewis Alsamali, Jj Johnson, Tris Gates, and Pauly Adams.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie Flight 93. September 11, 2001, is a day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings. The three numbers of "9/11" are connected together, no longer just representing the police telephone number of americans, but from "three American flights that hit the World Trade Center Twin Tower and the Pentagon on this day" into a shocking string of numbers!

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie Flight 93. On the same day, another terrorist hijacked Flight 93 "accidentally" crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie Flight 93. Flight 93 reported in real-time news at the time that "United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in a grove of woods in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after being hijacked on the morning of Sept. 11."

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

Stills from the movie Flight 93. All 45 people on board were killed, and there was widespread media speculation that attempts by terrorists to use the aircraft to attack key targets in Washington failed as a result of passenger resistance.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

The documentary "Fahrenheit 911" reflects some aspects of this U.S. administration, trying to illustrate why the United States has been the target of hatred and terror, why the United States has always been easily involved in war, pointing out that post-911 greed for oil played an absolute role in the crazy war on terror, and analyzing how the so-called relationship between the Bush family and bin Laden led them to become inseparable enemies.

A day 15 years ago that is a horror day that will be unforgettable for all earthlings

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