
Does aspirin eating for a long time make the blood vessels "brittle"? Eating and stopping, is it okay? Does long-term aspirin make blood vessels brittle? Can aspirin be eaten and eaten? What should I pay attention to when taking aspirin?

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Aspirin is a commonly used antipyretic analgesic, which can relieve mild to moderate pain such as dysmenorrhea, headache, toothache, muscle pain and neuralgia, etc., and is also used for feverish diseases such as colds and flu to reduce fever and assist in the treatment of rheumatic pain. In recent years, aspirin has been found to inhibit platelet aggregation and avoid thrombosis, and is often used to prevent transient ischemic attacks and myocardial infarction. But some people worry that long-term aspirin use will make blood vessels brittle, is this really the case?

Does aspirin eating for a long time make the blood vessels "brittle"? Eating and stopping, is it okay? Does long-term aspirin make blood vessels brittle? Can aspirin be eaten and eaten? What should I pay attention to when taking aspirin?

Patients with cerebral hemorrhage are prone to cerebral infarction, and aspirin is an antiplatelet drug that can reduce thrombosis and prevent cerebral infarction. Aspirin does not make blood vessels brittle, and the cause of blood vessels becoming brittle is the disease of the blood vessels themselves. The cause of intracerebral hemorrhage is atherosclerosis and hypertension, which together can cause cerebral blood vessels to lose their elasticity, or form tiny aneurysms, and rupture and bleeding occur when blood pressure fluctuates violently. The effect with aspirin is to prevent cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage from recurring. Aspirin acts directly on platelet epoxygenase, reducing thromboxane production, inhibiting thromboxane inducing platelet aggregation, and thus reducing thrombosis.

It can be seen that the site of action of aspirin is the flowing platelets, not the blood vessels themselves, and it will not make the blood vessel wall brittle or thin. Atherosclerosis and high blood pressure can cause arteries to form aneurysms, causing blood vessels to gradually enlarge, blood vessel walls to gradually thin, and eventually cause rupture of the blood vessel walls. However, aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding, and the adverse reactions caused by it are dose-dependent. If you take aspirin in large doses every day, if you exceed 325 mg per day, it will increase the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, so the usual dose of aspirin is 75 to 150 mg per day.

Does aspirin eating for a long time make the blood vessels "brittle"? Eating and stopping, is it okay? Does long-term aspirin make blood vessels brittle? Can aspirin be eaten and eaten? What should I pay attention to when taking aspirin?

A considerable number of patients are worried about the side effects of aspirin and will take it by eating and stopping, which is not advisable. Because the body is producing new platelets all the time, when the aspirin is stopped for more than 48 hours, the platelets begin to accumulate normally, which leads to a recurrence of the disease. Aspirin into the body after the activity time is very short, only a few tens of minutes, platelet inhibition is an irreversible process, so taking small doses of aspirin every day can inhibit the platelets produced on the day. To minimize adverse reactions, enteric-coated extended-release tablets should be preferred to avoid irritation to the gastric mucosa caused by the common dosage form of aspirin.

1. Arrange the medication time

6:00 ~ 10:00 Blood viscosity is high, heart rate and blood pressure level is also high, at this time the most prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

Aspirin takes a faster time to act in the body, so the medication can be arranged between 7:00 and 8:00. However, aspirin extended-release tablets have peaked drug concentrations in the blood and have a long half-life and should be scheduled to be taken in the evening.

Does aspirin eating for a long time make the blood vessels "brittle"? Eating and stopping, is it okay? Does long-term aspirin make blood vessels brittle? Can aspirin be eaten and eaten? What should I pay attention to when taking aspirin?

2. Do not stop the drug without authorization

After research, studies have shown that if you stop aspirin without authorization, you may have unstable angina and myocardial infarction after one month, so people who take aspirin for a long time cannot stop the drug at will.


Whether it is cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction patients should use aspirin to prevent the recurrence of the disease, for patients with coronary heart disease and stroke for long-term taking aspirin advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so should be strictly in accordance with the doctor's instructions to take aspirin, can not stop the drug without authorization, can not eat and stop.

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