
Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

author:Talk about ancient and modern history
An ancient tomb occupies the most five in the history of Chinese archaeology, archaeologists spent ten years excavating, one hundred and eighty-six people were brutally martyred, and the tomb was stolen more than 200 times, still shocking to archaeologists, who is the owner of the tomb?
Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

One day in 1976, a villager in Nanzhi Village, Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province, when walking around in his yard, saw that the courtyard wall was missing, so he was ready to dig some soil to repair it. The villager thought of a strange wasteland in the village, which, no matter how well cared for, could not grow well.

This villager pushed a small cart to this wasteland, and then began to roll up his sleeves to dig the soil, digging and digging, he felt that something was wrong, the soil under this was too hard, his shovel was bent, because Shaanxi had unearthed the Qin Terracotta Warriors, so the locals were very wary of unusual things in the land, and it just so happened that an archaeological team came to the south command village these days, so the villager hurriedly reported his discovery to the archaeological team.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

This matter attracted the attention of the archaeological team, and then followed the villager to this wasteland, the archaeologists knew at a glance that this was five-flower rammed earth, it should have been excavated many years ago, and then the archaeologists began to measure the place, this measurement surprised all of them, this rammed earth section was forty meters, they had never seen such a large tomb, at that time the archaeologists could not determine whether this place was a tomb or an underground city, because it was too big.

After the initial investigation, the members of the archaeological team were even more surprised that this strange land was the size of a football field, and it was not only the size of the land that surprised the archaeologists, but also the subsequent discoveries surprised them even more, and convinced them that this was a tomb.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

They chose a place to drill, did not expect to be such a dozen, found that there are twenty-four meters and five depths, according to this depth, experts confirm that this is a large tomb, so who can build such a large scale of tombs?

Before that, the largest tomb they excavated was only within ten meters, so the discovery of this tomb made the archaeological team very excited, and finally it took several months for the shape of the tomb to be figured out by the archaeological team.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

The tomb has two sloped burial passages, and a rectangular burial chamber, and the whole tomb is as deep as eight floors, which has excited all archaeologists, and the tomb that has been searching for more than a year has finally been found.

Originally, after the excavation of the Qin Terracotta Warriors, the Provincial Research Institute sent them to look for other tombs from the pre-Qin period, but this archaeological team has been searching for more than a year and has not found anything.

According to historical records, Fengxiang County was named Yongcheng in ancient times, from 677 BC onwards, and for the next two hundred and ninety-four years it was the capital of the Qin Dynasty, and a total of nineteen monarchs of the Qin Dynasty were buried in Fengxiang County.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

So the archaeological team has been looking for Fengxiang County according to the ancient book records, but a year has passed, they still found nothing, just when they were about to question the ancient book, the kung fu paid off, they finally found it, because this is the first Qin Gong Tomb found in the local area, so it was named Qin Gong No. 1 Tomb.

After basically determining that this is an ancient tomb, the archaeologists began to report layer by layer, and finally with the approval of the superior department, the local archaeological team began to excavate this, the largest ancient tomb so far.

The excavation process can be said to be difficult, there are 80,000 cubic meters of rammed earth in the burial chamber alone, and in order to ensure the integrity of the burial chamber, it cannot be excavated with too many modern tools, only by human excavation, so the archaeological team encouraged the local villagers to join the excavation work.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

At that time, the militia of Nanzhi Village formed a commando team and threw themselves into the excavation of the tomb, and the intensity of archaeological excavation at that time was very large, not that the excavation of the soil was over, and all the excavated soil had to be sieved, because they were afraid that some cultural relics were missing in the soil layer, but none of the people involved in the archaeological work shouted bitterly.

Just when excavating to two or three meters underground, the scene that archaeologists are most reluctant to see was found, that is, the robbery cave, in a few days, as many as two hundred robbery caves were found, which should be the most pirated caves in a tomb in the history of our country.

This makes archaeologists very worried, but such a deep tomb, relying on the excavation methods of the ancients alone, the tomb should leave a lot of precious information.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

I thought that with the excavation of archaeologists, the mystery of this tomb could be unveiled little by little, but the next discovery made the tomb more and more confusing.

In a burglary near the second-floor tomb, archaeologists found a skull with a large open mouth, as if they had experienced something terrifying before they died, crying out for help with all their might, and not far away found the remains of a broken arm.

As the excavations deepened, more and more similar remains were also found, and twenty remains were cleared on the tomb platform on the second floor alone, and these exposed and strange remains were certainly not the owners of the tomb, so why did they appear here?

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

According to the analysis of archaeologists, this should be a pit burial, this is a sacrifice pit, such a large-scale living sacrifice pit is jaw-dropping, the living burial originated from the Yin Shang period, when people felt that people would continue to live in another world after death, so they would bury slaves alive in the mausoleum, but when the Qin Dynasty was established, the living burial had become a pottery figurine, just like the Qin Terracotta Warriors, which showed that this should be a tomb in the pre-Qin period.

But the surprise of this tomb is far from over, as the excavation continues, experts have found the coffin at the base of the third floor, is this another living burial?

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

Then the experts accelerated the pace of excavation, after many days of overtime excavation, the excavation of the Tomb of Qin Gong No. 1 was finally completed, and the full picture of the tomb finally appeared in front of the eyes of archaeologists.

The whole tomb is in the shape of an inverted pyramid, covering an area of more than 5,000 square meters, in the middle of the bottom third floor is a huge main rafter room, next to the auxiliary rafter room, in addition to a variety of different shapes of burial tools, these different shapes of burial tools open, the remains inside and the second layer of messy skeleton is different, the remains inside are basically very complete, it seems that there is no excessive struggle before death, are they voluntary martyrdom?

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

In order to know the mystery of the death of these people, the experts extracted the hair adhering to the skull in the burial tool, and then conducted a professional test, and the final test results surprised the experts but felt unexpected, the experts detected a large amount of mercury and arsenic in the hair, in layman's terms, they took a lot of arsenic before death, which can explain why they would lie peacefully in the burial gear.

In the end, the number of martyrs in this tomb was one hundred and eighty-six, of which seventy-two were located around the rafters, who were supposed to be close to the owner of the tomb, and most of the ninety-four people farther away were slaves.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

In the ancient system of living burial, there is a kind of burial is the most tragic, that is, human animals, most of them were prisoners of war, or the lowest slaves, when they were buried, they were killed and buried on the spot, although this system has long been abolished, but from those messy bones we can glimpse the cruel scene at that time, those rulers in power did not treat them as adults at all, in their eyes these people are no different from cattle and sheep, they wantonly kill, and even have no psychological burden.

But at this point, the identity of the owner of the tomb is still a mystery, and if you want to solve this mystery, you can only open the coffin, after nearly a decade of excavation, archaeologists finally saw the roof of the chamber.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

The chamber is wrapped around thick charcoal and green paste mud for anti-corrosion, and there are many cypress nails on the outer wall, just like a cabinet, archaeologists have never encountered such a structure, for a while there are some doubts, and then query the history books, and finally found that in the "Lü's Spring and Autumn" recorded, with yellow cedar wood piled up in the tomb, it is the yellow intestine inscription, and the Tomb of Qin Gong No. 1 is used is the yellow intestine inscription, although the discovery of what is, but the doubts in the expert's heart have not been solved, but bigger and bigger, Because this was the funeral norm of the Zhou Dynasty Tianzi, even the monarch of the Qin Dynasty, who was a princely state at that time, did not have the right to enjoy such a funeral norm, what was the identity of the tomb owner?

All this can only be known after the opening of the coffin, but after the opening of the coffin, the experts found more than twenty burglary holes, of which there is nothing but the remains, there is no thing that can prove the identity of the tomb owner, is there no way to know the identity of the tomb owner?

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

But as we continued to dig deeper, things ushered in a turning point, and a large number of funerary items were found below, not only that, but also 34 pieces of stone chimes were unearthed, and more than 100 pieces of stone chime fragments, of which 17 were engraved with words, from which we learned the true identity of the owner of the tomb, that is, Qin Jinggong.

It is recorded on the stone chime that at the inaugural banquet of Qin Jinggong, Zhou Tianzi approved qin Jinggong's ascension to the throne, so Qin Jinggong attached great importance to this stone chime, and even after his death, he had to bury this set of stone chimes together.

Shaanxi found a shocking tomb, experts spent 10 years excavating, there are 186 people buried, the tomb owner is who the farmer dug up the soil to find "strange things" found the earth-shattering tomb hard to find the tomb officially excavated the ancient tomb found that the living were buried to solve the mystery of the identity of the tomb owner

At this point, the largest ancient tomb excavated in China so far has been revealed, and this tomb has great archaeological significance for future generations to understand the pre-Qin period.

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