
In the face of personal attacks, is scolding back the best way to solve it?

author:Small swallow flower flowers

Look at the ideal


You may also feel that when surfing the Internet these days, the cost of staying sane is getting higher and higher, but it is getting easier and easier to "spit out the fragrance".

In many cases, when you think you are participating in public discussions, friendly chat about social events, or just say two personal thoughts, you may get a scolding from netizens who don't know where they come from. Even after you have chosen to reflect on yourself and speak more carefully in parentheses and brackets – (no bad meaning here) (I have no ill will toward xxx) – the number of malicious attacks suffered will not diminish.

Living in today's Chinese network ecology, quarrels, scolding wars, and mutual tearing have become the norm that we are accustomed to, and even for some people, quarrels and insults have almost become a necessary network "survival skill".

As Xu Ben put it in Bright Dialogue, reasoning has long been seen in China as a verbal act of clenching one's fist rather than spreading one's palms. Such "reasoning" becomes "occupying the position of discourse", "verbally criticizing and writing", "arguing", and "throwing guns" and "daggers" to the other side. Such a concept of "reasoning" has made countless people deeply affected and completely unaware.

It is true that arguing with a keyboard may not be the original intention of many people, but when all the rational responses seem to be playing the piano to the cow, is it not the best way to deal with it? Is the reciprocal revenge advocated in the Code of Hammurabi thousands of years ago still useful in today's online "jungle society"?

In a larger context, when we choose to fight evil with evil, have we also become the person who is gazed at by the abyss and eventually becomes the abyss?

If law is not an eternal rule, but a human choice, then morality may also be a choice based on weighing the pros and cons.

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