







protected replacementdataset createdataset(inputstream is) throws exception {

return new replacementdataset(new flatxmldatasetbuilder().build(is));


replacementdataset createdataset = createdataset(thread.currentthread().getcontextclassloader().getresourceasstream("data.xml"));

databaseoperation.insert.execute(iconn, createdataset);


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<yourtablename_1 field_1="1" field_2="f2"/>

<yourtablename_1 field_1="2" field_2="f2_1" field_3="f3_1"/>

<yourtablename_2 field_1="1" field_2="2"/>

  table yourtablename_1有三個字段,但是第三個字段field_3是允許為空的,是以上面的xml是可以這樣寫的,并且dbunit在執行插入的時候也不會報錯,但是這裡會出現一個問題,因為dbunit在第一次分析到table yourtablename_1時,第一條記錄隻有兩個字段,因而它在記錄table yourtablename_1的字段的時候,就隻會記錄兩個到這個表的中繼資料資訊,因而在對在對後面記錄進行資料處理的時候,隻會取後面記錄的兩個字段,而第三個字段是不會被插入到資料庫中。解決這個問題很簡單,把yourtablename_1的第二條記錄和第一條記錄給換一下位置就好了。 同理,在資料result資料檔案的時候,也要遵循這樣的規則,否則會得不到想要的結果的。這是經驗總結。



* export data for the table names by the given idatabaseconnection into the resultfile.<br>

* the export data will be dbunit format.


* @param conn

* @param tablenamelist

* @param resultfile

* @throws sqlexception

* @throws databaseunitexception

* @throws filenotfoundexception

* @throws ioexception


public void exportdata(idatabaseconnection iconn, list<string> tablenamelist, string resultfile) throws sqlexception, databaseunitexception, filenotfoundexception, ioexception {

querydataset dataset = null;

if (iconn == null) {


if (tablenamelist == null || tablenamelist.size() == 0) {

try {

dataset = new querydataset(iconn);

for (string tablename : tablenamelist) {


} finally {

if (dataset != null) {

flatxmldataset.write(dataset, new fileoutputstream(resultfile));

  dbunit的另一個非常有用的功能,就是對執行結果進行比較,這樣可以直接得到執行結果是否正确。 操作方式是準備一個執行期待結果的xml檔案,再準備一條從資料庫查詢結果的sql。這裡有一個經驗非常重要,那就是用于查詢的執行結果的sql檔案,最好是加上某個關鍵字段的order by語句,否則可能會因為記錄的順序而比較失敗,因為dbunit是把查詢出來的結果和準備的結果進行一一對應的比較。當然,既然sql查詢都加上了排序,那我們的結果xml檔案,也應該是根據關鍵字段排好序的結果的,否則也會因為記錄的順序問題而比較失敗。

  上面的是熱身,該來點實際的東西了, 弄個真實的執行個體來看看,下面是一個用于dbunit測試的抽象類:

import java.io.filenotfoundexception;

import java.io.fileoutputstream;

import java.io.ioexception;

import java.io.inputstream;

import java.sql.connection;

import java.sql.sqlexception;

import java.sql.statement;

import java.util.arraylist;

import java.util.list;

import java.util.map;

import java.util.properties;

import java.util.treemap;

import junit.framework.assert;

import org.dbunit.assertion;

import org.dbunit.databaseunitexception;

import org.dbunit.idatabasetester;

import org.dbunit.jdbcdatabasetester;

import org.dbunit.database.databaseconnection;

import org.dbunit.database.idatabaseconnection;

import org.dbunit.database.querydataset;

import org.dbunit.dataset.column;

import org.dbunit.dataset.idataset;

import org.dbunit.dataset.itable;

import org.dbunit.dataset.replacementdataset;

import org.dbunit.dataset.filter.defaultcolumnfilter;

import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.flatxmldataset;

import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.flatxmldatasetbuilder;

import org.junit.runner.runwith;

import org.springframework.test.context.contextconfiguration;

import org.springframework.test.context.testexecutionlisteners;

import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.springjunit4classrunner;

import org.springframework.test.context.support.dependencyinjectiontestexecutionlistener;

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.transactional;


@contextconfiguration(locations = { "classpath:/spring.xml" })

@testexecutionlisteners({ dependencyinjectiontestexecutionlistener.class })


public abstract class basedtestcase {

protected static properties properties = new properties();

static {

* the databaseconfig.properties stores the database configuration information. it's like this: <br>

* driverclass=oracle.jdbc.oracledriver<br>

* db_inst=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<br>

* db_user=username<br>

* db_pwd=password<br>


} catch (ioexception e) {


* this abstract is used for prepare data before do the real method call.

* @param iconn

* @throws exception

protected abstract void preparedata(idatabaseconnection iconn) throws exception;

* execute one sql

* @param sql

protected void execsql(idatabaseconnection iconn, string sql) throws exception {

connection con = iconn.getconnection();

statement stmt = con.createstatement();


if (stmt != null) {


* get idatabaseconnection connection

* @return

protected idatabaseconnection getidatabaseconnection() throws exception {

string db_inst = "", db_user = "", db_pwd = "", driverclass = "";

//the default is commit the record

db_user = properties.getproperty("db_user");

db_inst = properties.getproperty("db_inst");

db_pwd = properties.getproperty("db_pwd");

driverclass = properties.getproperty("driverclass");

idatabaseconnection iconn = null;

idatabasetester databasetester;

databasetester = new jdbcdatabasetester(driverclass, db_inst, db_user, db_pwd);

iconn = databasetester.getconnection();

return iconn;

* this is used to assert the data from table and the expected data set. if all of the them has the same records, then the assert is true.

* @param tablename

* @param expecteddataset

protected void assertdataset(string tablename, string sql, idataset expecteddataset, idatabaseconnection iconn) throws exception {

printdataasxml(iconn, tablename, sql);

querydataset loadeddataset = new querydataset(iconn);

loadeddataset.addtable(tablename, sql);

itable table1 = loadeddataset.gettable(tablename);

itable table2 = expecteddataset.gettable(tablename);

assert.assertequals(table2.getrowcount(), table1.getrowcount());

defaultcolumnfilter.includedcolumnstable(table1, table2.gettablemetadata().getcolumns());

assertion.assertequals(table2, table1);

* create the data set by input stream which read from the dbunit xml data file.

* @param is

* convert the data in the itable to list

* @param table

private list<map<?, ?>> getdatafromtable(itable table) throws exception {

list<map<?, ?>> ret = new arraylist<map<?, ?>>();

int count_table = table.getrowcount();

if (count_table > 0) {

column[] columns = table.gettablemetadata().getcolumns();

for (int i = 0; i < count_table; i++) {

map<string, object> map = new treemap<string, object>();

for (column column : columns) {

map.put(column.getcolumnname().touppercase(), table.getvalue(i, column.getcolumnname()));


return ret;

* get data by the sql and table name, then convert the data in the itable to list

protected list<map<?, ?>> gettabledatafromsql(idatabaseconnection iconn, string tablename, string sql) throws exception {

itable table = iconn.createquerytable(tablename, sql);

return getdatafromtable(table);

* get data by the sql and table name, then convert the data in the itable to list. and the print the data as xml data format.

protected void printdataasxml(idatabaseconnection iconn, string tablename, string sql) throws exception {

list<map<?, ?>> datas = gettabledatafromsql(iconn, tablename, sql);

stringbuffer sb;

for (map<?, ?> data : datas) {

sb = new stringbuffer();

sb.append("<" + tablename.touppercase() + " ");

for (object o : data.keyset()) {

sb.append(o + "=\"" + data.get(o) + "\" ");



* export data for the table names by the given connection into the resultfile.<br>

public void exportdata(connection conn, list<string> tablenamelist, string resultfile) throws sqlexception, databaseunitexception, filenotfoundexception, ioexception {

if (conn == null) {

idatabaseconnection iconn = new databaseconnection(conn);

exportdata(iconn, tablenamelist, resultfile);



create table youtablename_1(

filed_1 int,

filed_2 varchar2(50),

filed_3 varchar2(50)



<youtablename_1 filed_1="1" filed_2="f2" filed_3="f3"/>

<youtablename_1 filed_1="2" filed_2="f2_1" filed_3="f3_1"/>


<youtablename_1 filed_1="1" filed_2="a" filed_3="a1"/>

<youtablename_1 filed_1="2" filed_2="b" filed_3="b1"/>



public class updatetest {

private static boolean commit = true;

public updatetest() {

private void commit(connection conn) throws sqlexception {

if (commit) {


public void updatefiled(connection conn) throws sqlexception {

conn.createstatement().execute("update youtablename_1 set filed_2='a',filed_3='a1' where filed_1=1");

conn.createstatement().execute("update youtablename_1 set filed_2='b',filed_3='b1' where filed_1=2");



package com.ubs.cre.tools.datatool.ipl;

import java.lang.reflect.field;

import java.lang.reflect.method;

import org.dbunit.operation.databaseoperation;

import org.junit.test;

import com.ubs.cre.basedtestcase;

public class mytest extends basedtestcase {


public void testsend() throws ioexception, sqlexception {

connection conn = null;

boolean result = boolean.false;

//get dbunit conneciton

iconn = getidatabaseconnection();

//get database connection

conn = iconn.getconnection();

//set auto commit false


//prepare data


//use reflect to set the commit field to false

class<updatetest> clazz = updatetest.class;

field commitfield = clazz.getdeclaredfield("commit");


commitfield.setboolean(clazz, false);

//call the method updatefiled

method method = clazz.getdeclaredmethod("updatefiled", java.sql.connection.class);


//before call the method, the clazz must be get an new install, because the called method "updatefiled" is not static.<br>

//if the called method is static, it will not need newinstance.

method.invoke(clazz.newinstance(), conn);

// get result data set by result xml file

replacementdataset dataload_result = createdataset(thread.currentthread().getcontextclassloader().getresourceasstream("mytest_result.xml"));

// compare the data which get from database and the expected result file

assertdataset("youtablename_1", "select filed_1,filed_2,filed_3 from youtablename_1 order by filed_1", dataload_result, iconn);

} catch (exception e) {


if (conn != null) {



protected void preparedata(idatabaseconnection iconn) throws exception {

//remove the data from table youtablename_1

execsql(iconn, "delete from youtablename_1");

//insert test data

replacementdataset createdataset = createdataset(thread.currentthread().getcontextclassloader().getresourceasstream("mytest.xml"));

