



But every time we've gotten serious about going for the record, all the snow has melted, and we've missed our window of opportunity. So this year, I wanted to get started right away.



window of opportunity: 難逢的機會

He suggests the window of opportunity for buying is within the next six months.



oportunity to do sth: 做某事有機會

rare /unique opportunity: 難得的機會

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: 千載難逢的機會

golden opportunity: 絕佳的機會

missed opportunity: 失去的機會

take/seize/use an opportunity: 把握、抓住、利用機會

an opportunity arises: 出現了機會

When Rowley came over, we started rolling the first snowball to make the base. I figured the base was going to have to be at least eight feet tall on its own if we wanted to have a shot at breading the record. But the snowball got real heavy, and we had to take a bunch of breaks in between rolls so we could catch our breath.


During one of our breaks, Mom came outside to go to the grocery store, but our snowball was blocking her car in. So we got a little free labor out of her.


After our break, me and Rowley pushed that snowball until we couldn't push it any farther. But when we looked behind us, we saw the mess we had made.


The snowball had gotten so heavy that it tore up all the sod Dad had just laid down this fall.


I was hoping it would snow a few more inches and cover up our tracks, but just like that, it stopped snowing.


Our plan to build the world's biggest snowman was starting to fall apart. So I came up with a better idea for our snowball.


Every time it snow, the kids from Whirley Street use our hill for sledding, even though this isn't their neighborhood.


So tomorrow morning, when the Whirley Street kids come marching up our hill, me and Rowley are going to teach those guys a lesson.



When I woke up this morning, the snow was already starting to melt. So I told Rowley to hurry up and get down to my house.


While I was waiting for Rowley to show up, I watched Manny trying to build a snowman out of the piddly crumbs of snow that were left over from our snowball.


It was actually kind of pathetic.


Ppathetci /pəˈθetɪk/ : 可憐的

I really couldn't help doing what I did next. Unfortunately for me, right at that moment, Dad was at the front window.


Dad was already mad at me for tearing up the sod, so I knew I was in for it. I heard the garage door open and I saw Dad coming outside. He marched right out carrying a snow shovel, and I thought I was going to have to make a run for it.

本來老爸已經對我扯掉草皮的事懷恨在心,我知道自己在劫難逃。我聽到車床車庫門打開的聲音。老爸走出來了 ,他扛着鏟子,氣沖沖往外走,三十六計,走為上計。

be in for it: 将受到懲罰

If they find out what I've done, I'll be in for it, won't I?


be in for sth: 将要遭遇不愉快的事

I'm afraid he's in for a bit of a disappointment.


But Dad was heading for my snowball, not me. And in less than a minute, he reduced all our hard work to nothing.


reduced to nothing: 一筆勾銷

It's taken 41 years, but a previously unseen set of photos of the mighty Niagara Falls reduced to nothing more than a barren cliff-top have finally surfaced.

