



司法部副部長麗莎•莫納科(Lisa Monaco)在釋出會上表示,調查人員繳獲了63.7枚比特币,目前價值約230萬美元。


5月7日,科洛尼爾管道運輸公司(Colonial Pipeline)發表聲明說,該公司當天發現遭到勒索軟體(ransomware)攻擊後,“主動關閉某些系統以控制威脅,這使得所有管道中斷運作,部分資訊技術系統也受到影響”。



A customer helps pumping gas at Costco, as other wait in line, on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, in Charlotte, N.C. Colonial Pipeline, which delivers about 45 percent of the fuel consumed on the East Coast, halted operations last week after revealing a cyberattack that it said had affected some of its systems. /AP


The Justice Department on Monday recovered some $2.3 million in cryptocurrency ransom paid by Colonial Pipeline, cracking down on hackers who launched the most disruptive U.S. cyberattack on record.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said investigators had seized 63.7 bitcoins, now valued at about $2.3 million, paid by Colonial after last month's hack of its systems that led to massive shortages at U.S. East Coast gas stations.

The Justice Department has "found and recaptured the majority" of the ransom paid by Colonial, Monaco said.



An affidavit filed on Monday said the FBI was in possession of a private key to unlock a bitcoin wallet that had received most of the funds. It was unclear how the FBI gained access to the key.

A judge in San Francisco approved the seizure of funds from this "cryptocurrency address," which the filing said was located in the Northern District of California.

Colonial Pipeline had said it paid the hackers nearly $5 million to regain access. Bitcoin was trading down nearly 5 percent around 6:00 p.m. ET (2200 GMT). The cryptocurrency's value has dropped to around $34,000 in recent weeks after hitting a high of $63,000 in April.


Tanker trucks are parked near the entrance of Colonial Pipeline in Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S., May 12, 2021. /VCG

美國聯邦調查局(FBI)認為,這次攻擊來自一個名為“黑暗面”(DarkSide)的黑客團夥。FBI副局長保羅•阿巴特(Paul Abbate)周一的新聞釋出會上表示,黑暗面是一個總部位于俄羅斯的網絡犯罪集團。

The hack, attributed by the FBI to a gang called DarkSide, caused a days-long shutdown that led to a spike in gas prices, panic buying and localized fuel shortages. It posed a major political headache for President Joe Biden as the U.S. economy was starting to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The White House urged corporate executives and business leaders last week to step up security measures to protect against ransomware attacks after the Colonial hack and later intrusions that disrupted operations at a major meatpacking company.

Deputy FBI Director Paul Abbate, who spoke at the same news conference as Monaco on Monday, described DarkSide as a Russia-based cybercrime group.

Abbate said the FBI was tracking more than 100 ransomware variants. DarkSide itself victimized at least 90 U.S. companies, including manufacturers and healthcare providers, he said.








