
黨紀學習教育 | 學習貫徹《中國共産黨紀律處分條例》第四章 對違法犯罪黨員的紀律處分(上)

{"info":{"title":{"content":"黨紀學習教育 | 學習貫徹《中國共産黨紀律處分條例》第四章 對違法犯罪黨員的紀律處分(上)","en":"Party discipline study and education | Study and Implement Chapter IV of the \"Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China\" Disciplinary Sanctions for Party Members Who Violate the Law and Commit Crimes (Part I)"},"description":{"content":"來源|綜合中央紀委國家監委網站▎監制:王鴻來稽核:楊肖磊責編:李誠龍編輯:王婷婷","en":"Source: Comprehensive website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission ▎ Producer: Wang Honglai Review: Yang Xiaolei Editor: Li Chenglong Editor: Wang Tingting"}},"items":[]}