
黨紀學習教育 | 學習貫徹《中國共産黨紀律處分條例》第三章 紀律處分運用規則

{"info":{"title":{"content":"黨紀學習教育 | 學習貫徹《中國共産黨紀律處分條例》第三章 紀律處分運用規則","en":"Party discipline study and education | Study and implement Chapter III of the \"Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China\" on the rules for the use of disciplinary sanctions"},"description":{"content":"來源:綜合中央紀委國家監委網站▎監制:王鴻來稽核:楊肖磊責編:李誠龍編輯:王婷婷","en":"Source: Comprehensive website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission ▎ Producer: Wang Honglai Review: Yang Xiaolei Editor: Li Chenglong Editor: Wang Tingting"}},"items":[]}